Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Joy Unspeakable is your Portion! | Elijah LIst

"Sing and Rejoice! Joy Unspeakable is Your Portion!"

Russ and Kitty Walden, Green Valley, Arizona

There Will Be Love Where Love Has Been Absent

The Father says, "Today I am the one putting the turkey on the table this year. There is going to be love where love has been absent. There is going to singing and rejoicing as in days gone by. Estranged relationships will be mended, and My glory and grace is being poured out upon you in the holiday season ahead.

"Don't dread the holidays," says the Father. "Things are going to be different this year, in the most wonderful way. Reach out. Let go of all hesitation or unrealistic expectations upon those close to you. I am a God of celebration, and you will see My hand working in the days ahead to give you a reason for thanks and a reason for gratitude in extraordinary and unexpected ways.

"I am bringing forth peaceful, harmonious relationships, and benefits and blessing and supply. As you seek Me early, so you will find Me. As you seek Me early and set your face to turn to My throne, I will manifest in your life and as your now provision. Things are even shifting on the job and in the area of your vocation and calling.

"Those who have sought your hurt will turn and show favor where only animosity existed before. Those who have ignored you and mistreated you will suddenly turn and show support toward you and reward you for your faithful service and labor. Supply is increasing now," says the Father. "Favor is coming up like a groundswell of blessing to lift you up and out of the way things have been to a new place of honor and opportunity. I am not just opening one door," says God. "I am opening many doors and many opportunities that will completely reshape things for you in fundamental ways."

Joy and Peace Are Your Portion

"Healing is coming to your home," says God. "Just as the priests of old would cleanse the house and declare it free from its contamination, I am not just cleansing you, I am purging the environment around you from every unclean influence. No longer will you be wearied and weighed down with despair or desperation. My Kingdom is peace, and My Kingdom is joy. Joy unspeakable is your portion in this season," says the Father.

"Joy is now, this very day, an overflowing resource in your life. Peace is your portion," says the Father. "I am bringing peace over you, even the peace of one whose warfare has been done away with. This is who I am and what I am doing in your life even now. Enter in and receive by faith all that I have for you. Lay hold by faith upon My 'more than you could ever ask or think' outcome in every area of need you are currently experiencing.

"The river of My gladness is diverting into the dry ground of your disappointments and past regrets. No more regret," says the Father, "and no more despondency over things in the past. Let the past go. Forgive. Release. Bless. Know that I am the God of time and eternity and I am standing in your future, speaking into the fracture and upheaval of the past to heal and mend and completely deliver you. Your past will not dictate your future. Your mistakes and your errors are being addressed, and I am bringing you out to a new day and a new season where you will experience

"My mercies that are renewed every morning. Man's kindnesses die before the sun is set in the sky, but My mercies are renewed every day, afresh and anew. So rejoice in My loving kindness and delight in what I am bringing about, for this is a new time, and a new outcome for you is coming forth and coming forth in a speedy and expeditious manner," says your God.

Source: Elijah List