An Idea Whose Time has Come | Steve Beckow

An Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 1/2

May 18, 2019
By Steve Beckow

Werner Erhard wrote a very challenging essay in 1977, called The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come. (1)

In it he explained, from his point of view, how life worked. I can’t think of any other way to describe it. His book utterly bewitched me when I first read it.

I try to imagine what changes Werner might make in his discussion if he were to have it now. Let’s take one notion.

Let me discuss what he said about the power of an idea whose time has come. I choose that notion because it confirmed some things I’ve been saying and so struck me.

Initially in the trainings he used the word enlightenment; then it became transformation, context, etc. More and more he left aside any wording that was at all religious.

Werner joked about not discussing “the black Lady [God]” in his trainings and other events. That certainly eliminated sectarian rivalries.

Everyone in an educational position, I imagine, faces the need to put their message in terms their readers or viewers can understand. But it meant that there’d be no place for the Divine Plan in his training. Or the universal laws.

If we allow for these constraints, the juice of what he’s saying is still very nourishing.

The juice is:

“When the time for things comes, they happen by whatever means are available. When an idea’s time comes, the forces in the world are transformed so that, instead of what you do being unworkable, what you do works. And you do what works.” (2)

Chrikey. That’s so absolutely true. And it becomes even more true when one factors in the Divine Plan.

Let’s look more closely at what he just said.

“When the time for things comes, they happen by whatever means are available.” Absolutely. In today’s terms, when the time comes in the Divine Plan for something to occur, it’ll happen by whatever avenue there is.

This isn’t an example we like to think about but it does illustrate the principle: If a person’s time to go arrives, Michael has told me, they’ll exit by whatever means presents itself – Fentanyl, accident on a motorcycle, fall off a kitchen stool.

Many times Michael has said to me that it wasn’t my time to go and so he prevented my death or injury. I nearly electrocuted myself once and he, in his words, diverted the electrons, a simple matter for him apparently.

On another occasion, I took a toxic chemical – and in large amounts – without any noticeable effect. He said he was not about to lose me to that.

I also had a confirming incident in the rental of this apartment. Seemingly-impossible time and other constraints presented themselves. Not only were the difficulties cleared up as if by a wave of the hand, but I ended up in the one location in Vancouver I’ve always dreamed of – the exact building and setting.

Michael said “they” took all the criteria in my mind for my next location and this one was the top choice. Every event that happened in the next 24 hours, which is all the time I had to rent a place without incurring another month’s rent, was handled magically.

After this series of events, I needed no further demonstrations of exactly what Werner is talking about here. Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come; only I’d add that the angels may also conspire to make it happen. Again not a subject to be discussed in the growth workshops of the time. (3)

The question then becomes (1) what makes an idea’s time come and (2) what can we do to make one an idea whose time has come?

Oh, let me take the second one first. It’s easy. Love. <——- Answer.

Come from love. Frame the project in love. Extend love. Push the edge of loving further. Serve love. Receive love. Speak love. Hear love.

Easy, easy peasy to answer. Not so easy to do … or even to remember.

If one cannot live by love, for whatever reason, the next best answer in my books is to follow the universal laws.

They’re designed to move us out of the experience of the lower emotions like jealousy, anger, and hatred and into the experience of love.

The answer to the second one is equally obvious: God. God is what determines whether something is an idea whose time has come.

I personally worship God in the form of the Mother. Of the duet of One – as Ramesh Balsekar called it – the Mother/Father One. When the Mother wills it, an event happens. If she doesn’t will it, the event will not happen. As she herself said to me in a reading recently:

“I know very clearly, Sweet One, as do you, if it is not my plan, then it will not occur.” (4)

Whatever qualms we have about God, a plural God, divine intervention, angels, etc., I still see this as the way things happen. What makes an idea one whose time has come is the Divine Will.

That is not to say it isn’t my will. Since the Divine is all there is, I must also be the Divine. You are the Divine. We all are the Divine, here in ignorance to recapture the knowledge we once had of who we are. (5) What God wills, we will, although in our everyday consciousness, we’re very far away from being aware of it.


