Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Parasitic Entities Harvesting Orgasm, Tech Hijacking Intimacy | Enlighten Up

Published on Oct 4, 2018

Amelia Aeon Karris joins the conversation today to share with us her knowledge and wisdom on our sacred sexual energy.

She has been a way-seer and trend-setter throughout her career spanning technology, fashion, entertainment, intentional community design, and spirituality. She is the author of Synchronicity, Unlock Your Divine Destiny and the founding director of ‘Know The Self’, a Mystery School for Modern Day Living, in which she guides truth seekers to access their innate wisdom.Through an intense Kundalini activation, Amelia discovered that our orgasms were being harvested by a dark energy. How does this happen and why? Where was this shown to her? And can we stop this from happening?

Intimacy is a beautiful aspect of a connection between 2 people, but these days many people are struggling to connect. How does technology play a role in the destruction of our intimate connection? Is there a darker purpose behind this?

And how do we reclaim our divine sovereignty to bring us all back to our intended soul frequency of love?

All of this and more in episode 068!