Monday, November 5, 2018

Decisions, Decisions | Kryon via Lee Carroll

November 5, 2018
From Kryon Book Eleven: Lifting the Veil

Decisions, Decisions...

Dear one, perhaps you’re one that leaves the room and makes no decision, or puts down this book without any choices being activated. Perhaps you really don’t want anything to do with this spiritual energy. Let me describe something: You’re going to be welcomed back to the other side just as firmly and strongly as any other family member. “Well then, Kryon, why should I do it? It sounds like a lot of trouble.” Why would you eat, dear Human Being? The answer is because it sustains you in life. Your spiritual food is the same, but many are simply not hungry! Indeed, it is the sustenance of God within you.

through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel