August 1, 2019

I’ve decided to write about some of the unusual things that have been happening in one article instead of focusing on one anomaly or event at a time in multiple articles even though doing so may read rather scattered and seemingly disjointed. Scattered and seemingly disjointed is exactly how life and reality is now for most of us anyway. Because of that it feels the most helpful at the moment to just talk about some of these main 2019 events, anomalies, awareness’s and personal experiences I and many have been having all lumped together because that’s exactly how we’ve been experiencing them. I’ve always preferred to write from my firsthand experiences and direct knowledge and this article isn’t going to veer off of that format at this late date within the Ascension and Embodiment Processes.
One of the many things I wanted to include is a great channeled term I read many years ago from Steve Rother and his group. Their line was, ‘the many little gods’ or ‘little gods’. The second I read their term I burst into laughter over it because it was not only true but funny because it indicated some—what shall we call it—possible irritations?, conflicts?, clashes, differing points of view and beliefs between the many neophyte ‘little gods’.
What this great term ‘little gods’ was referring to was us, the First Everythingers, the Volunteers, First Wavers, Second Wavers, Forerunners, Starseeds, Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Lightworkers and those of us first to Embody and how we would deal with each other, interact, work together, play together, Consciously Create individually and together once we’d reached the evolutionary level where we had actually become ‘little gods’ individually. This sounds mildly humorous at first but as more of us have discovered over the past few years, it’s not so funny at this point, but a very real challenge for each of us to learn from and adapt to individually. How does a Group of Embodied Individual human Masters deal with the other Embodied human Masters? With the highest respect and deepest gratitude.
One of the many things that’s been difficult for me and I know for many others is our continuous evolution from little 3D people of the old lower frequencies and density into greater, larger 5D people of the NEW higher Light frequencies. These Ascension Process and Embodiment Process changes over the past twenty-plus years has oftentimes been not only hellacious but colossally weird in that we HAVE been evolving from lower frequency and consciousness ego-based little humans into much higher frequency and consciousness multidimensional Light Crystalline humans who are individually becoming physically Embodied ‘little gods’. That is what the Embodiment Process is; us becoming ‘little gods’ from having Embodied, unified with, merged with, had our Higher Self/Selves/Soul take full residency with our little people selves in our physical bodies. We’ve become—with more choosing the Embodiment Process every day—Embodied individual‘little gods’ over the years and that process has not only been extraordinarily remarkable and exasperating to personally live, but also sometimes difficult to watch other ascension teachers/writers going through themselves.
We’re no longer old lower world little people but we’re not quiet yet 100% Embodied NEW ‘little gods’ either, but an oftentimes awkward, ungainly and unattractive combination of them both. This reminds me of going through the insanity known as puberty and how awkward and unattractive the majority of us were during that phase! Same case now with our individual spiritual Embodiment Process. We are not what we were before it started, but we haven’t fully completed the changeover into full-blown ‘little god’ Embodiment either and are doing our current best to not look, sound or act like awkward, raging hormonal nitwits with spiritual pimples everywhere during this, the final phase of our profound individual transmutation into something entirely NEW and radically different.
Because of this—and all the rest of it!—let’s please be kind to those living the Embodiment Process during this final completion phase of it. Give each of us the space, room, time, patience and understanding for each of us to complete this extraordinary living in-body transfiguration. Sometimes we flail a bit during our individual Higher/lower Embodiment Process spiritual puberty awkwardness. It too just is what it is and we’ll Master this as well. But know that those of us who chose to Embody first are in our final stages of this esoteric, mystical, unfathomable process in 2019, both glorious and awkward all at once.
Fully Embodied NEW Light humans on Earth, along with everything that January 2020 will also anchor in, is and has been greatly accelerating the Separation and Shift. You cannot have increasingly Embodied Souls existing in physical human ascended bodies on Earth and expect anything to remain the same.
One of many side effects of the Embodiment Process, and general Ascension Process for that matter, is that many of us have been having much more obvious interactions with certain people that are NOT in the same Earth world reality and timeline we are. I’ve experienced this numerous times since 1999, but its become blatantly obvious in 2019 when two or more people are trying to communicate with each other and all of them do not exist on the same Earth world and timeline as the other person does.
Sometimes I cannot understand what the other person has said because to me it sounds like another launguage. Other times I hear English being spoken by the person but what they’re saying makes no sense to me whatsoever. It sounds to me like they’re lying, making up random crap about something and they can’t even do that well. When this happens I consciously understand what’s going on and why but that doesn’t make it any easier to accurately communicate with the person or people before me that exist in a different Earth world reality level and timeline than I currently do, and vice versa.
Have you ever said something to someone and they instantly look at you like you are crazy, stupid or both? I have many times and it’s highly frustrating sometimes to be so completely misunderstood by someone. The opposite is true too. Sometimes when someone not in the same Earth world and timeline as I am says something to me, I look at them like they’re crazy, stupid or both! Every time I’ve done this I apologize for my dumbfounded slack-jaw response and ask them to explain what exactly they meant and we attempt to go from there. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t. Welcome to the numerous and surreal side effect of the Separation of Worlds!
Another thing I’ve wanted to mention for a long time and kept forgetting is how those of us that can hold higher space really well, oftentimes experience sudden accidents and/or other traumatic life-changing events. In many cases, not all but many, these sudden severe accidents and/or events happen to help dislodge us, literally shake us loose from what we’d been holding energetically in place so well for so long. When abruptly impacted like this, we’re instantly freed to move on to the next higher level and phase of our Ascension and/or Embodiment Processes. There’s physical, emotional, financial and whatnot recovery time involved here too of course but we’ve been dramatically released from some old situation(s), person/people etc. from the old lower world and timeline that we very much needed immediate release from.
When this is happening to you it seems like your life and personal world has suddenly exploded and is in ruin all around you. It seems this way because it is exactly what’s happened and it was necessary, important and very helpful to you even though it doesn’t look or feel like it at the time. You have been freed by your Higher Self/Selves/Soul/Source from your previous holding pattern and space which is a blessing in the long-run. It may take some time for you to recover, recuperate and rebuild anew but that’s what these ascension lives are all about. Stair-steps that just keep going higher and higher and isn’t that a great thing!
Another aspect of this that I’ve been hearing more about from different people is that some are having sudden accidents that have caused them to break bones, many needing surgery or multiple surgeries to put the bone(s) back together again.
Because my Sun is in Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn and they rule our physical inner bones and skeletal structure, that’s my first thought when I hear about someone in 2019, having a sudden accident and they break a bone or bones. The second thought I have about this is the current Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn happening all year and reaching their one and only EXACT to the degree conjunction on January 12, 2020. What is it in you personal life and structure(s) that’s needing to stop holding old lower space and/or pattern(s) so you can be freed from it/them now? Nothing slows us down and forces us deeply inward than having our physical bodies suddenly immobilized. I don’t see anything “wrong” about any of this, only an obviously highlighted something that wants you/me/each of us experiencing Saturn and Pluto getting increasingly close in Capricorn all year to break free from past structures and spaces we’ve held so that we’re free to Shift, Separate and transcend into higher NEW spaces and states of personal inner being and external reality.
Another thing I want to include is some of the phenomena and other strange anomalies I’ve repeatedly seen physically and Seen clairvoyantly in 2018 and 2019.
One strange and uncomfortable visual was something I’ve never experienced before 2019 and hope I don’t again. It’s happened a few times throughout the year and looks like the physical external reality I can see at the time is being moved towards me and away from me incredibly fast. It’s not moved a great distance, only about ten feet or so from stationary me, but it’s the rapid speed and repetition of it that’s almost unbearable. It’s like someone very large is rapidly and repeatedly pushing and pulling physical reality toward you and away from you very quickly and you’re seeing this with your physical eyes while awake. It doesn’t last long thankfully because I’d be falling over and vomiting all over the place if it did!
Another increasingly common visual I’ve been Seeing, and I know many of us have been seeing and Seeing far more than ever before too, is Light anomalies, Light patterns and colors both in your energy fields and in your physical environment. These are too numerous to list and I’m sure what each of us has been physically seeing and clairvoyantly Seeing has continued to change, expand and become much more multidimensionally complex.
The NEW codes have much to do with what we’ve been seeing and Seeing since late 2018, and constantly and more vividly in 2019. By 2020 these NEW codes will be the NEW normal, the NEW and only set of codes for all of humanity in this higher Evolutionary Cycle. If you’re a Seer, a clairvoyant, someone that’s able to perceive these NEW multidimensional codes, templates, patterns, blueprints for humanity and reality etc., then you too have been seeing/Seeing some very beautiful NEW geometric code patterns, energy waves, clusters of patterns and colors, transparent Crystalline cluster patterns, Diamond waves, Diamond sparkle Lights and codes and on and on. Just beautiful and such a lovely distraction and bit of “high” from all the lower collapsing stuff, crap and difficulties trying to get most anything done in the old world with most of those people in it. At this point, it’s the small things.

The other day when I woke up I Saw an up close view of the evolutionary Spiral we’re on. This visual was of only one particular small section of the Spiral, the one we’re on now, and I knew my attention was being directed to it because it’s exactly where the Separation of Worlds & Timelines and Shift takes place.
This small Spiral section with its invisible demarcation line is where we cross-over, where we Shift from the old lower Spiral rung up to the next higher Spiral rung. From a Universal perspective this is an extremely brief moment in time. From our incarnate physical perspective it’s life and reality repeatedly exploding, piece by piece, situation by situation, habit by habit, expectation by expectation. It feels like we need to be wearing hazmat suits, helmets and other protective gear to protect us from these constant evolutionary changes. From higher levels it’s a rare and special moment where we cross-over from a lower Spiral rung to a higher Spiral rung and are never the same again. Based on what I Saw a couple of mornings ago, we’re in this cross-over area now and will be traversing it for the rest of 2019.
This crossing-over is also energetically connected to those living the Embodiment Process first. There are many different evolutionary happenings that are connected to our current crossing-over this invisible demarcation Shift line on the evolutionary Spiral. All of these things are why we’re feeling the profound pressures of completing the last twenty, thirty years of Ascension Process right now. We all feel everything is about to pop, Separate, Shift and fully Cross-Overinto the NEW. This is the completion point of this phase and where we transition over so don’t throw the towel in now fellow First Everythingers! Your HighHeart is in charge and taking you there.
August 1, 2019
Donations can be made here and thank you for the energy exchange support.

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2019. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.
August 1, 2019

I’ve decided to write about some of the unusual things that have been happening in one article instead of focusing on one anomaly or event at a time in multiple articles even though doing so may read rather scattered and seemingly disjointed. Scattered and seemingly disjointed is exactly how life and reality is now for most of us anyway. Because of that it feels the most helpful at the moment to just talk about some of these main 2019 events, anomalies, awareness’s and personal experiences I and many have been having all lumped together because that’s exactly how we’ve been experiencing them. I’ve always preferred to write from my firsthand experiences and direct knowledge and this article isn’t going to veer off of that format at this late date within the Ascension and Embodiment Processes.
One of the many things I wanted to include is a great channeled term I read many years ago from Steve Rother and his group. Their line was, ‘the many little gods’ or ‘little gods’. The second I read their term I burst into laughter over it because it was not only true but funny because it indicated some—what shall we call it—possible irritations?, conflicts?, clashes, differing points of view and beliefs between the many neophyte ‘little gods’.
What this great term ‘little gods’ was referring to was us, the First Everythingers, the Volunteers, First Wavers, Second Wavers, Forerunners, Starseeds, Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Lightworkers and those of us first to Embody and how we would deal with each other, interact, work together, play together, Consciously Create individually and together once we’d reached the evolutionary level where we had actually become ‘little gods’ individually. This sounds mildly humorous at first but as more of us have discovered over the past few years, it’s not so funny at this point, but a very real challenge for each of us to learn from and adapt to individually. How does a Group of Embodied Individual human Masters deal with the other Embodied human Masters? With the highest respect and deepest gratitude.
One of the many things that’s been difficult for me and I know for many others is our continuous evolution from little 3D people of the old lower frequencies and density into greater, larger 5D people of the NEW higher Light frequencies. These Ascension Process and Embodiment Process changes over the past twenty-plus years has oftentimes been not only hellacious but colossally weird in that we HAVE been evolving from lower frequency and consciousness ego-based little humans into much higher frequency and consciousness multidimensional Light Crystalline humans who are individually becoming physically Embodied ‘little gods’. That is what the Embodiment Process is; us becoming ‘little gods’ from having Embodied, unified with, merged with, had our Higher Self/Selves/Soul take full residency with our little people selves in our physical bodies. We’ve become—with more choosing the Embodiment Process every day—Embodied individual‘little gods’ over the years and that process has not only been extraordinarily remarkable and exasperating to personally live, but also sometimes difficult to watch other ascension teachers/writers going through themselves.
