Saturday, November 10, 2018

Affirming Delight for: Affects of Isolation are Part of the Illusion | Pine Cone

Shame Physical-addiction Bitters

Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing is enlightening enough compassion now for me to step back and repent my extreme PTSD shame-addiction to remain bitterly clinging to compulsive bitching about everything of Earth, that reveals the overall Toxic-shame condition our bitter-hatred for each other’s general condition is in.

What are women trying to tell us?

What are men trying to tell me about myself?

Truly, do we all, not pitifully cling strongly to limited Physical-role Shame-addiction Putrid-bitter codependent resentment, gone Satanic Child-sacrifice mind-control viral? Is everything of Earth as much my mirror-double self-hate Narcissistic-shame protection/projection clingy shame addiction? Am I not addicted to the immoral battering from women, so ashamed that, I crave continual contemptuous male-blame increasing shame-punishment, gone Bitter Earth Mother-viral?

What difference does it make if I am ashamed, as a victim addicted to victimizers, or ashamed as a victimizer addicted to victims, aren’t we both mirror-double shame Physical-addicted Bitter-caretakers, welded together by our, very denied stainless steel shame-addiction? Am I, not addicted to the immoral battering from men, so ashamed that, I crave similar continual contemptuous female-blame shame-punishment, gone Bitter Earth Father-viral?

Is Evil Gender-shame addiction my Earth mirror-double, and if I suffer the overall shame condition our bitter hatred for each other’s general condition is in? Am I that much different than anyone else married to pouting-limited shame-addiction projecting bitter Physical-role self-hate narcissistic shame-addiction out onto our unsuspecting victim progeny? What man or woman doesn’t hate themselves enough, already to pitifully cling to Shame Physical-addiction Bitters?

Haven’t we taken xenophobic suckling genocidal competitive “Team anti-Spirit” far enough?

I have extreme PTSD from being raped, and murdered many times by females, so what woman isn’t, as ashamed as I am addicted to Woman-hate blame for my, own overall shame-condition my general bitter condition is in? Holy Spirit shines my Inner Light on my Karmic-dissonant divisive-gender role-reversal lifetimes, so I understand I can’t Love God, and, still hate women, because when I come back, and I will come Hate-back as a suffering woman next time, to directly experience what happens when I don’t forgive women bitters, as myself this very Evil-gender Physical-role limited ID condition my Putrid-shame is Karmic-in.

What do I do about all the women man-haters of Earth shame bitters, when I forgive them all, as myself, along with every other ashamed Earthling SHTF_slinger?

I renounce the World as it is, already, so maybe I can renounce Evil-gender too, and adopt a Universal Cosmic Light ID, so I escape all the Evil-criminality, that comes with any limited tiny Physical-role Shame Physical-addiction ID genocidal bitters? What difference does it make whether I bitch about women, or I bastard about men, adopting Light as my new ID, even makes married-sex a shaming-thing without any more Hate-legs to stand on.

I bet, even my Karmic self-hate projection shadows will disappear, right along with my clingy Physical limited Evil-gender perspectives, yet who would have imagined when everything of gender changes everything bitter changes, just like now nothing of Earth changes when nothing ashamed changes. I Wonder if I change my bad attitude about remaining physically limited, that it won’t matter to me whether others turn within, or others just disappear from my old Hate-crime suffering Evil-gender limited shaming mind-control. Maybe just surrendering to repent my extreme PTSD experiences have made me, so ashamed of myself, so now I can stop bitching about women, and revel in a New-mind of Delight to stop pretending women have, no right to remain so bitterly clinging to Hate-men, still.

Since it’s not my fault for getting raped, and murdered by my Matriarch Handlers, then it can’t be any woman’s fault to hate men as long as it takes to experience, exactly how it feels to come back again, and again as either genocidal Karmic-shaming self-hate narcissistic contemptuous protection/projection Gender-bigot Light-limit.

Was I, such a bitter woman last lifetime, that I needed to experience rape/murder Matriarch role-reversal, even if neither act is a recognized female possibility, according to the Reptilian Statist Stasis Satanic leaders that, still don’t make Cannibalism, and male rape/murder by women against any Sex-slave MAMA Laws? If Ascension is an inside job, then everything outside I have been bitching about was, only my projection all along, with enough ‘extreme’ to make my PTSD scream, so normal ‘of Earth’ and everything denied about Collective Evil gender Consciousness.

Thank you Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing, for enlightening more compassion, and it sure feels like I have a lot more ONENESS Wonder to think about, now that Universal Cosmic Light ID flings back the curtains, to let in enough Light of Day to make me wanna Shame Earth Karma-cry some Bitter-more.

Pine Cone Sandwich

Immortal Love Life Force Light Source
Inside Pineal Portal @Orion Nebula Bright Star Brilliance

Love Life Light Immortal Force Source
Immortal Life Love Force Light Source
Immortal Light Force Love Life Source
Love Force Life Source Immortal Light

Absolute Unborn Infinite Crystalline Christo Universal Cosmic Light ID

Light Existence Love of all Life

Spiritual Sovereign Singularity

ONENESS Spirit Conscience of Immortal Love Flux-flow freeing~energy

Enlightening Liquefiable Love~energy

Perspective-free Gender-free Karma-free Motive-free timeless reverie

Kind formless invisibility

Delight Bonding Telepathic Communion Intimacy

Creative Intelligent Empathic Effulgence

Holy Spirit Forgiveness Nurturing

Enlightening Compassion

Unifying Karmic-dissonant divisive-gender role-reversal lifetimes Mercy unborn Grace

Love Force Life Source Immortal Light
Immortal Light Force Love Life Source
Immortal Life Love Force Light Source
Love Life Light Immortal Force Source

Inside Pineal Portal @Orion Nebula Bright Star Brilliance
Immortal Love Life Force Light Source