How to Practice Enlightened Self Care | Divine Mother via Jennifer Crokaert

Divine Mother via Jennifer Crokaert: How to Practice Enlightened Self Care

December 10, 2018
By Steve Beckow


Divine Mother: How to Practice Enlightened Self Care

Dec. 6, 2018

My dear children,

I am reaching out to hold you in my arms to enfold you in peace that can only come from a Mother’s loving embrace of her children. I see your tiredness and exhaustion, I see how the exacerbated energies of dearest Gaia, in her final moments of labour, are tiring and often confusing you.

I understand, with the gentleness only a Mother can assume, the weight of exhaustion that being buffeted in the warring media battle.

Each one of my precious children is like an iridescent pearl, a soul fragment of All That Is, experiencing duality and all the pain that comes with that – at present – and transforming it into compassion for others, peace within the world, trust within families, sharing within communities. Every moment you reach out with one of the virtues of the Divine spirit, you become more incandescent, burning your love light ever brighter, and you light up all those around you who are touched by your spirit, your soul, your divine essence.

I remind you again, most gently, to look after yourselves in this period of deep, deep transformation. You can help no one, until you are full and strong inside, otherwise the assistance that flows from you is tinged by your needs, rather than a full reflection of the other. There is no need to overthink assistance either to self or to another, for it is all divinely intuited. You love to over-think!

My challenge to you is to trust your gut! Trust your intuition, because that is your soul whispering to you, your Higher Self pointing out the path of greatest growth and, ultimately, of least resistance. Far too many of my precious children are still burdened with feelings of disappointment, inadequacy and lack of worth, a feeling of failure and frustration is very palpable on the planet at this time and it is an energy that the darkness may feed upon.

You loving you, is an act of courage. You loving you is an act of rebellion against the current system. You loving you is an act of divine creation. But first, I must go back. The step before love is acceptance. You cannot love what you cannot accept. And you cannot accept what you fight.

Accept yourself as you are: in this breath, reading these words. Accept the anger, frustration, betrayal, rage, inadequacy… Accept it is here. You don’t have to live it, you simply have to acknowledge it. Notice it. Without judgement, if you can. It’s here and your acknowledgement of it is a huge step forwards.

By accepting what is, you dissolve the psychic wall that you create between yourself and your inner world, between you and your divine self. We are here for you, all of us, from the Divine Father to the company of Angels, but we respect your free will. We will not trespass where you post the sign, ‘Keep Out!’ We will wait, forever if that is what it takes, for you to accept yourself. Because accepting yourself means accepting your Sacred Self, your Higher Self, too.

When you summon the virtues you are making contact with your Sacred Self, your Higher Self, and you are inviting that part of you into your life. How much easier to love when your Higher Self is actively participating in the love with you!

What you have acknowledged and accepted, you can surrender. Surrender your ill-founded fears about yourself. Surrender your resentments of others. Surrender the pain that each day brings you. Surrender the desire for something else, something better, something more fulfilling. Surrender the anger, frustration, betrayal, and rage because these are all of the old order. Surrender your fears of inadequacy. Surrender it all to me. Ask me to take it. Or imagine giving it to me. Or see it dissolving. Or melting. Or even spontaneously combusting!

There is no need to hold on to that which no longer serves you.

So, my precious children, come back to focusing on the basics in this time of seismic fluctuations. This will keep you grounded and it will ensure that your practice is accessible and practical. Focus on love, for all else is an illusion. Where and when you can, see through the chaotic energy to the new reality that is birthing in plain view, for those of you who have the eyes to see it. Love is the key that unlocks the view.

We are All with you.

In this very second.

In this now breath.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
How to Practice Enlightened Self Care | Divine Mother via Jennifer Crokaert How to Practice Enlightened Self Care | Divine Mother via Jennifer Crokaert Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/10/2018 09:31:00 AM Rating: 5

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