May Ascension Energies – Becoming Change
By Jamye Price
April Review
April’s energy of Future Forecasting was preparing us to learn to balance the power of the present moment and manage our natural creativity, which is a future potential. As the second quarter of 2019 clarifies our neutrality (moving from fear to Love), we are learning to balance opposites within so that new creation forms.
In this way we spiral into a new level rather than spinning around the same path that may seem a little different, but it’s not really. So many are resistant to change, that they convince themselves they’re changing, but it’s a new facade on the same old building.
As a Lightworker, you are naturally focused on the subtle, inner changes that initiate deep transformation for the human experience. You are Lighting the way for more of the inherent divinity to express.
April helped us navigate the inner realm changes so that we are creating a new energetic structure that sustains new form. We become the connection of Love that allows new form for the future, now.
The energy of May is Becoming Change. We are at a point of movement that is calling us to our highest potential. The powerful quote from Gandhi, “Be the change you want to see in the world” is such a beautiful reminder of our action creating, and our beingness as the attractor and reactor that catalyzes deep change. The Law of Resonance in action.
I was shown the name of God Moses was given, that is often translated simply as “I Am That I Am” evolving into the clearer translation of “I Am Becoming That Which I Am Becoming.” I Am Becoming is a present progressive/present continuous form of the verb which shows the present moment continually moving into new creation. The definitive state of I Am, and the potential of Becoming, continually meeting in the movement of the present through time.
I Am Becoming That Which I Am Becoming
This clearer translation has been available before, yet the simpler translation became more accepted because it matched our third chakra understanding better. We are now evolving into a higher density of fourth chakra connection, honoring the constant state of creation that the heart/Love brings. We are magnetizing more consciously, electrifying our world with more Love.
I was shown an exercise to support the May energies that I have (most often, begrudgingly) used in my own life.
“I surrender my will to divine will.”
Notice any resistance (non-neutrality) you may have to this as you allow new layers of the truth of surrender to teach you your capability to create. Resistance isn’t a bad thing, it’s just showing you some fear of the flow of change.
Surrendering your will is not about giving up, it is about letting go of the unhealthy control that limits or constricts you. It is a willingness to allow change. Surrendering your will to Divine Will is letting go of the unhealthy control of your human will to your broader Divine Will.
You are divine. Your divinity is connected with All of Life. You are allowing (surrendering) your Divine Will to lead you with a broader perspective of Love.
The longer version of this exercise, if you are finding some resistance, is “I surrender my human will to my divine will, ” or any variation of that which helps you let go of unhealthy control and open to your divine flow.
I repeat this to myself when I am noticing fear or resistance creating discomfort. It usually inspires tears of release and I become more neutral to what I’m experiencing. This in turn allows change more easily.
The Truth of Surrender
To understand the higher truth of surrender and divine will is an ascended state of being, yet rather natural to those that are sensitive to the pain of control and domination.
Surrender is often associated with weakness. Indeed, for those that only focus in the physical, there is evidence of that. Surrender was only for those that lost the battle, that were weaker and not as strong as the victor that won by overpowering. This is a truth but it’s not the whole truth for those with eyes to see.
The active force is the force that initiates consumption. This is not a bad force, it is just a function of physicality. For example, the act(ion) of breathing sustains your life in the physical. This is the active force.
But there is another force of creation in the physical realm that is not as obvious, it is the passive force.
For those only focused in physical, it seems the passive force is the weakness that was consumed by the victor. But the passive force is the invisible magnetism that compels change. It is so inherently strong that it does not need to overpower to sustain, it merely compels and awaits resonance. yet consumption still occurs, it is a function of change.
The passive force is the pull that compels with a field of neutrality that softens the action of consumption—be it it’s own or another’s—for the two always occur. Change effects all, invisibly and visibly. To see beyond the obvious creates a deeper understanding of consumption, surrender and new creation. Those that overpower do not often see the inevitable flow of freedom that oppression creates. It’s usually not immediate, yet it is inevitable through time.
