Your Subtle Bridge | Jamye Price

Your Subtle Bridge

Areon, the Lyran Council of Time defines your Subtle Bridge as your thoughts and emotions. This mechanism is how you communicate directly to the subtle realm—the vast, invisible engine that builds worlds (the field). Subtle “speaks” directly to subtle.

Your intuition is also part of your Subtle Bridge, it’s how Life communicates with you.

Life communicates with you through your thoughts, emotions, intuition and all manner of external mechanisms like overhearing a conversation, song lyrics, etc.


At this time of Ascension, a natural and exciting part of humanity’s evolution, we are becoming more consciously creative with the subtle realm. We are learning to utilize our thoughts and emotions rather than disregarding them as merely reactive to the external realm.

It takes some practice to work with your Subtle Bridge effectively.

Many will learn that their thoughts are powerful and work to control them. Areon calls this applying the rules of the physical realm into the subtle realm. This often becomes suppression and avoidance, and usually ends in frustration that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work.


To work effectively with the subtle realm requires different rules. The physical realm is the domain of action. The subtle realm works with the Law of Resonance.

The physical is the realm of “doing.” The subtle is the realm of “being.”

Areon defines this with the Active force and Passive force.

The Active (Do) and Passive (Be) forces work together (Do Be Do) ;o), they just work differently.

The Active force rules the physical realm, where action is required for creation.

The Passive force rules the subtle realm, where resonance is required for creation.

Because we are both, we need both for full flow.

We could call these mechanisms duality, give/receive, push/pull, repulsion/attraction. We see them exemplified in a magnet that repels or compels.


In this Year of Amplification, we are at an intensifying pace of change. Change is constant in the physical realm, Time shows us this. The question of this time is what change are you creating?

To effectively use the vast subtle realm, your change begins within so you are resonating (being) in alignment with what you want to create. Being the change you want to see in the world, as Gandhi put it so eloquently. Becoming a vibrational match, as Abraham-Hicks defines it.

There is a structure to your invisible emotional and mental nature.

We see that the diamond forms what is considered one of the hardest materials found on Earth. It’s cubic structure is octahedral—two triangles base to base. Sound familiar? Your Merkabah is two triangles, spinning in opposite directions the magnetizing movement of gravity creating your density.

The Yin/Yang of creation.

This mimics the crystalline structure we are moving into, which merely means a stronger, clearer non-physical structure; a stronger, clearer Subtle Bridge.

When your subtle structure is stronger, you are less available to imbalance from the external realm. You are creating more directly in your life, and therefore in this world.


The triangle represents moving beyond duality into the triality of the connection of Love.

Love is invisible. It is a Passive force. It is the powerful bond that builds worlds. You could call Love many different things; consciousness, connection, desire, recognition, oneness—these are all bonds that build life.

Love encompasses everything that we would categorize as good or bad. Love’s opposite—fear—is compelled by Love.

Love is the natural pull of Life.

Love is where the Active force (action, consumption) meets its opposite and is compelled to change (new form, new creation).

Love doesn’t control, for it knows the folly of invisible information.

Love doesn’t judge, for it knows the depth that pain creates.

Love is strong enough to hold its structure (boundaries), for it knows its sacred to Life.

Love is clear enough to wait for the best connection that builds a future for more Love.


As you strengthen your inner structure, you are clarifying your capability to hold a powerful space of Love. “Holding Space” is Love’s pronouncement that it is nurturing potential for future birth.

As Love becomes stronger and clearer within you than fear, wisdom presides over impulse.

It comes back to being.

Be Loving with yourself, with Time, with Life. You are all.

Be clear with your bonds, your choices. You are unique.

Be the sacred gift to Life that your Love is.

You are Life creating Life.

Create You, Life follows.

Source: Jamye Price
Your Subtle Bridge | Jamye Price Your Subtle Bridge | Jamye Price Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/15/2018 06:52:00 PM Rating: 5

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