The Obvious Answer
April 27, 2019
By Steve Beckow
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The Arcturian Group said something recently that captured how I was feeling:
“[There] begins … a growing sense of dissatisfaction with what has previously been comfortable and normal.
“Confusion and a sense of loss comes as a person gradually begins to shift out of alignment with some friends, traditional family values, religious doctrine, certain foods, entertainments, work, etc.” (1)
Practically anything I used to do I no longer am drawn to do. No foods that I used to eat am I attracted to. I am out of alignment with some friends. Religious doctrines, even spiritual doctrines, do not interest me at this moment. Even my choice of videos has changed.
I would call this “divine dissatisfaction.” The Arcturian Group calls it a “dark night of the soul.”
I so often overlook the things that are crying to take their place, which are out of the ordinary and hence often passed over.
Like meditation. I feel called upon to fill in the space left open by meditating more. But I don’t consider myself a meditative kind of kind of guy. So I overlook the calling.
But, no, I feel drawn to meditate more, not to see a different kind of movie or eat a different cuisine.
I’m drawn to, rather than away from, the emptiness, the quietness, the stillness.
The obvious answer to the dissatisfaction is staring me in the face and I’m ignoring it.
(1) “Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele, April 21, 2019” at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
April 27, 2019
By Steve Beckow
We invite you most lovingly to make a monthly or one-time donation to the expenses of the team.
See below for details.
The Arcturian Group said something recently that captured how I was feeling:
“[There] begins … a growing sense of dissatisfaction with what has previously been comfortable and normal.
“Confusion and a sense of loss comes as a person gradually begins to shift out of alignment with some friends, traditional family values, religious doctrine, certain foods, entertainments, work, etc.” (1)
Practically anything I used to do I no longer am drawn to do. No foods that I used to eat am I attracted to. I am out of alignment with some friends. Religious doctrines, even spiritual doctrines, do not interest me at this moment. Even my choice of videos has changed.
I would call this “divine dissatisfaction.” The Arcturian Group calls it a “dark night of the soul.”
I so often overlook the things that are crying to take their place, which are out of the ordinary and hence often passed over.
Like meditation. I feel called upon to fill in the space left open by meditating more. But I don’t consider myself a meditative kind of kind of guy. So I overlook the calling.
But, no, I feel drawn to meditate more, not to see a different kind of movie or eat a different cuisine.
I’m drawn to, rather than away from, the emptiness, the quietness, the stillness.
The obvious answer to the dissatisfaction is staring me in the face and I’m ignoring it.
(1) “Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele, April 21, 2019” at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
The Obvious Answer | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/27/2019 11:54:00 AM