Revisiting Self-Control, Self-Mastery
December 2, 2018
By Steve Beckow

A depiction of Top Dog/Underdog
The shortest way to mastering every thought and feeling (1) – in order to work with the galactics – is to take command of myself; that is, to practice self-mastery or self-control.
How would I normally accomplish the task? Go through each thought and feeling individually? It would take too long.
By assuming command of myself – self-mastery, self-control – I probably cut the time involved by an order of magnitude.
As the runt of the litter, I needed to get my message across somehow. I grew up specializing in menacing glances and resistant behavior. Self-control was never my strong suit.
So coming upon the need for self-mastery, self-control as an adult is a new approach for me.
In my growth-movement days, self-expression was preferred to self-control, creative expression to creative repression.
But the galactics – like the Arcturians here – often point out to us the need for self-control. The following quote is long but very germane.
Everything they say here mirrors my experience of taking charge of myself. Notice their reference to what I’ve called “I the watcher.” (2)
“As this shift continually accelerates your consciousness, you will gain a new perspective on your physical world. This higher viewpoint will enable you to perceive your 3D reality from ‘up above it’ rather than ‘stuck within it.’ In other words, you will be able observe your ego from your Higher SELF.
“Once your Multidimensional SELF is in charge, you will be able to make some important decisions that make YOU the creator of your life. You will also become aware of many of your higher dimensional, alternate or parallel realities. …
“As you regain a higher perspective of your life, many of your priorities will change. Your ego will no longer tell you to let go of your meditations and creative expression so that you can ‘get back to the business of your real life.’
“With your Higher SELF at the helm, you will realize that what you have perceived as ‘just your imagination’ is actually your real life. Then slowly, or quickly, you will want to ‘let go’ of many of our your lower frequency chores, responsibilities and jobs.
“In this manner, you can more easily remain in the unconditional light and love of the fifth dimension. Of course you will still ‘take care of 3D business,’ but your priorities will greatly alter as your consciousness expands into the higher dimensions.” (3)
Everything said about “your Multidimensional SELF … in charge” and “your Higher Self at the helm” mirrors my experience.
Many years ago, I’d never have entertained the advice that Peggy Black and the Team give us here. But now I do.
“When these thoughts of discouragement arise shake them off as quickly as possible. We would like to invite you to practice feeling good for no reason. Look for ways to uplift your own personal energy field. This is one of the most important self-mastery skills that you can call forth. So no matter what is occurring in your personal life or the global arenas, find areas in which you can practice your gratitude. …
“The vibration and frequency of gratitude is truly a game changer. Your entire field of energy shifts even if it is just a microscopic shift and a fleeting sense of thankfulness.” (4)
Is mine an example of an outdated belief that needs to be dropped? Do I need to engage in patterns of behavior that I’d never have looked at after Cold Mountain like deflecting? Changing the subject? Talking over top of an upset (discouragement)?
Apparently yes. The higher-dimensional vibrations allow us to shift our mood now whereas deep third-density vibrations did not.
Here, Hilarion discusses the disappearing need for “tedious and painstaking” processing:
At this point in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, the law of grace is in effect and humanity is being blessed by the neutralization of any repetitive thoughts that come unbidden from the very depths of their being.
“These core issues invariably have their roots in a previous existence as life was experienced through a physical incarnation. …
“Gone are the days of tedious and painstaking efforts to become filled with more light quotient, for this is now a moment-by-moment occurrence as more light fills the planet and the strides being made in the advancement of the Divine Plan are beyond our wildest expectations.
“Many underlying changes are taking place within the structures of the old paradigm and are quietly being replaced by new systems which allow the rights of all to come into consideration.” (5)
If our core issues are falling away as vibrations rise, why master every thought and feeling? There are many obvious reasons – getting along with the galactics, avoiding misunderstandings, participating appropriately in galactic discussions and decision-making, etc.
Let’s look at a few that are not as obvious.
The first is that the galactics are telepathic and can read our thoughts and see what we’re thinking and feeling.
You remember the famous cartoon Top Dog/Underdog, where a person is saying one thing and his inner state is depicted as saying something altogether different (usually depicted as a screaming baby)? The galactics would be able to see our insincerity instantly. So that’s a compelling non-obvious reason for self-mastery.