(1) Werner Erhard, The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come. San Francisco: The Hunger Project, 1977.

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Human-growth leaders were often ridiculed in the press, the way of handling anyone who stepped outside prescribed boundaries in society. The entire growth movement was ridiculed as “the Me Generation” – as if Self-Realization, the purpose of life, was selfish.

Growth leaders seemed to be careful to eliminate any topics, like politics and religion, which could both distract attendees and also make them targets of ridicule in the press.

I have to add here that I now watch what happens when I say something to a service provider – providing I come from love. I keep thinking to myself that Michael is putting thoughts in the other person’s head as we speak. I keep expecting cooperation.

(4) The Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.

(5) Hindus call life a leela, a divine play. The object – the purpose of life from God’s perspective – is for God to meet God in a moment of our enlightenment. That is the only way the All can know itself. Forget and create a drama to remember.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia

An Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 2/2

May 19, 2019
By Steve Beckow

Gender Equality – an idea whose time has come

Thank you for allowing me to follow this train of thought. I find nothing more rewarding than plumbing these mysteries. I hope in the future, when things get busy, I’ll somehow be able to continue along these lines of inquiry.

God as the active Mother (rather than the passive Father) created the universe as a school for forgetful sparks of God (1) to remember who they are. She designed this world as a school of experience that eventually helps us awaken to or become conscious of the Truth. So the Mother is the author of the drama, the builder of the carousel of life. (2)

Because a Law of Freewill exists, the Mother takes into account the wishes of all the actors, the divine sparks in matter (mater, Mother). I write that last sentence as if it were a simple statement of fact but of course anyone who looks into the matter it points to will never plumb its depths. How does the Mother do that? What does it imply? (3)

Werner seems undoubtedly familiar with the Fifth Dimension or higher – the Seventh perhaps – but there was no listening in 1979 for someone talking about dimensions to existence, except if they were new dimensions in travel or taste.

Consequently no one was studying them. Or, if they were, no one was talking about them. Or, if they were, no one was listening. Except perhaps on The Twilight Zone.

No terrestrial sage talked about them. Sri Ramakrishna refused to talk about any event higher than vijnana, which I think is Sahaja Samadhi, which is itself the culmination of our Ascension.

He wouldn’t talk about higher life even though he was an Incarnation of God and could talk about life beyond the dimensions if he wished to. In many instances he described himself as being unable to or prevented from discussing higher matters. (4)

Sri Ramana, though he experienced Sahaja Samadhi, entry into the Fifth, never spoke about the dimensions of consciousness we ended up in. He consented to be the greeter at the door of Eternity: “Come one, come all.”

Now here we are, talking about dimensions to existence as straightforwardly as we might talk about a trip to Paris. (5) This is another indication of how much we’ve evolved during less than a century.

The second statement from Werner sounds awfully much like he’s spent some time in the higher dimensions. I think that only one who had could say it:

“When an idea’s time comes, the forces in the world are transformed so that, instead of what you do being unworkable, what you do works. And you do what works.”

The love of the higher dimensions transforms the situation rather than being altered by it. This is what distinguishes 5D love from our everyday experience. For Werner to say “the forces in the world are transformed” is exactly the same, in my opinion, as saying that “love transforms the circumstances.”

Moreover, in the presence of higher-dimensional love, we never have a harmful thought. We only want to help and would find it impossible to harm. Werner says we do what works and what we do works. Same thing again, for me.

I’ve never heard a terrestrial sage describe a higher-dimensional experience in ways that matched my own experience so it was quite startling to come across Werner’s words.

What makes an idea one whose time has come is that the people have entered into a field of consciousness, a level of vibration where they can receive the wisdom and practicality at the base of it – like human rights, gender equality, universal medicare, etc.

The population may have matured. The age may be progressing – as it is – towards the heights of spiritual evolution and the opportunity collectively to ascend to a higher dimension, which comes at the age’s end.

We achieve that higher level of consciousness, briefly, in a monumental, unifying experience like 9/11; or for a while as in a peak experience or enlightenment; or permanently, as in Ascension. While it lasts, we act with a love, compassion, and skill unknown to us previously. And then in 99% of cases, it disappears.

While it lasts, in Werner’s words, we do what works and what we do works.

Watch us end hunger after the Reval. If Werner is right, events will conspire to see hunger end in the shortest possible time. The same with war, pollution, disease.

Notwithstanding, behind events will be the work of hundreds of thousands of people and the influence of consciousness-raising energies being beamed to us from other dimensions to assist us in this final leg of the journey.


(1) The Third Member of the Trinity – Father, Son [Child of God, Soul, Christ], Holy Ghost/Brahman, Atman, and Shakti: Father, Mother, and Child (us).

(2) I saw this clearly in a vision I had in 1987, which is described here: “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” at

(3) That we are the Mother and the Mother is us. Consequently she knows what we want – all of us.

(4) Here Sri Ramakrishna describes what happens to him when he tries to describe a realm experienced when the kundalini reaches the seventh chakra, which is a level short of Ascension:

“‘Today,’ [Sri Ramakrishna] said…, ‘I shall tell you everything and not keep anything secret.’ He clearly described the yogic centres of the body and their corresponding experiences up to the throat. Then pointing to the spot between the eyebrows, he said, ‘When the mind reaches this point one catches a vision of the Paramatman, the Supreme Self, and falls into samadhi. There only a thin transparent veil separates the Supreme Self and the individual self. Next one –‘ and into samadhi he passed. Coming down a little he tried again to describe it, and was again in samadhi.

“Finally with tears in his eyes the Master said…, ‘You see, … something rises with a tingling sensation from the feet to the head. So long as it does not reach the head I remain conscious, but the moment it does so, I am dead to the outside world. There is no seeing or hearing any more, not to mention speaking. Who could speak? The very idea of ‘I’ and ‘you’ vanishes. While that power is going up I feel like telling you everything — my visions and all. Until it comes here (the heart) or at most here (the throat), speaking is possible and I do speak; but when it goes beyond the throat, someone stops my mouth, as it were. As I think over what I will say, up goes the mind at a bound, and there is an end to the matter!'” (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Yogeshananda, The Visions of Sri Ramakrishna. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1980, 123-4.)

“Many a time did the Master attempt to describe this state, but failed every time. One day he was determined to tell and went on until the power reached the throat. Then pointing to the sixth centre, opposite the junction of the eyebrows, he said, ‘When the mind reaches this point one catches a vision of the Paramatman and falls into Samadhi. Only a thin, transparent veil intervenes between the Jiva and the Paramatman. He then sees like this –‘ and as he attempted to explain it in detail he fell into Samadhi. When his mind came down a little he tried again, and again he was immersed in Samadhi! After repeated attempts he said with tears in his eyes, ‘Well, I sincerely wish to tell you everything, but [the Divine Mother] won’t let me do so. She gagged me!'” (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Anon., Life of Sri Ramakrishna.Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1977; c1924, 107-8.)

Was Walt Whitman describing the same phenomenon?

“When I undertake to tell the best I find I cannot. My tongue is ineffectual on its pivots. My breath will not be obedient to its organs. I become a dumb man.” (Whitman in Maurice Bucke,Cosmic Consciousness. A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind. New York: Dutton, 1969; c1901, 78.)

(5) The Mother took great pains to ensure that I explained terms to readers so the concern seems to be about speaking beyond people’s general knowledge and understanding:

Divine Mother: Now, you understand that most people – and yes, you will do a good job of explaining – have no conception of what this [discussion] really means.

Steve: Well, you know that I have a website that discusses Sahaja Samadhi at length. And that’s from Sri Ramana Maharshi, more or less. If I take that material and present it to readers, would that be adequate?

DM: That will help. (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at

The website is From Darkness Unto Light; in particular, the sections on enlightenment, here: Search on “Sahaja.”

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
An Idea Whose Time has Come | Steve Beckow An Idea Whose Time has Come | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 5/19/2019 12:09:00 PM Rating: 5

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