Nothing is Easy | Pine Cone

I am Moon, so Mother me Mother Moon me Moon

Tree me Tree so I am Time me Climb

Everything Feels me Feels, never feel separate

I am Women so Man me Man

Every tool in the Box me Box so Tools me Too

Pretending everything is separate is insanity; you know doing the same thing, as me and expecting different results, so You me You, so well, that Nothing me Nothing is easier than Earth me Earth you Hell.

Mother me Mother sane Mother you Mother seems insane to a Psychiatrist separatist from Insanity me Insanity, so Everyone me Everyone, never does the same insane things, expecting different insane Results me Results

I am not my Mother, and she is not me, but I am Mother me Mother the sane same as She me She, so Take the ‘other’ out of Earth me Earth and See what Sees

I am bicycle Karma, so Karma me Karma, as Hard me Hard, but Nothing is easy from Nothing me Nothing.

Existence me Existence, so Light me Fire on the way to the Bank me Bank, expecting Open me Open

Vagina me Vagina sane expecting Penis me Penis results where alone turns to All One Kid me Kid, so there’s, no more separate Kidding around Insanity

Cosmos me Cosmos, so Universe me Universe, where Love me Love, ain’t insane different from Hate me Hate Results

Pine me Pine, so Cone me Cone where bee me bee, and honey Busy me Dizzy

Fat me Fat, and Skinny me Skinny for practice, so Name me Name makes no, more insane difference

Bully me Bully, so Fully me Fully, where Time me Time Daze me day-less, to Piss me Piss off the insane Psychiatrist “Separatist me Separatist”

Insane me Insane, and Sane me Sane, so Suck me Suck, and Duck me Duck is, never separate from Orgasm me Orgasm

Orgasm me Orgasm so I, never go Pine Cone myself, because Luck me Luck Nothing is easier

Peeve me Peeve, so I can Moon myself right back in a Flash me Flash, where Light be Light and Heaven be Heaven

Aunt Flow me Aunt Flow, so easy as pie where Apples are Oranges, and Shame me Angry

Shakespeare me Shakespeare, so Tyger me Bright, where Fun me Fun Blake-sane, and No means Insane

I am, all feelings at once, just like everyone else, so Feel me Feel where no Slice me Dice

Evil me Evil, so separate is normal, where Earth me Moon is the same Sun reflection.

Christ me Christ, who Mothers me Mothers, so Mother me Mother is Nothing but easy

Music me Music, so Note me Note, where Timing me Timing, Earth to Pine Cone , no problem

Mary me Mary, and Dick me Dick, where Ping me Pong, and Tick me Off Tock

Pain me Pain so Joy me Joy, where Nothing is easy, and Be me Be lets me

Pine me Cone, and Cone you Pine plenty, so there is no wee, and Pee me Please the pod…`nod welcome

Where ya going?

Already there, and so are you, fool.

When are you leaving?

Already did, so just a few sparkles left here to fool ya.


Sex is a good category for this one. I love cartoons. Every once in a while we would get to see a cartoon just before a movie and when it is every once in a while it is really good sex. I was fantasizing the other day about the cartoon I was watching in front of me and felt a special inspiration. I got the idea that what was happening in front of me seemed amusing, as if it was a cartoon of the inside of me. I am enjoying the afterglow of Peace and I think I will sleep right through the movie.

The next time I wake up refreshed, I will look forward to the next cartoon because they're fun and every so often makes them special like good sex. What if everything I notice is a creation of the inside of me? Wouldn’t it be fun to see a good cartoon any time I want, and feel the Peace of afterglow as a reward just for looking? Humility to all and a good wake up call! Pinetree dropping a cone and... “Making Copies!”

Richmeister: Nicknames for Sting - SNL

Nothing is Easy | Pine Cone Nothing is Easy | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 8/27/2019 08:28:00 AM Rating: 5

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