A Word for Prophets that have been in Battle | Lana Vawser

Posted on June 10, 2019


The Lord spoke to me that many prophets have been in a private battle especially recently. Many prophets have been “fighting for their lives” and for their “mantle” behind closed doors of late. These private battles have left many feeling beaten down and broken. The Lord spoke to me that this word is not a corporate word for every prophet in the body of Christ, this is a word for those prophets who have been in a ferocious battle lately.

The Lord showed me that there has been a spirit of python that has been coming against many prophets to suck the life out of you, to suffocate you, to break you, to silence you and to completely take you out and hinder you from moving into what the Lord has destined for you that is just up ahead.

The Lord showed me that there have been this intense battles and opposition of the enemy against many of you to take you out, but also the hand of the Lord is moulding you and shaping you, preparing you for what you are about to release. See the Lord has been depositing things within you in the most broken place that you do not even realise He has been doing and He is about to decree a divine RESET.

I saw in the place of brokenness and the place of being battle weary the Lord is decreeing a divine RESET. All that the enemy has caused, all the trauma, all the fear, all the terror, all the weariness is about to fall off you. All of the ailments are about to fall to the ground. All of the issues with your sight are about to be healed. Where vision that the Lord has given you has been stolen, has been tampered with, has been confused, the Lord is going to RESET the vision. He is going to RE SET YOU INTO THE VISION. You are about to be concreted into His vision like never before. What He spoke to you, but you have been knocked down and broken as you stepped into it, the Lord is resetting you, reviving you, restoring you and re setting you into it but this time in the RE SETTING of His vision you are going to notice something very different, in the darkness, in the battle, in the wilderness place, He has EXTENDED the vision.

I heard the Lord say:

“NOW I am about to release the VISION! NOW I am about to release the EXTENDED VISION! The vision with INCREASE!!!!”


I then had a vision and I saw Jesus walking over to each prophet and He was ministering to them. They wept as He ministered to them. Their weariness was deep from the fire, He placed His hand under their chins and He spoke “You have been found FAITHFUL!!!!”

As His Word fell upon them, it came upon them like honey and oil together. As I watched the honey and the oil from His Words pour over them from the top of their head to the bottom of their feet, NOTHING was left untouched I heard the word thundering around me “RESTORED!!!!!”

I heard the resounding promise of Jeremiah 30:17 for these prophets:

“For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the LORD, because they have called you an outcast: ‘It is Zion, for whom no one cares!’”

Healing had happened. An increase of anointing had taken place. A restoration of all the broken and stolen places, completely restored.

He then spoke again:

“Many of you have been in these fierce private battles fighting for your lives crying out to Me “Lord, this is the end”. But I am decreeing this is your greatest new beginning. This is your greatest new beginning! Where you thought you had come to the end and could not go on, I have brought you to the place of promotion. For in these fierce battles, I have done things within you and placed things within you that you have not yet seen. You have remained faithful in the midst of the fire and I have broken down what needed to be broken down even while the enemy was attempting to suffocate you and now you are moving into the greatest promotion of your office and release of your voice upon the earth.”


The Lord showed me that this spirit of python has attempted to steal and suffocate the voice of these prophets. Those of you who have been in these intense private battles, you know that your voice has been stolen and hindered because you have been crying out to the Lord about this very thing.

I then heard the Lord say “The enemy attempted to silence you but you are now moving into an increase of anointing like that of John the Baptist to prepare the body of Christ for the revealing of My Glory and Majesty!”

The John the Baptist and Elijah prophets have been hit HARD lately but that’s because the Lord is about to release upon you the most significant, weighty, anointed words that you have ever received to prepare the body of Christ for the revealing of His majesty and Glory like we have never seen.
Prophets of God, those of you in these private battles, have hope, for your deliverance is nigh and the Lord is increasing the oil of His presence and anointing upon you.

Fear and intimidation in the battle has attempted to stop you from moving forward or speaking, but I hear Zechariah 2:5 for you:

‘For I,’ declares the LORD, ‘will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.'”

The fear and intimidation has been intense but the hand of the Lord is over you, there is an increase of angelic hosts surrounding you and what the enemy has been whispering are lies and WILL NOT touch you or your family.

You have been broken down by the battle, but the Lord’s hand in the brokenness has been forging and forming you. You are the clay and He is the potter (Isaiah 64:8) and in the midst of the battle you have continued to cry out “YOUR WILL BE DONE!!!”.

Pride, self promotion, agenda, impurity of heart, judgements, bitterness has been broken out of you. The brokenness has been hard, but what the Lord is doing in the midst of it all is beautiful.

The private battle may have almost killed you, but the demonstration of His restoration will be seen publicly by all around.


Where there has been such an intense battle over your voice and such an intense private battle the breakthrough upon you will see you forerun and carry the NEW SOUND He is releasing. Unlike any other season before I feel the weightiness of the fear of God over stewardship of the heart. For those that the Lord is raising up carrying the new sound are those who are walking with a purity of heart. These ones will come out of the woodwork carrying the new sound of the Lord. They have been forged in the fire and forged in the battle and they walk with one agenda. To minister to Jesus and see His Kingdom established and His Glory revealed upon the earth.

Then the glory of the LORD will be revealed, And all flesh will see it together; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” (Isaiah 40:5)

These ones will carry the new sound releasing it into the earth. It has already begun but it is about to get LOUD and this is why the enemy has tried to “kill” these “John the Baptist” and “Elijah” prophets, but they will be positioned not by the hand of man, but by the hand of the Lord and the favour of the Lord will follow them. Where stones of jealousy, injustice, backstabbing and curses have been thrown at them by others in the body of Christ, the Lord has developed within them “thick skin” and a “soft heart”.

They truly pray for those who curse them (Luke 6:28) and bless those who hurt them. Where the words of others have tried to tear them down, the pure Word of the Lord that they will carry will see the hand of the Lord position them in greater favour than before.

These prophets will be EMPOWERED by the Spirit of God in ways we have never seen with the miraculous and MIGHTY demonstrations of His power accompanying the Word of the Lord, the new sound that is coming upon the earth.

When these ones speak and decree there will be a violent shaking in the spirit that will take place that will see almost instantaneous manifestations in the natural.

The enemy has tried SO hard to knock these prophets out of the ‘divine alignment’ of God in all that He has called them to and to walk in, but now they are being restored, raised up again stronger than ever, carrying the new sound and an earth shaking, ground breaking anointing for ALIGNMENT.

When they speak, the Spirit of God will move in power and MIGHTY demonstrations of the divine alignment of God will manifest in the natural.

Prophets of God in the fiercest private battles of your life, you are not going to die, this is not the end, Jesus is with you, He is ministering to you and you have met your point of greatest promotion of being RE SET into your office and anointing with increase and releasing the sound of His heart upon the earth to prepare the way for the greatest move of God we have ever seen.

The breaker is upon you, don’t sop putting your hands to what God has called you to do, SPEAK!

Source: Lana Vawser
A Word for Prophets that have been in Battle | Lana Vawser A Word for Prophets that have been in Battle | Lana Vawser Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 6/10/2019 10:12:00 AM Rating: 5

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