Who Controls Our Life? - Sadhguru
Addiction to anything reveals a sick-loyal Stockholm Syndrome Love/Hate relationship to anything, that takes a person’s Personal/Universal Sovereignty away, which is another way to say self-abuse replaces one’s own Conscience with a self punishing fused-relationship with drugs, alcohol, sex, one’s own body tiny ID, or the worst most prevalent Authoritarian-addiction is Earth’s denied Mother-addiction Codependent-relationship Replicating Collective mind-control Consciousness Mob-posse judgmental-addiction to other addicted fused Bully-relationship origin Mother-addicts.
Actually, anti-Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Physical-addiction is a Chemical kidnapping addiction too, just like any addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, and Mother addictions remain a chemical kidnapping Physical solid-matter Body Prison mind-control illusion take-over. Hence the term Government-corruption Mother-tit Mafia Blackmail is the most prevalent Sex-addiction Child-sacrifice Collective Earth Consciousness denied Codependent Fused Mother-relationship core-issue People-addiction Love/Hate marriage-addiction Dysfunctional tension, and projection Mother-fear addiction Co-creation-quanta Transference-replication.
Both the Mother and the child addicted to each other, without a Conscience, are all three victim/victimizer/caretaker roles the instant, either one can be identified as any one of the three, because if anyone is a victim from caretaking another, both become Hate-victimizer addicts and, all other relationships replicate this Collective Mob-posse judgmental Consciousness sick-loyal Codependent Mother-relationship political victim/victimizer/caretaker Hate wrath. Actually, Political victim/victimizer/caretaker-addiction to mutually-abusive fused-relationship Codependent Mother replicating people is called “The Codependent Triangle”, that replicates all Parent 1, 2. Child 1, 2, 3. Mother-mercenary Family victim/victimizer/caretaker addiction triangulation.
The Ugliest, most prevalent mind-control Mother-addiction Codependent-relationship replication is our geopolitical international on-going excruciating Proxy War debilitating addiction, that the Collective can’t seem to identify, because this same Codependent Mother-iconic torture is, so personally painful, that we can’t see it at this Elite-intentional Family Triangulation replication same-evil mind-control anti-revel matching level.
This Triangulation anti-life on-going Personal/Universal mirror-double strangulation right out in front of us at this same Codependent victim/victimizer/caretaker woweewoo-aroonie “OUCHIES hurts so bad”, especially in “Universal Bed” with the malicious Satanic government, instead of any Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Personal Conscience left on ONENESS Spirit Mother-kidnapping victim/victimizer/caretaker Hate-wrath constant immoral-battering, actually best defines the truth of, all out War Earth Mother-fail.
When we, all marry our Mother-handler deaf Bully-addiction replications we vote for Proxy War on an international Family-mercenary victim/victimizer/caretaker Triangulation-addiction Earth-hate strangulation Codependent sick-loyal people-addiction gone torture mirror-double Universal-triangle Blind Torture-viral, right where it hurts the Humiliation prevalent Home heart-ridicule most.
This level of evil matches up perfectly with the Satanic Child-sacrifice level of Sex-slave Ownership-demonology Earth-take over, and it’s worse for Mother-addicts with children, so addicted to Mothers, that we have to name our people-addiction Earth-origin right out in front of our most prevalent Codependent-triangle “Mother Earth” Family Proxy War-triangle addiction, best way to deny it.
We, all know about breast feeding, yet later, when adults get in Codependent-relationships no one considers how close to Sex is, also another prevalent Mother-replication Adult-child marriage-fail chemical-addiction Physical-kidnapping all over again, just like Mother Hate is the source of all karmic role-reversal reincarnations-denied, as well.
This Treatise platform provides a Well Being support place to, also call The Mother-addiction Codependent-relationship the Belief-death Mortal-basis of all Physical-iconic Religion-addictions, that are, just another Mother-replication Karmic religious-addiction to the physical, too damned painful to, Not deny for the sake of all who suffer Collective sleepy National-kidnapping, along with everything else Bully-addicted, like People-crazy Earth-anxiety Political Hate-personified, right out in front of us, so mind-control prevalent we can’t see/hear/say intuit it-less-ness Spirit Light Aware beyond the Limited-physical Belief-fantasy Mortal-vested Amoral-anoma`lies.
The Mother-addiction Codependent-relationship | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/06/2019 09:36:00 AM