We’re no longer old lower world little people but we’re not quiet yet 100% Embodied NEW ‘little gods’ either, but an oftentimes awkward, ungainly and unattractive combination of them both. This reminds me of going through the insanity known as puberty and how awkward and unattractive the majority of us were during that phase! Same case now with our individual spiritual Embodiment Process. We are not what we were before it started, but we haven’t fully completed the changeover into full-blown ‘little god’ Embodiment either and are doing our current best to not look, sound or act like awkward, raging hormonal nitwits with spiritual pimples everywhere during this, the final phase of our profound individual transmutation into something entirely NEW and radically different.
Because of this—and all the rest of it!—let’s please be kind to those living the Embodiment Process during this final completion phase of it. Give each of us the space, room, time, patience and understanding for each of us to complete this extraordinary living in-body transfiguration. Sometimes we flail a bit during our individual Higher/lower Embodiment Process spiritual puberty awkwardness. It too just is what it is and we’ll Master this as well. But know that those of us who chose to Embody first are in our final stages of this esoteric, mystical, unfathomable process in 2019, both glorious and awkward all at once.
Fully Embodied NEW Light humans on Earth, along with everything that January 2020 will also anchor in, is and has been greatly accelerating the Separation and Shift. You cannot have increasingly Embodied Souls existing in physical human ascended bodies on Earth and expect anything to remain the same.
One of many side effects of the Embodiment Process, and general Ascension Process for that matter, is that many of us have been having much more obvious interactions with certain people that are NOT in the same Earth world reality and timeline we are. I’ve experienced this numerous times since 1999, but its become blatantly obvious in 2019 when two or more people are trying to communicate with each other and all of them do not exist on the same Earth world and timeline as the other person does.
Sometimes I cannot understand what the other person has said because to me it sounds like another launguage. Other times I hear English being spoken by the person but what they’re saying makes no sense to me whatsoever. It sounds to me like they’re lying, making up random crap about something and they can’t even do that well. When this happens I consciously understand what’s going on and why but that doesn’t make it any easier to accurately communicate with the person or people before me that exist in a different Earth world reality level and timeline than I currently do, and vice versa.
Have you ever said something to someone and they instantly look at you like you are crazy, stupid or both? I have many times and it’s highly frustrating sometimes to be so completely misunderstood by someone. The opposite is true too. Sometimes when someone not in the same Earth world and timeline as I am says something to me, I look at them like they’re crazy, stupid or both! Every time I’ve done this I apologize for my dumbfounded slack-jaw response and ask them to explain what exactly they meant and we attempt to go from there. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t. Welcome to the numerous and surreal side effect of the Separation of Worlds!
Another thing I’ve wanted to mention for a long time and kept forgetting is how those of us that can hold higher space really well, oftentimes experience sudden accidents and/or other traumatic life-changing events. In many cases, not all but many, these sudden severe accidents and/or events happen to help dislodge us, literally shake us loose from what we’d been holding energetically in place so well for so long. When abruptly impacted like this, we’re instantly freed to move on to the next higher level and phase of our Ascension and/or Embodiment Processes. There’s physical, emotional, financial and whatnot recovery time involved here too of course but we’ve been dramatically released from some old situation(s), person/people etc. from the old lower world and timeline that we very much needed immediate release from.
When this is happening to you it seems like your life and personal world has suddenly exploded and is in ruin all around you. It seems this way because it is exactly what’s happened and it was necessary, important and very helpful to you even though it doesn’t look or feel like it at the time. You have been freed by your Higher Self/Selves/Soul/Source from your previous holding pattern and space which is a blessing in the long-run. It may take some time for you to recover, recuperate and rebuild anew but that’s what these ascension lives are all about. Stair-steps that just keep going higher and higher and isn’t that a great thing!
Another aspect of this that I’ve been hearing more about from different people is that some are having sudden accidents that have caused them to break bones, many needing surgery or multiple surgeries to put the bone(s) back together again.
Because my Sun is in Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn and they rule our physical inner bones and skeletal structure, that’s my first thought when I hear about someone in 2019, having a sudden accident and they break a bone or bones. The second thought I have about this is the current Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn happening all year and reaching their one and only EXACT to the degree conjunction on January 12, 2020. What is it in you personal life and structure(s) that’s needing to stop holding old lower space and/or pattern(s) so you can be freed from it/them now? Nothing slows us down and forces us deeply inward than having our physical bodies suddenly immobilized. I don’t see anything “wrong” about any of this, only an obviously highlighted something that wants you/me/each of us experiencing Saturn and Pluto getting increasingly close in Capricorn all year to break free from past structures and spaces we’ve held so that we’re free to Shift, Separate and transcend into higher NEW spaces and states of personal inner being and external reality.
Another thing I want to include is some of the phenomena and other strange anomalies I’ve repeatedly seen physically and Seen clairvoyantly in 2018 and 2019.
One strange and uncomfortable visual was something I’ve never experienced before 2019 and hope I don’t again. It’s happened a few times throughout the year and looks like the physical external reality I can see at the time is being moved towards me and away from me incredibly fast. It’s not moved a great distance, only about ten feet or so from stationary me, but it’s the rapid speed and repetition of it that’s almost unbearable. It’s like someone very large is rapidly and repeatedly pushing and pulling physical reality toward you and away from you very quickly and you’re seeing this with your physical eyes while awake. It doesn’t last long thankfully because I’d be falling over and vomiting all over the place if it did!
Another increasingly common visual I’ve been Seeing, and I know many of us have been seeing and Seeing far more than ever before too, is Light anomalies, Light patterns and colors both in your energy fields and in your physical environment. These are too numerous to list and I’m sure what each of us has been physically seeing and clairvoyantly Seeing has continued to change, expand and become much more multidimensionally complex.
The NEW codes have much to do with what we’ve been seeing and Seeing since late 2018, and constantly and more vividly in 2019. By 2020 these NEW codes will be the NEW normal, the NEW and only set of codes for all of humanity in this higher Evolutionary Cycle. If you’re a Seer, a clairvoyant, someone that’s able to perceive these NEW multidimensional codes, templates, patterns, blueprints for humanity and reality etc., then you too have been seeing/Seeing some very beautiful NEW geometric code patterns, energy waves, clusters of patterns and colors, transparent Crystalline cluster patterns, Diamond waves, Diamond sparkle Lights and codes and on and on. Just beautiful and such a lovely distraction and bit of “high” from all the lower collapsing stuff, crap and difficulties trying to get most anything done in the old world with most of those people in it. At this point, it’s the small things.

The other day when I woke up I Saw an up close view of the evolutionary Spiral we’re on. This visual was of only one particular small section of the Spiral, the one we’re on now, and I knew my attention was being directed to it because it’s exactly where the Separation of Worlds & Timelines and Shift takes place.
This small Spiral section with its invisible demarcation line is where we cross-over, where we Shift from the old lower Spiral rung up to the next higher Spiral rung. From a Universal perspective this is an extremely brief moment in time. From our incarnate physical perspective it’s life and reality repeatedly exploding, piece by piece, situation by situation, habit by habit, expectation by expectation. It feels like we need to be wearing hazmat suits, helmets and other protective gear to protect us from these constant evolutionary changes. From higher levels it’s a rare and special moment where we cross-over from a lower Spiral rung to a higher Spiral rung and are never the same again. Based on what I Saw a couple of mornings ago, we’re in this cross-over area now and will be traversing it for the rest of 2019.
This crossing-over is also energetically connected to those living the Embodiment Process first. There are many different evolutionary happenings that are connected to our current crossing-over this invisible demarcation Shift line on the evolutionary Spiral. All of these things are why we’re feeling the profound pressures of completing the last twenty, thirty years of Ascension Process right now. We all feel everything is about to pop, Separate, Shift and fully Cross-Overinto the NEW. This is the completion point of this phase and where we transition over so don’t throw the towel in now fellow First Everythingers! Your HighHeart is in charge and taking you there.
August 1, 2019
Donations can be made here and thank you for the energy exchange support.

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2019. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.
Crossing-Over | Denise Le Fay
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/01/2019 10:35:00 PM