Thursday, November 1, 2018

Preening Divinity’s Iambic Pentameter | Pine Cone

Chanting Forgiveness nurturing Light Prayers of innocent’s Loving touch of the Divine, are Prayers said twice enlightening Compassion, in a way of Preening Divinity’s Iambic Pentameter for the sake of, all who suffer Time’s Creation Divide in Karmic dissonance, so I preen, I sing, I dissolve, and I chant iDivine a muse

“Thank you chanting Delight Bonding Communion ONENESS Spirit Conscience of Immortal Love Flux-flow freeing~energy Effulgent coalescing Joy in effervescent Harmony within enlightening Divinity, for creating us in Delight Bonding Communion ONENESS Spirit Conscience of Immortal Love Flux-flow freeing~energy Effulgent coalescing Joy in effervescent Harmony within enlightening Divinity

Thank you singing Holy Spirit nurturing Light for, directly experiencing forgiveness miracles working through, and for me to enlighten Compassion, and Unify Karmic-dissonant divisive-gender role-reversal lifetimes Mercy in Divinity’s Kind Grace

Thank you melodic absolute unborn infinity for filling my head, my heart, and my hands with the Pure White Light of Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing Divinity, for filling my head, my heart, and my hands with the Silver~violet Light of Saint Germaine Healing ONENESS Divinity and, especially for filling my head, my heart, and my hands with the Golden Ray Christ Light Mosaic interconnecting telepathic Creative Intelligence within, all Sentient Light Being Divinity

Thank you Crystalline-music Christ Light Indigo Kind-vibration affinity for switching my allegiance from Creation Divide, to Creator Light Preening Twin Flame Divinity’s Iambic Pentameter in this Mourning Morning’s Spiritual Sovereign Singularity song of Prayer…”

To the music of “I Am That That I Am” awake us,
May Light banish unconscionable darkness forever

Thank you for the Kind Wisdom of Divine~gratitude
For long In our Hearts this ember has been smoldering

Sing my Heart sing; Love’s nectar shower upon us
May Light banish Creation-dark for~every~where

Chanting in God’s library realized my origin
Lovely Lyrics of children are we in quiet pose

Songs of innocence are prayers said twice
Authentic expressions come from Listening Well

Home is goose bumps tingling with tears of One
Forgiven mind vibration become words sung

Please and thank you merge to sweet nectar
May Spirit Light vanquish all Creation Illusion

Everything's a lesson, freedom in humility
I am you; you are me; let me see

I am you; you are me; let me see…
May light banish darkness forever