MOTHER GOD through Dancing Dolphin
"Your sacred work has been successful!"
Received 11-25-18
This is Mother God and I also have a message this fair evening for my Lightworker Children. Feel my love. I am bathing you in my pink light of unconditional love and it seeps into all your bodies; your physical body and all your light bodies. You are loved and cared for deeply.
I know how difficult the past few years have been on you, dear Children. You have worked so very hard and with such conviction to accomplish your missions. Your dedication to the Light is astounding and I am very grateful for this. Of course, your Father and I are also proud! Proud parents you might say.
This lightwork included transmuting the dark dross which had encapsulated and suffocated Gaia from eons of dark thought-forms of pain, suffering and loss; clearing the energy grids surrounding Gaia; and reaching out to the 'dark ones' and assisting them in crossing into the Light. Each of you had missions which were specific to your special abilities. All felt like never-ending tasks to be sure. Many of you indeed performed this work diligently during your dream-time and awoke exhausted. We applaud you, dear Children. Your sacred work has been successful!!
Now, the time of my Tsunami of Love, my Love Wave is almost upon you all. It is my way of showing you my gratitude for all this work you have done. It is my great blessing. And as I said before, it will arrive at the perfect time. You will be delighted and relax into my love, feeling it encapsulate every single cell of your body with living, loving joy! It will wash away your pain, troubles, and stress. Let it soak you to the bone, dear hearts!!! It is my gift.
I AM your Mother God and I wish you a peaceful night's rest or a beautiful, joyous day whenever you are. Your Father and I love you endlessly and send you our Love. Always.
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Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin
Your Sacred Work has been Successful! | Mother God via Dancing Dolphin
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/25/2018 11:01:00 PM