Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Time has Come for an Acceleration of Reclamation | Elijah List

"The Time Has Come for an Acceleration of Reclamation"

Susan Harper Barnett, Denham Springs, LA

Vision: Digging in Layers

I recently heard the Lord say, "Acceleration of Reclamation." After this, I had a vision of a large room. Above this room was Earth, which I could see as a cross section with four layers. In the room below the four layers there was a stack of giant jewels – diamonds, emeralds and garnets. There were also stacks of very old looking scrolls and books with tattered covers.

On the surface there were people using spoons to dig at the layers above the room. Suddenly the spoons flew out of their hands. They started using trowels, small gardening tools, to dig. These then flew out of their hands as well and were replaced with shovels.

"Sometimes we mean well but do wrong."

With all of this effort and all of these tools, very little progress was being made. The surface of the top layer was barely affected. It was as if they were digging in granite. As I watched this, I heard a rumble and a "beep, beep, beep." I recognized that sound as coming from a piece of heavy equipment. I looked and a short distance away I saw an excavator coming to the dig site.

I heard the Lord say, "Men have used what they have and have put their best effort forward but have made little progress. The time has come. The hour has arrived. I, Myself, have come to break through the barriers. It is time for the treasures, destinies and mysteries which have been buried to be unearthed and reclaimed, for this is the time of their release."

The four layers were labeled "culture, tradition, religion and good intention". The top three layers were the same thickness. The layer of good intention was thicker than the other three combined.

Culture Layer

The excavator began its work on the first layer, the layer called "culture." This layer formed a very hard crust and looked like granite. It took quite a bit of pounding with the excavator bucket before it was broken through. With each blow, the entire picture I was seeing moaned and shifted in a wave as if to resist breaking. As I watched, the waves got smaller, the moans ceased and the surface finally gave way and broke. Culture was penetrated.

God will tear down the "truths" we have used to justify our cultural boundaries. He will cause people to question these "truths" and will expose them for the social, political and religious manipulation and control that they are. In doing so, many will be set free from the bondage of judgment, shame and rejection they have lived in.

Tradition Layer

The second layer was labeled "tradition." After culture was broken through, tradition was much easier to remove. The layer of tradition was not as hard as the layer of culture was. It looked more like a porous, sedimentary rock. Somehow I knew that they were made of the same, basic material, but it was as if the traditions had been solidified in culture. Now that cultural barriers were broken up, tradition was much less difficult to break through.

Religion Layer

The third layer was "religion." The structure of this layer was not like the other two. It was not one, solid piece but was made up of multiple pieces of various sizes and shapes, all tightly fit together. It was as if it had been one piece at one time but had suffered great trauma which had caused it to fracture. This layer required great skill in the hands of the excavator operator. Each piece had to be moved very carefully and with great wisdom. One wrong move and it would cause the structure to collapse in on itself and by doing so, crush what was underneath it. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

While the removal of the layer of "culture" took brute battering, and the layer of "tradition" required almost mindless effort, this layer required tedious, calculated movements. It was fascinating to watch the skill and grace with which the operator handled the equipment and each piece of the layer he was removing. It was obvious that he was not trying to destroy the pieces but was rather repositioning them. They were being placed in right order. It was really beautiful to see such power being used with such gentleness and under such control.

Good Intention Layer

The layer of "good intention" took almost no effort to remove. Upon reaching this layer it became obvious that it was not a solid layer at all but was more of a sludge, a spongy bog. It was as if these good intentions, while certainly misdirected, provided a cushion of protection between the layer of religion and the items below. With one sweep of the excavator bucket the entire layer flowed out of the way. There was no resistance to being removed. I had the sense that this layer had meant no harm and was relieved that this time had finally come.

"He will tear down the "truths" we have used to justify our cultural boundaries. He will cause people to question these "truths" and will expose them for the social, political and religious manipulation and control they are."

Many times it has been the good intentions of men that have shaped our religious dogmas which in turn have modeled our traditions that have then formed our culture. It is not always wicked and evil intentions which lead to error. Sometimes we mean well but do wrong.

The Room

The room was finally uncovered. There were huge, beautiful diamonds, emeralds and garnets. These are the treasures of the Kingdom which have been hidden. It is now time for them to be unearthed, reclaimed and released into the Kingdom. These are treasures of knowledge, wisdom, understanding and the fear of the Lord. These treasures will release truth and prosperity and will enable and release righteous men to reclaim the earth and its resources for the Kingdom.

The very old, ancient scrolls contain the assignments and destinies of individuals and nations. These destinies and assignments which have been buried and hidden are about to be reclaimed. The answers to the prayers of the saints, which have been stored up from times past, will be manifested in this hour as individuals and nations begin to understand who they are and what their assignments are. Lives will begin to take on purpose as people understand the importance of their contribution in this generation. We will see competition diminish and cooperation increase.

The old books contain the mysteries that have been hidden, but which He is ready to reveal. They contain revelation of the truth as it has always been and will always be. The eyes of men will be opened to see truth and understand its application. These mysteries revealed will serve to bring liberty to men's spirits, souls and bodies. (Photo via Unsplash)

The time has come for an Acceleration of Reclamation. The heavy equipment is on the move to unearth that which is buried. The destinies of men and nations, the treasures stored up for His sons, and the truth hidden for the ages are about to be exposed. Yahweh Himself is at the controls and has determined that the time is now! It is up to His sons then to take up that which He uncovers and apply it for Kingdom purpose. Nothing will prevent what He has determined. Be ready!

Source: Elijah List