Friday, November 9, 2018

Time to Listen | The Creator via Jennifer Farley

Time To Listen

NOVEMBER 9, 2018

It is time for listening! The Universe is inviting gently inviting you to quiet yourself and really listen. There is a great deal of information coming in now that will assist you in your future endeavors but….you need to take the time to listen. Do you truly understand? Are you getting this? (Smiling)

There are many changes taking place right now, many more on the horizon and The Universe (as always) is preparing you for even more great shifts in your consciousness. It is time for a little self-examination, a bit of critical thinking and a whole lot of Unconditional Love for yourself and those around you. Have no fear, dearest one, you will make it through just as you always have…with dignity and a deeper respect for human kind. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

Source: The Creator Writings