The second is a touchy subject – pun intended. Our emotional vibrations and levels of cleanliness can prove disturbing to them. One galactic even confided that he had to clean himself when he returned to ship after even a short visit to Earth.
“Each of us who does make short landings has to undergo a thorough cleansing process before we are allowed back on our mother ships where we reside, so as not to contaminate our own living quarters. We do not say these things to shame you, but to let you know that there remain some differences in our living environments that make it difficult for both sides to come together as one.” (6)
That may be a side of things that we haven’t thought about and may not wish to think about. But we can contribute to their comfort by at least mastering every negative thought and feeling.
I’ve noticed that whenever I feel victimized, whenever I have a poor-me thought, whenever I feel weak and beaten down, I’ve forgotten that I’m the master of my internal states.
I know the literature of the Sixties and Seventies objected to any form of external control. But I think in the process we lost sight of the necessity for internal control – self-control.
As we ponder working with the galactics to build Nova Earth, self-mastery, self-control, self command are becoming subjects, in my opinion, that we may need to revisit.
(1) “You will be called upon to master EVERY thought and feeling. …
“Hence any thoughts or feelings that cause inner conflict of any form are best pulled into your conscious mind to be displayed as an experience. In fact, in 5D this will occur with your EVERY thought/emotion.
“Hence our leaders are having to totally hone this mastery of energy NOW.” (Loc. cit.)
And another:
“You must see yourself. You must be aware of what you are thinking, what you are saying, what you are doing and WHY. Why are you thinking that? Why are you saying that? Why are you doing that?” (“Message from the Arcturians: Walking The NOW,” channelled by Suzanne Lie. March 27, 2014, at
For more on “Self-Mastery” see
(2) See “Len Satov: The Watcher: Loving, Non-Judgmental Awareness,” at
(3) Sue Lie, “Being A Multidimensional Leader,” Aug. 2014, at
(4) “The Team: Dedicated and Practiced Skill,” as received by Peggy Black, September 15, 2014 This is Kathleen’s advice as well, to practice, forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude.
(5) Hilarion, February 2, 2014, at
(6) “The Council of Nine: True Change Starts From Within Self,” channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara), June 4, 2014 at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
December 2, 2018
By Steve Beckow

A depiction of Top Dog/Underdog
The shortest way to mastering every thought and feeling (1) – in order to work with the galactics – is to take command of myself; that is, to practice self-mastery or self-control.
How would I normally accomplish the task? Go through each thought and feeling individually? It would take too long.
By assuming command of myself – self-mastery, self-control – I probably cut the time involved by an order of magnitude.
As the runt of the litter, I needed to get my message across somehow. I grew up specializing in menacing glances and resistant behavior. Self-control was never my strong suit.
So coming upon the need for self-mastery, self-control as an adult is a new approach for me.
In my growth-movement days, self-expression was preferred to self-control, creative expression to creative repression.
But the galactics – like the Arcturians here – often point out to us the need for self-control. The following quote is long but very germane.
Everything they say here mirrors my experience of taking charge of myself. Notice their reference to what I’ve called “I the watcher.” (2)
“As this shift continually accelerates your consciousness, you will gain a new perspective on your physical world. This higher viewpoint will enable you to perceive your 3D reality from ‘up above it’ rather than ‘stuck within it.’ In other words, you will be able observe your ego from your Higher SELF.
“Once your Multidimensional SELF is in charge, you will be able to make some important decisions that make YOU the creator of your life. You will also become aware of many of your higher dimensional, alternate or parallel realities. …
“As you regain a higher perspective of your life, many of your priorities will change. Your ego will no longer tell you to let go of your meditations and creative expression so that you can ‘get back to the business of your real life.’
“With your Higher SELF at the helm, you will realize that what you have perceived as ‘just your imagination’ is actually your real life. Then slowly, or quickly, you will want to ‘let go’ of many of our your lower frequency chores, responsibilities and jobs.
“In this manner, you can more easily remain in the unconditional light and love of the fifth dimension. Of course you will still ‘take care of 3D business,’ but your priorities will greatly alter as your consciousness expands into the higher dimensions.” (3)
Everything said about “your Multidimensional SELF … in charge” and “your Higher Self at the helm” mirrors my experience.
Many years ago, I’d never have entertained the advice that Peggy Black and the Team give us here. But now I do.
