Thursday, November 8, 2018

Lightworkers: Survival Mode is Designed to Keep your Vibration Low | Dawn Bailey

Lightworkers: Survival Mode Is Designed To Keep Your Vibration Low

Date: November 8, 2018

I think it is safe to say that most of humans in the world are living in survival mode. If you are a Lightworker you would have been in that mode your whole life. As a Lightworker you were bombarded from the time you were born by situations and people around you to keep you in survival mode. Survival mode is guaranteed to keep your vibration low all the time.

Why are we kept in survival mode?

So we can’t manifest. All Lightworkers are excellent at manifesting but to manifest you have to have a high vibration. When you are in survival mode you are trapped in a cycle of negative thinking and worry. To manifest 85% of your thoughts have to be positive as they carry a high vibration. When you have a negative thought that neutralizes your positive thought and you can’t manifest anything. Our thoughts are energy when engage a negative cycle of thinking your energy gets lower and lower and you can’t manifest anything positive. As a lightworker you are such a strong manifestor naturally you may even be manifesting negativity in your life by just thinking.

What exactly is survival mode?

When you lack the basic necessities or are struggling to get your basic needs met you are in survival mode. When you are abused you are in survival mode. When you live with abusive toxic people you are in survival mode too. When you don’t know how you will pay your bills, buy food, get a car, get a job, or get money for any of these things, you are in survival mode. It is all you can think about and you worry and this lowers your vibration.

Many of you are living not where you want to be. I was living in some pretty horrible conditions with some very toxic people because I had no choice. I lost everything when I started this journey 4 years ago and that was the only place I could go. I had been in survival mode my whole life. That I survived my childhood is a miracle. I went without my basic needs as a child not because we were poor but because my parents just didn’t care enough. I then got myself in progressively abusive relationships when I grew up. The last one was a narcissist and that was the catalyst to my awakening. Since I was never able to relax I was in constant survival mode which kept my vibration low. My awakening torn down my low vibrational energy life and now I am building a high vibrational energy life. When I moved to my new place I was finally able to get out of survival mode. It is a wonderful feeling to be out of that mode.

How I changed my life and got out of the horrible conditions I was living in was, I started to be grateful even though I didn’t have what I wanted to have. Yes I didn’t like my circumstances but I had it better than others did. I started saying thank you to the Universe for everything even if it wasn’t how I wanted it to be. It is said that love carries the highest vibration but I disagree in a way because it was gratitude that changed my life the fastest. I think gratitude carries the highest vibration of energy of all.

My life has been completely changed by gratitude. Yeah I still have a car that I can only drive to the store and to work but it is still running. I do have a wonderful safe place to live that is my own. I have never had a safe place to live in my whole life and I am very grateful for it. I also think the car not being able to go farther than a 5 mile radius is for a deeper purpose. I need to be in this area to transmute the energy from my location. If you feel boxed in and can’t go very far either this is probably the reason why. I was moved to a location though that everything I need is within 5 miles. Even my job is only 2 miles away. We are put in certain places also to keep us safe.

Yes everything was taken away from me but I am getting it all back and more. Yes I have suffered but I know for sure it is over. I am building my life in a higher dimension of consciousness, so it will never be taken away again. What I am building can never be destroyed again because I built it with high vibrational energy.

So while I am a forerunner or first waver whatever you want to call it. I can for sure absolutely tell you what has happened to me will happen to you. As all lightworkers have the same timeline and the same journey. It is even mentioned in the bible.

1st Peter 5:9-11

9Resist him, standing firm in your faith and in the knowledge that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kinds of suffering. 10Andafter you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory inChrist, will Himself restore you, secure you,strengthen you, and establish you. 11To Him be the power forever and ever.

Just add sisters in there Lol and change Christ to Christ Consciousness.

Lots of Love,


My name is Dawn Bailey I am a lightworker/shaman/energy healer. If you are in need of assistance please email me at and follow my blog at visit the about page to find me and resources on social media.

Source: Soul Sister Truth