Holy Karma DNA: What's Visible | Pine Cone

If Immortal Love’s what’s essential hidden in our DNA(Divine Natural Awareness), and asleep-invisible to the Mother Earth Mortal-motif eyes, then what ‘isn’t” unconscious Karma | Evil | Physical-habit | Self-hate Projection | Narcissistic-evil Mom_Sex_Kid_Cop_Rob_Rot_Mob_Posse-worship unforgiven Fight Flight Submit Visible-complicity?

Karmic Kudos Praise goes out to, all visible Evil for so much constant Karmic Humiliation, and immoral battering Hell-raising disregard, that no Human-stain alive can survive-in-Kind Light, ‘without’, from totally avoiding ‘within’ what’s Essential | Invisible | Universal Cosmic Light ID | Spiritual Sovereign Singularity | ONENESS Spirit Conscience | Immortal Love’s invisible Mortal Matrix mind-control minion’s nemesis.

Talk about surrendering within to the Light in the Spirit of forgiveness of, all others, as our tiny physical ID Evil selves, even Praising Reptilian Statist Stasis Satanic Child-sacrifice inhumane Love-lorn Lost soul Dumbed Down Divine Natural Awareness(DNA) for doing such a thorough job at becoming visibly addicted to Monster-survival, only Speaks to a clearer knee-jerk double-reverse desire to turn within, and forgive it all, as ourselves, with every DNA-thing-we’ve-got, to stop denying visible Evil’s survival, as we remain What’s Visible Karmic-habit Authoritarian Centralization, “We can take ‘em” Statist-thorough Can’t Ever?

What’s Visible appears as our Karmic replications, to experience the harm we do to each other in Karmic-dissonant divisive-gender role-reversals, and “What’s Visible” is our co-created Quanta-Illusions, that make us all so mad running Rage-rampart, gone Paper-tiger viral too. Here we are, getting filtered by the invisible Love Light Karmic-lifetimes Illusion experiences, that work perfectly to fool us, until we forgive-it-all in favor of what’s essential, and invisible to the two double-reverse Evil Eyes that, only see what our Karma-Quanta wants us to see?

Karmic Kudos Praise goes out to, all visible Evil for so much constant Karmic Humiliation, and immoral battering Hell-raising disregard, that no Human-stain alive can survive-in-Kind Light, ‘without’, from totally avoiding ‘within’ what’s Essential | Invisible | Universal Cosmic Light ID | Spiritual Sovereign Singularity | ONENESS Spirit Conscience | Immortal Love’s invisible Mortal Matrix mind-control minion’s nemesis.

Mother Earth Evil works perfectly to enhance our desire to turn within, to switch our Death-paradigm allegiance from Creation Collective Mob-rot Mortal Illusion Consciousness, to Creator Clarity of Immortal Love ONENESS Spirit Conscience. We are NOT in a fight to the death, but we aren’t, yet willing to forgive others, as ourselves, so what’s invisible isn’t bad, but just, as different, as everything Visibly DNA unforgiven, that’s already Miracle-working to save us from ourselves in Holographic-Illusion Atomic Nuclear Karmic-habit cell-division carbon-base linear-time slow-boil frog-wart degeneration, eventually.

Awakening Awareness Atonement Ascension_Telepathy Telekinesis Teleportation Transfiguration Flux-flow user friendly freeing~energy, What’s Invisible Creative Intelligence Effulgence waiting for us within our DNA Higher Light Frequency Universal Cosmic Light ID Pineal Portal to Orion’s Nebula Bright Star Brilliance, deeper within absolute unborn infinity can be a “Good Thing”, and not as “Love Bad” as Mortal’s have to believe, still. Waiting for a Mortal to save us from ourselves isn’t any different than chickens scratching Statist-tickets in their own Reptilian Stasis Satanic Child-sacrifice Political ammonia Karma, yet what Voting Mortal doesn’t…eat where we go-back SHTF role-reversal Love-lorn again…wait for it?

In the mean Time, imagine, just like a woman was a man harming-women before it’s no different for one Prison Party-mobster, that was the, other Prison Party-mobster, both harming each other in a past Karmic-lifetime, and if this isn’t a perfect example of how well Evil works miracles, I don’t know what isn’t essential to remain our, best kept secret in favor of Karma Praise? Maybe it’s, really True, that without Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing Light we, really are NOTHING, BUTT a Karmic-habit addicted chain of political role-reversal fools, just like Gender-evil Prison-gang Sex-initiates keep Poison Tree/applegoon, Mother Victim/childhood, Mafia Money Matrix/bullyweaponry, Human Anger/octopusminion fooling our Dumbed Down DNA low light frequency vibration Self-hate Narcissistic-projection Physical-illusion Codependent-resentment Karmic-habit Mirror-double Fused-relationship Separation-suffering Prison-gang Hood-goon Evil-selves?!?

Pour it on “I won’t believe it, until I can see it for myself” Mortal-mantra “Hide and Seek Karma game-on-game” Love-teaser Tesla Truth, or Satanic Darwin Dare blind/deaf What’s, only Visible
Holy Karma DNA: What's Visible | Pine Cone Holy Karma DNA: What's Visible | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/06/2018 02:07:00 PM Rating: 5

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