Thursday, November 15, 2018

Unwanted Conditions Exercise (2005) | Steve Beckow

Unwanted Conditions Exercise (2005)

November 15, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Back in 2005, I was looking at how to complete a vasana. At that time, I took a much more leisurely approach, evidently!

Today it’d be a luxury to have the time to go through all these steps – but it’d be very educational!

This is the “work” approach to handling a vasana. Kathleen’s approach of forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude for everyone and everything gets right to the heart of the matter. (Of course I’m biased.)

Unwanted Conditions Exercise

Vasana Name:

1. Unwanted condition

A. I see what it looks like.

B. I notice how I think and feel

C. I see what I associate it with

D. I see what judgments I have about It

E. I notice what its antithesis is

2. Earlier Situation

A. I remember recent similar incidents

B. I remember earlier similar incidents

C. I see what vasana I created.

E. I see what were my conclusions and decisions about life.

F. I see the judgments I made of it.

3. Cost/Benefits Analysis

A. I see what its costs are

B. I see what its benefits are

4. Byron Katie Exercise

A. Is the vasana so-created True?

B. Can we absolutely know it is True?

C. Do we need it?

D. Does it serve us?

E. Can we let it go?

F. Who would we be if we did?

G. Is there a reason to let it go?

H. Turn the vasana around to check

6. Who is the Final Decision Maker?

A. I am the Final Arbiter, the One who is free of the costs, the vasanas, and the thoughts.

B. I am complete, with all the actions I have done, spoke, and thought.

C. I take whatever Providence gives me as Its Will

D. I exist before words.

E. I am That.

Rev: 24 February 2005

Source: Golden Age of Gaia