This is the deeper truth of surrender. It is the ability to trust the flow of life as you let go of unhealthy control. You still take action in life. You are allowing the wisdom of your divinity to lead rather than just the human ego. As you open to your divine will, you are allowing universal laws to integrate into your physicality. The spiral of Life ascends.
Being is a state of openness and deep awareness. It is a powerful willingness to experience the fullness of your Life. Being has the effect of stillness as it releases the friction of time. Which leads to becoming—an openness to the eternal movement and change. Becoming is a deep awareness of your capability that allows the flow of change to continue its spiraling.
These two opposites are the two opposing flows of the spiral that meet in your heart. You are creating a new you that begins to compel new experience into your life. The Law of Resonance in action.
Creation is change, and change is constant in the physical realm as we move through time. The throat chakra stood out strongly for May energies. It is our chakra of manifestation, as we focus our desires into the physical. But the throat chakra is not just the words we speak or don’t speak, it represents creation beginning in the physical realm. A painter painting with their hands is using throat chakra energy.
Look for any symptoms of coughing, throat clearing, tightness or lack of expression clearing. There may be times of feeling like communication is easing with those it may not have been as easy with in the past, or a feeling of more comfort in the silence that expresses volumes without words.
You are opening your creativity, Forecasting your Future with more mastery, rather than the fear of trying to control your words so the universe doesn’t shove something your way that you don’t want. It’s time to let go of that unhealthy throat chakra control and open to your creativity so your expression abounds.
For many this is letting go of the suppression that was learned from the misuse of power that created fear of expression.
Fear is what you are letting go of. You are surrendering your human fears that led to control, into the wisdom of your divine will—the willingness to allow Love to grow more readily on Earth through you.
These are exciting times of change, not necessarily easy times of change. As change increases it’s pace, use that natural spiral function to go within, focusing your inner realm into a resonance of strength and love that magnetizes new potentials to you and through you.
Happy May!
The Spiral Function
Jamye Price
Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience. She also channels Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, with information focused on the mental and emotional balance of Ascension. Jamye’s work is practical and profound; she mixes highly esoteric subjects into applicable usage for empowered living.
By Jamye Price
April Review
April’s energy of Future Forecasting was preparing us to learn to balance the power of the present moment and manage our natural creativity, which is a future potential. As the second quarter of 2019 clarifies our neutrality (moving from fear to Love), we are learning to balance opposites within so that new creation forms.
In this way we spiral into a new level rather than spinning around the same path that may seem a little different, but it’s not really. So many are resistant to change, that they convince themselves they’re changing, but it’s a new facade on the same old building.
As a Lightworker, you are naturally focused on the subtle, inner changes that initiate deep transformation for the human experience. You are Lighting the way for more of the inherent divinity to express.
April helped us navigate the inner realm changes so that we are creating a new energetic structure that sustains new form. We become the connection of Love that allows new form for the future, now.
The energy of May is Becoming Change. We are at a point of movement that is calling us to our highest potential. The powerful quote from Gandhi, “Be the change you want to see in the world” is such a beautiful reminder of our action creating, and our beingness as the attractor and reactor that catalyzes deep change. The Law of Resonance in action.
I was shown the name of God Moses was given, that is often translated simply as “I Am That I Am” evolving into the clearer translation of “I Am Becoming That Which I Am Becoming.” I Am Becoming is a present progressive/present continuous form of the verb which shows the present moment continually moving into new creation. The definitive state of I Am, and the potential of Becoming, continually meeting in the movement of the present through time.
I Am Becoming That Which I Am Becoming
This clearer translation has been available before, yet the simpler translation became more accepted because it matched our third chakra understanding better. We are now evolving into a higher density of fourth chakra connection, honoring the constant state of creation that the heart/Love brings. We are magnetizing more consciously, electrifying our world with more Love.
I was shown an exercise to support the May energies that I have (most often, begrudgingly) used in my own life.
“I surrender my will to divine will.”
Notice any resistance (non-neutrality) you may have to this as you allow new layers of the truth of surrender to teach you your capability to create. Resistance isn’t a bad thing, it’s just showing you some fear of the flow of change.
Surrendering your will is not about giving up, it is about letting go of the unhealthy control that limits or constricts you. It is a willingness to allow change. Surrendering your will to Divine Will is letting go of the unhealthy control of your human will to your broader Divine Will.
You are divine. Your divinity is connected with All of Life. You are allowing (surrendering) your Divine Will to lead you with a broader perspective of Love.
The longer version of this exercise, if you are finding some resistance, is “I surrender my human will to my divine will, ” or any variation of that which helps you let go of unhealthy control and open to your divine flow.
I repeat this to myself when I am noticing fear or resistance creating discomfort. It usually inspires tears of release and I become more neutral to what I’m experiencing. This in turn allows change more easily.
The Truth of Surrender
To understand the higher truth of surrender and divine will is an ascended state of being, yet rather natural to those that are sensitive to the pain of control and domination.
Surrender is often associated with weakness. Indeed, for those that only focus in the physical, there is evidence of that. Surrender was only for those that lost the battle, that were weaker and not as strong as the victor that won by overpowering. This is a truth but it’s not the whole truth for those with eyes to see.
The active force is the force that initiates consumption. This is not a bad force, it is just a function of physicality. For example, the act(ion) of breathing sustains your life in the physical. This is the active force.
But there is another force of creation in the physical realm that is not as obvious, it is the passive force.
For those only focused in physical, it seems the passive force is the weakness that was consumed by the victor. But the passive force is the invisible magnetism that compels change. It is so inherently strong that it does not need to overpower to sustain, it merely compels and awaits resonance. yet consumption still occurs, it is a function of change.
The passive force is the pull that compels with a field of neutrality that softens the action of consumption—be it it’s own or another’s—for the two always occur. Change effects all, invisibly and visibly. To see beyond the obvious creates a deeper understanding of consumption, surrender and new creation. Those that overpower do not often see the inevitable flow of freedom that oppression creates. It’s usually not immediate, yet it is inevitable through time.
This is the deeper truth of surrender. It is the ability to trust the flow of life as you let go of unhealthy control. You still take action in life. You are allowing the wisdom of your divinity to lead rather than just the human ego. As you open to your divine will, you are allowing universal laws to integrate into your physicality. The spiral of Life ascends.
Being is a state of openness and deep awareness. It is a powerful willingness to experience the fullness of your Life. Being has the effect of stillness as it releases the friction of time. Which leads to becoming—an openness to the eternal movement and change. Becoming is a deep awareness of your capability that allows the flow of change to continue its spiraling.
These two opposites are the two opposing flows of the spiral that meet in your heart. You are creating a new you that begins to compel new experience into your life. The Law of Resonance in action.
Creation is change, and change is constant in the physical realm as we move through time. The throat chakra stood out strongly for May energies. It is our chakra of manifestation, as we focus our desires into the physical. But the throat chakra is not just the words we speak or don’t speak, it represents creation beginning in the physical realm. A painter painting with their hands is using throat chakra energy.
Look for any symptoms of coughing, throat clearing, tightness or lack of expression clearing. There may be times of feeling like communication is easing with those it may not have been as easy with in the past, or a feeling of more comfort in the silence that expresses volumes without words.
You are opening your creativity, Forecasting your Future with more mastery, rather than the fear of trying to control your words so the universe doesn’t shove something your way that you don’t want. It’s time to let go of that unhealthy throat chakra control and open to your creativity so your expression abounds.
For many this is letting go of the suppression that was learned from the misuse of power that created fear of expression.
Fear is what you are letting go of. You are surrendering your human fears that led to control, into the wisdom of your divine will—the willingness to allow Love to grow more readily on Earth through you.
These are exciting times of change, not necessarily easy times of change. As change increases it’s pace, use that natural spiral function to go within, focusing your inner realm into a resonance of strength and love that magnetizes new potentials to you and through you.
Happy May!
The Spiral Function
Jamye Price
Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience. She also channels Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, with information focused on the mental and emotional balance of Ascension. Jamye’s work is practical and profound; she mixes highly esoteric subjects into applicable usage for empowered living.
May Ascension Energies: Becoming Change | Jamye Price
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/26/2019 11:03:00 PM