OSHO: General Meeting Buddha Hall 19. May 1989
My Personal Core Issue is Our Universal Baggage
My Personal Baggage is Our Universal Core Issue
Our Universal Core Issue is My Personal Baggage
Our Personal Baggage is My Universal Core Issue
What is my Personal Core Issue
What is Our Universal Baggage
What isn’t Our Universal Core Issue
What isn’t My Personal Baggage
What’s mine is yours; what’s your’s is mine
What can others do but censure/react then
Can I personally trust the Universal silent majority
Can the Universal silent majority personally Trust me
What’s ours is mine; what’s mine is ours
What can I do but, not trust the silent majority
Do I personally trust the silent majority denial
Does the Universal silent majority accept me
Since others never tell, can I accept their denial
Is this what separates Universal from Personal
Am I Universal Karma holding Our Personal info
Is our Personal Karma holding My Universal info
Is it better to trust someone who tells or…
Is it better to agree with someone who lies
Who doesn’t tell the Truth is Universally accepted
Whoever is accepted can, never trust themselves
What is my baggage; can anyone tell me
What is our core issue; do we dare say it
I am half Karma-here, and half Karma-there
Half-visible in denial, and Half-invisible not
How do we get separated, too ashamed to tell
Who yelled at us when we yelped for whelp
Who isn’t, still yelling at our Universal ghost
How does anyone get separated by ourselves
I would rather Trust in~Love another who self-discloses my, own Core Issue at the baggage claim, but the Universal way is to deny Trust in~Love with anyone who remains silent for the all-sake of what ails us. Can anyone else Trust me, from being as honest as I am innocent, or is it better to keep doing the same judging_censure to make sure The Universal Baggage remains, only My Core Issue.
Can anyone Trust the Universal silent majority, from always denying everything Personal, or is it better to stop doing the same self-judging censure to make sure the wheel of Karmic-dissonant divisive-gender role-reversal Mother-flattening-lifetimes, never stops rolling. Is my personal Mother Baggage our Universal Core issue; is my Personal Gender-half Core Issue our Universal Baggage; Who is always tugging on me from the other side, and who is the better half-puppet, the one who pulls strings, or the one-half here, who silently dances along with the majority?
Am I half here, and half there; aren’t we all, then? If what’s essential is invisible to the eye, then exactly how essential is this half in 100% silent majority evil Love-denial? Doesn’t my Mother-half, and my Gender-half personal Baggage Core Issue mirror our Universal Baggage Core Issue, or is our Universal silent majority Baggage Core Issue mine to forgive, as sure as double half makes, only One mirror out of all of us in gossiping stigma two-sided denial-gossiping, where two half-wrongs, never make ONE right.
We are hilarity-separated from absolute unborn infinite Spiritual Sovereign Singularity at birth-death half in the past, and half in the future, present torn to bear separation blues with no idea who is who, and who isn’t who too. “Oh look-see there goes me, looking back at you, lying to each other for sure, so what part of my personal Mother/Gender core issue isn’t waiting for you at the Universal Baggage-claim? What part of the word ONENESS don’t we understand yet? Maybe we, all have a little pine cone in all of us, and as sure as we, all really deny our Universal Pineal Portal, Mother, and Gender seem to remain Karma-half here, and Karma-half there in mirror-double puppet-string theory two-died Big Bang sides for sure.
Aren’t we, all posey prose, in One Lyric wordless Wonder?
Isn’t Pine Cone a poesy prose Gambler whistleblower tell, telling secrets, as Core Issue Universal, as is the most Baggage-claim personal? Is it safe to hang out with Honnesence in ONENESS Wonder, or is silent-better to remain in dishonest Majority innocensot, denial ‘nail on the head’ censure-have-a-not-see Nazi-sleazes, that need a good disclosure-sneezing?
Does a Pine Cone need to Baggage-claim a Core Issue Mother, and which Gender-half does a Pine Cone need separating from the, other invisible-half puppet Illusion? Once inside the Pineal Portal smack dab in the middle~riddle, right into Crystalline Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit Humor devotion Valid ID, isn’t this the most Holy Spiritual nurturing anyone ever saw to take away Mother, and Gender names, in one fell Kind swoopeedooper Unifying-whoop? Where is the nurturing, cut in gender/mother Halvsie suckling-addictions? Aren’t we all separate, then? So what’s the Big Who-half problem any Big Bang Intellectual-now know-how?
Is this invisible poesy for everyone for~every~where, still prosing visible, or can anyone get away with censure pretending any more? Awe shucks everyone, we know we can deny anything anytime anyhow, so what’s the Personal-beef stigma-diss big Universal censor-diff? Go on; ya know ya can, still deny this and, no one will, ever see what’s going on in that little ego-mind of our separate undead your-borne burro beast of burdens? That Pine Cone thing has issues and, so much baggage, who can any Collectivist-addict, ever trust it ever again?
Isn’t this Holy Spirit Humor more of the same Pine Cone Funday Funny fun, and who needs silent-serious Majority Sunday Split Time lies anyway? Here we sit broken hearted, sold our split-souls and mostly Karma-parted. Would our Mothers roll over in their graves, or will we, all Mother~celebrate the end of evil Gender/Time, like my whole family is high five-ing inside the twinkling stars on Heavenly parade from Joy-here to Harmony-there and back, never again. Am I pulling your leg, or is that a Karmic-tug from the other-half Puppeteer-side in your rocket?
My Personal Core Issue is our Universal Baggage | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/26/2019 11:32:00 AM