“When these thoughts of discouragement arise shake them off as quickly as possible. We would like to invite you to practice feeling good for no reason. Look for ways to uplift your own personal energy field. This is one of the most important self-mastery skills that you can call forth. So no matter what is occurring in your personal life or the global arenas, find areas in which you can practice your gratitude. …
“The vibration and frequency of gratitude is truly a game changer. Your entire field of energy shifts even if it is just a microscopic shift and a fleeting sense of thankfulness.” (4)
Is mine an example of an outdated belief that needs to be dropped? Do I need to engage in patterns of behavior that I’d never have looked at after Cold Mountain like deflecting? Changing the subject? Talking over top of an upset (discouragement)?
Apparently yes. The higher-dimensional vibrations allow us to shift our mood now whereas deep third-density vibrations did not.
Here, Hilarion discusses the disappearing need for “tedious and painstaking” processing:
At this point in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, the law of grace is in effect and humanity is being blessed by the neutralization of any repetitive thoughts that come unbidden from the very depths of their being.
“These core issues invariably have their roots in a previous existence as life was experienced through a physical incarnation. …
“Gone are the days of tedious and painstaking efforts to become filled with more light quotient, for this is now a moment-by-moment occurrence as more light fills the planet and the strides being made in the advancement of the Divine Plan are beyond our wildest expectations.
“Many underlying changes are taking place within the structures of the old paradigm and are quietly being replaced by new systems which allow the rights of all to come into consideration.” (5)
If our core issues are falling away as vibrations rise, why master every thought and feeling? There are many obvious reasons – getting along with the galactics, avoiding misunderstandings, participating appropriately in galactic discussions and decision-making, etc.
Let’s look at a few that are not as obvious.
The first is that the galactics are telepathic and can read our thoughts and see what we’re thinking and feeling.
You remember the famous cartoon Top Dog/Underdog, where a person is saying one thing and his inner state is depicted as saying something altogether different (usually depicted as a screaming baby)? The galactics would be able to see our insincerity instantly. So that’s a compelling non-obvious reason for self-mastery.
The second is a touchy subject – pun intended. Our emotional vibrations and levels of cleanliness can prove disturbing to them. One galactic even confided that he had to clean himself when he returned to ship after even a short visit to Earth.
“Each of us who does make short landings has to undergo a thorough cleansing process before we are allowed back on our mother ships where we reside, so as not to contaminate our own living quarters. We do not say these things to shame you, but to let you know that there remain some differences in our living environments that make it difficult for both sides to come together as one.” (6)
That may be a side of things that we haven’t thought about and may not wish to think about. But we can contribute to their comfort by at least mastering every negative thought and feeling.
I’ve noticed that whenever I feel victimized, whenever I have a poor-me thought, whenever I feel weak and beaten down, I’ve forgotten that I’m the master of my internal states.
I know the literature of the Sixties and Seventies objected to any form of external control. But I think in the process we lost sight of the necessity for internal control – self-control.
As we ponder working with the galactics to build Nova Earth, self-mastery, self-control, self command are becoming subjects, in my opinion, that we may need to revisit.
(1) “You will be called upon to master EVERY thought and feeling. …
“Hence any thoughts or feelings that cause inner conflict of any form are best pulled into your conscious mind to be displayed as an experience. In fact, in 5D this will occur with your EVERY thought/emotion.
“Hence our leaders are having to totally hone this mastery of energy NOW.” (Loc. cit.)
And another:
“You must see yourself. You must be aware of what you are thinking, what you are saying, what you are doing and WHY. Why are you thinking that? Why are you saying that? Why are you doing that?” (“Message from the Arcturians: Walking The NOW,” channelled by Suzanne Lie. March 27, 2014, at
For more on “Self-Mastery” see
(2) See “Len Satov: The Watcher: Loving, Non-Judgmental Awareness,” at
(3) Sue Lie, “Being A Multidimensional Leader,” Aug. 2014, at
(4) “The Team: Dedicated and Practiced Skill,” as received by Peggy Black, September 15, 2014 This is Kathleen’s advice as well, to practice, forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude.
(5) Hilarion, February 2, 2014, at
(6) “The Council of Nine: True Change Starts From Within Self,” channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara), June 4, 2014 at
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Revisiting Self-Control, Self-Mastery | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/02/2018 10:01:00 AM