Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Vision for a Doer? | Steve Beckow

Vision for a Doer?

November 13, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Credit: New York Times

I received a question from “a hands-on doer” for whom vision is best taught by example and respect. She asked how she might inspire Project Leaders toward vision for 50 possible projects. I don’t think she’d mind if I posted my response, with a little extra editing.

Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

I was talking about me, B. I’m not a doer. I’m a contemplative. So it works for me to restrict myself to the vision.

But what’s appropriate for a doer might be altogether different.

Write me an article on what a doer, finding herself at the head of a corporation, would do. I have no idea what that would look like.

I’ve spoken to so many women lately who are at the center of a network, well connected, and very much doers. But I’d need them to write about the nature of their mission. I have no insight into it. Mine is different

That having been said, I do so know that vision is best conveyed by behavior. Kathleen demonstrates forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude every day. Her life is her message and her way of being speaks volumes to me. So I totally agree with you on that.

How do you inspire people on 50 projects with vision?

You may have answered your own question.

Live it.

Until you’re living your own vision, I don’t think it’s possible to inspire anyone else with it.

Here’s my vision, borrowed from Werner Erhard: A world that works for everyone. A world free of harm to women and children, of any kind or variety. A world where everyone is treated equally.

How is such a world possible? I’ve lived for nearly a year in higher-dimensional love and bliss. In that state of consciousness I would not harm anyone.

If everyone lived in that state, as we all will after Ascension, I guarantee that the world will work for everyone. So the phrase is not empty or pie-in-the-sky. It lives for me.

Do I have trouble asking to gather to me people who’ll help unfold that vision and make it manifest? None at all.

If you cannot live your vision, chances are it’s not big enough. Make it global. Make it cosmic. Make it big enough to inspire the whole planet – as with a world that works for everyone.

Another word for “big enough” is “contextual.” A context is “big enough.” It includes everything. Peace is a context; so are love, bliss, joy, truth, and reconciliation.

A world that works for everyone is contextual. A world free from harm to women and children is contextual. (1) In a context, no one is left out.

Such a vision resonates with us, I believe, at a very deep level.

That’s my answer, dear heart.


(1) The context is all women and all children.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia