The Starseed Returns | KejRaj

Greetings! From heart to heart with great love in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).

The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.

Star Children, Starseeds or Old Souls are souls who have arrived here on Earth from all areas of the Universe, Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda, Sirius, and many other star systems to help the Earth and her people with the process of ascension.

The term Old Soul simply means these ones we speak of have emanated from Source and became “individualized” souls millions of years ago before most humans on Earth.

They possess psychic, spiritual, and other extra sensory abilities. These children will usher in the new era of light, love, peace and joy. They will bring down corrupt systems and take charge as leaders, and shift dimensional consciousness in these times of great change. They have come here on special assignment to assist in this rebirth into a higher dimensional Earth.

Star children are different, to say the least, from the rest of humanity. As of now, star children have been divided into three categories: Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. Star children have chosen specific parents who will help them develop their natural abilities.

So if you are a parent of a child you know is different, your child probably chose you to help them help others in their spiritual path. We would say how lucky you are to be the chosen parent of one of these incredibly gifted souls here to help this Earth, but most parent’s have a hard time understanding their children, or we should say they “choose” not to understand, especially the group we speak of now.

The most wonderful aspect of Star Children is their willingness to take on the world and learn to make their own way through it. Star Children will get to the point where they are able to mold society into something that reflects their energies and values. The truth that they hold and defend so well will reflect their integrity and spirituality.

Today there is an energy, a radiancy from the Sun, a feeling that has not been for millennia on this planet. All with an open heart and mind are feeling this new energy, the feeling that something grand is occurring on Earth. With this, everyone is beginning to change their old ways of life, releasing the old thought patterns and are seeking the way of the heart.

The first ones leading the way, uplifting Mother Earth to a higher light, moving forward and introducing the rest of humanity to the new reality are the Star Children/Starseeds.

This is their mission, this is their destiny. And it is with pure joy that we say each and everyone of them is returning to their original self within.

Each is remembering who and what they truly are. As they do this, as their inner light expands and it is, RAPIDLY, this light touches all their surroundings, ignites other peoples inner spark and cause them to awaken too.

With each wave of light there are more and more souls joining the path of upliftment to the 5th Dimension. With each wave you are reaching the shore. And what awaits you on the shore just cannot be explained in words. All we will say is BLISS is the new reality.

Now, brace yourselves yet again, for another intensification of the light, for tuning in to a higher frequency, releasing of the old and activations of your ancient gifts within you.

That’s all we have for today. Take what you will and leave the rest for later. Know that you will always have access to the truth within your heart and soul.

The brightest light shines from within. From heart to heart, I Am KejRaj!

Source: Era of Light
The Starseed Returns | KejRaj The Starseed Returns | KejRaj Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/01/2018 10:15:00 PM Rating: 5

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