Thursday, November 1, 2018

November Energy 2018: New Earth Holograms & Volcanic Eruptions | Nicole Frolick

Published on Nov 1, 2018

November is going to be a BIG month of projecting your own 5D hologram to assist New Earth and the collective. Lightworkers, you are being called to really step into your True Self and channel your higher self energies through the crown and project them from your heart into your reality. There will be challenges you encounter because of this so maintain your protection through compassion and forgiveness.

The birthing of New Earth is a mirror of our own individual clearing and upgrading. Many have been feeling the pain of purging so much physically so that their bodies can catch up with their energetic bodies. This will be highlighted through volcanic activity potentially in the month of November. Expansion of our consciousness and heart energy is a mirror of Gaia’s expansion through volcanic activity.