Surrendering to Divine Will
September 26, 2019
by Narendra Mishra

Surrendering to Divine Will
Awakening Spark, Sept. 22, 2019
This morning I had a breakthrough of sorts during my meditation. I say ‘of sorts’ because it came both as reminder of truth that I already knew, as well as a clearing of another very deeply rooted vasana or core issue. The topic was of surrendering to Divine Will and what that actually means.
Most of us have been programmed by our respective cultures and religions to believe that being spiritual means living a life of impoverishment- whether in health, wealth, lack of healthy relations, or otherwise. This belief goes so deep that it becomes a part of our conditioning in the subconscious.
As per the Law of Attraction, we create our lives based on our beliefs and our energetic frequencies. For most of us, we create unintentionally because we don’t know what beliefs (vasanas or core issues) we hold unconsciously. This is called tamo guna, or the quality of ignorance.
Very often, there is a marked dichotomy between our conscious and unconscious beliefs. Psychologists will agree that comparing the conscious and unconscious is like comparing the tip of iceberg to the portion which lies below the water.
Thus, our conscious beliefs only represent less than 10% of our total held beliefs. When there is a clash between our conscious and unconscious beliefs, it is the subconsciously held beliefs that will manifest.
The issue of clashing beliefs came up for me this morning as I was surrendering myself to Divine Will. Surrendering to the Divine Will became part of my daily prayer and meditations for quite some time now.
In my personal reading with the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon, the Mother advised me thus:
“You are very good at surrendering, and I ask of you to continue to work on this.”
I wondered what she meant by ‘continue to work on this’. This morning the answer came to me as I realised that I still held yet another layer of belief that spirituality is supposed to be about sacrifice and poverty. Poverty here being a multidimensional term encompassing financial, health, relationships, etc. Doing God’s work meant that you must live a certain lifestyle of lack.
This morning I heard very clearly the words of the Mother in my meditation,
“My Will for you is to live in an abundance of Joy and Prosperity. You can both serve my Will and enjoy abundance of health, wealth, sex, and all that life has to offer. This is my Will for everyone. All you have to do is be open to receiving.”
This was why the Mother asked me to continue to work on surrendering to Divine Will. Somewhere deep down I still had the archaic equation, spirituality = poverty, as a personal belief. This was what I was continuing to manifest on some level.
Almost immediately my rationale mind sprang into action as I gained a new understanding of a key tenet of Hinduism – that of the four goals in life or Pursharthas. These are considered to be the main goals of man and include Dharma (righteous action), Artha (acquisition of material wealth), Kama (fulfilment of desire) and Moksha (liberation).
The Divine Mother’s words brought a whole level of meaning to these goals. These were not merely goals to be attained but lived in each moment- as per the Will of God.
The Will of God is that you live in Dharma – that your actions be aligned with God’s Will. In the same reading with Linda Dillon, Sri Krishna said of this as follows:
“And what else can a man seek in this or any life? It is to live honourably, according to value, according to divine unfoldment rather than what is written.” (1)
The Will of God is that you live in Artha – abundance and prosperity in all material and financial matters, and in good health.
The Will of God is that you live in Kama – that you have fulfilment of your passions be they sexual, or creative hobbies, arts, music, dance, etc.
The Will of God is that you live in Moksha – an enlightened, Ascended, state whereby you own your full True Self as a Son or Daughter of God.
The Hindu scriptures give the perfect example of living as per the Will of God in the personality of King Janaka – the father of Sita in the Ramayana. He was said to be a Jivan-mukta, or one who is liberated while living. He lived the life of a King with all it’s accoutrements, yet was an enlightened being who served God.
The words of the Divine Mother this morning struck a chord in me. This issue of lack was something that I had dealt with before, but as most core issues go, it is a multi-headed hydra that breathes its fiery breath when least expected.
I am not surprised that this layer of cleansing comes at this time of the autumnal equinox. Magenta Pixie’s sources recently spoke about just such a deep cleansing taking place now, especially facilitated by Saturnian energies.
For now, I thank the Divine Mother for her continued revelations. I continue to surrender to, and to serve the Divine Will – this time in full acceptance of the divine gifts that are being offered – Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.
I share this with you now in the hope that it might also assist you in your own journey. Blessings to you all on this path!
