Receiving the Solstice Energies ∞ The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
DEC 21 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested and excited to see you all downloading the Solstice energies that are coming your way. We know that most of you who are awake celebrate these different points on your calendars, and that puts you in a place of expectation for something good to happen. When you are in that place of expectation, you open yourselves up more to receive that which is always coming to you.
Yes, you are always being given high frequency energies from the higher realms. You are always given upgrades, downloads, support, unconditional love, and information that will serve you on your journeys. But you’re not always open to receiving these gifts from above. So we also want to encourage you to see yourselves now as always in a place where you are expecting something good to be coming to you.
You’ve done enough asking, enough summoning, in this lifetime and all of your other lifetimes put together, but you have also experienced letdowns, disappointments, heartbreaks, and all sorts of financial and physical woes throughout these years that you’ve been on Earth and throughout all of your many lifetimes. So your expectations have not always been very high.
But if you focus on the energies that you are receiving, rather than the stuff, and the money, and the people, and the opportunities that you want, then it will be easier for you to change your expectations. And then it will be easier for you to receive.
We are so happy to see you receiving that which you have asked for and that which is yours for the taking. This is why we are encouraging you so much to make this a daily practice, and why not start right now? Do some active receiving of these beautiful Solstice energies that are coming your way. Let them wash over you. Let them open your hearts, and use them for creating the reality that you prefer.
And then continue to do so, day after day, after day. You will be surprised and delighted by how much energy there is for you. Feel for it and enjoy it. It is yours. You have summoned it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
DEC 21 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested and excited to see you all downloading the Solstice energies that are coming your way. We know that most of you who are awake celebrate these different points on your calendars, and that puts you in a place of expectation for something good to happen. When you are in that place of expectation, you open yourselves up more to receive that which is always coming to you.
Yes, you are always being given high frequency energies from the higher realms. You are always given upgrades, downloads, support, unconditional love, and information that will serve you on your journeys. But you’re not always open to receiving these gifts from above. So we also want to encourage you to see yourselves now as always in a place where you are expecting something good to be coming to you.
You’ve done enough asking, enough summoning, in this lifetime and all of your other lifetimes put together, but you have also experienced letdowns, disappointments, heartbreaks, and all sorts of financial and physical woes throughout these years that you’ve been on Earth and throughout all of your many lifetimes. So your expectations have not always been very high.
But if you focus on the energies that you are receiving, rather than the stuff, and the money, and the people, and the opportunities that you want, then it will be easier for you to change your expectations. And then it will be easier for you to receive.
We are so happy to see you receiving that which you have asked for and that which is yours for the taking. This is why we are encouraging you so much to make this a daily practice, and why not start right now? Do some active receiving of these beautiful Solstice energies that are coming your way. Let them wash over you. Let them open your hearts, and use them for creating the reality that you prefer.
And then continue to do so, day after day, after day. You will be surprised and delighted by how much energy there is for you. Feel for it and enjoy it. It is yours. You have summoned it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
Receiving the Solstice Energies | The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/21/2018 10:09:00 AM