Thursday, November 15, 2018

Hilarion Captures the Experience | Steve Beckow

Hilarion Captures the Experience

November 14, 2018
By Steve Beckow

In the course of researching the subject of forgiveness, I came across a quote from Hilarion that absolutely captured my own experience.

I’d like to look at it here.

“There is coming a time when the force of love upon the planet will be so great, that all old stubborn issues and traumas from the past will just fade from people’s consciousness. This will help to facilitate a new way of being for all of humanity. There will no longer be an endless list of infractions that one individual has committed against another. There will only be acceptance and forgiveness, with people understanding that love erases all that went before.” (1)

“There is coming a time when the force of love upon the planet will be so great….” Yes, as the energies increasingly rise, the force of love will also increase until it reaches a level where it triggers off what follows.

“… That all old stubborn issues and traumas from the past will just fade from people’s consciousness.” After my heart opening in March of 2015, I felt an inner tsunami of love that (temporarily) swept away ego and all my concerns.

It may be a fading away for the general populace; for me it was a torrential flood that swept everything before it. The end result was the same.

“This will help to facilitate a new way of being for all of humanity.” This will bring in a new way of being – a way of being that’s saturated in love.

“There will no longer be an endless list of infractions that one individual has committed against another.” Replacing it would be an overwhelming torrent of love which commands our attention and completely satisfies us. In the face of it, no one will have any recollection of a perpetration or infraction committed against them, no lists, no resentful memories.

“There will only be acceptance and forgiveness.” When you have everything you’ve always wanted – endless, limitless love and all that it brings with it – what’s to reject and resent? Nothing. Forgiveness is assumed. There would be no grounds to withhold it. It would seem humorous to think of it. As I said elsewhere, forgiveness itself would end up forgotten from lack of use.

I haven’t come across a passage elsewhere that captures what I experienced as precisely as Hilarion does here.

And soon we’ll all experience it.


(1) Hilarion, March 30, 2014, at

Source: Golden Age of Gaia