(1) This is such a profound topic that I will write another post on it shortly.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
September 26, 2019
by Narendra Mishra

Surrendering to Divine Will
Awakening Spark, Sept. 22, 2019
This morning I had a breakthrough of sorts during my meditation. I say ‘of sorts’ because it came both as reminder of truth that I already knew, as well as a clearing of another very deeply rooted vasana or core issue. The topic was of surrendering to Divine Will and what that actually means.
Most of us have been programmed by our respective cultures and religions to believe that being spiritual means living a life of impoverishment- whether in health, wealth, lack of healthy relations, or otherwise. This belief goes so deep that it becomes a part of our conditioning in the subconscious.
As per the Law of Attraction, we create our lives based on our beliefs and our energetic frequencies. For most of us, we create unintentionally because we don’t know what beliefs (vasanas or core issues) we hold unconsciously. This is called tamo guna, or the quality of ignorance.
Very often, there is a marked dichotomy between our conscious and unconscious beliefs. Psychologists will agree that comparing the conscious and unconscious is like comparing the tip of iceberg to the portion which lies below the water.
Thus, our conscious beliefs only represent less than 10% of our total held beliefs. When there is a clash between our conscious and unconscious beliefs, it is the subconsciously held beliefs that will manifest.
The issue of clashing beliefs came up for me this morning as I was surrendering myself to Divine Will. Surrendering to the Divine Will became part of my daily prayer and meditations for quite some time now.
In my personal reading with the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon, the Mother advised me thus:
“You are very good at surrendering, and I ask of you to continue to work on this.”
I wondered what she meant by ‘continue to work on this’. This morning the answer came to me as I realised that I still held yet another layer of belief that spirituality is supposed to be about sacrifice and poverty. Poverty here being a multidimensional term encompassing financial, health, relationships, etc. Doing God’s work meant that you must live a certain lifestyle of lack.
This morning I heard very clearly the words of the Mother in my meditation,
“My Will for you is to live in an abundance of Joy and Prosperity. You can both serve my Will and enjoy abundance of health, wealth, sex, and all that life has to offer. This is my Will for everyone. All you have to do is be open to receiving.”
This was why the Mother asked me to continue to work on surrendering to Divine Will. Somewhere deep down I still had the archaic equation, spirituality = poverty, as a personal belief. This was what I was continuing to manifest on some level.
Almost immediately my rationale mind sprang into action as I gained a new understanding of a key tenet of Hinduism – that of the four goals in life or Pursharthas. These are considered to be the main goals of man and include Dharma (righteous action), Artha (acquisition of material wealth), Kama (fulfilment of desire) and Moksha (liberation).
The Divine Mother’s words brought a whole level of meaning to these goals. These were not merely goals to be attained but lived in each moment- as per the Will of God.
The Will of God is that you live in Dharma – that your actions be aligned with God’s Will. In the same reading with Linda Dillon, Sri Krishna said of this as follows:
“And what else can a man seek in this or any life? It is to live honourably, according to value, according to divine unfoldment rather than what is written.” (1)
The Will of God is that you live in Artha – abundance and prosperity in all material and financial matters, and in good health.
The Will of God is that you live in Kama – that you have fulfilment of your passions be they sexual, or creative hobbies, arts, music, dance, etc.
The Will of God is that you live in Moksha – an enlightened, Ascended, state whereby you own your full True Self as a Son or Daughter of God.
The Hindu scriptures give the perfect example of living as per the Will of God in the personality of King Janaka – the father of Sita in the Ramayana. He was said to be a Jivan-mukta, or one who is liberated while living. He lived the life of a King with all it’s accoutrements, yet was an enlightened being who served God.
The words of the Divine Mother this morning struck a chord in me. This issue of lack was something that I had dealt with before, but as most core issues go, it is a multi-headed hydra that breathes its fiery breath when least expected.
I am not surprised that this layer of cleansing comes at this time of the autumnal equinox. Magenta Pixie’s sources recently spoke about just such a deep cleansing taking place now, especially facilitated by Saturnian energies.
For now, I thank the Divine Mother for her continued revelations. I continue to surrender to, and to serve the Divine Will – this time in full acceptance of the divine gifts that are being offered – Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.
I share this with you now in the hope that it might also assist you in your own journey. Blessings to you all on this path!
(1) This is such a profound topic that I will write another post on it shortly.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Surrendering to Divine Will | Awakening Spark
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/26/2019 08:39:00 PM