Friday, November 9, 2018

11.11 Twin Flame Portal & Evolution of 'Channeling' | The Quantum Soul

Published on Nov 7, 2018

11.05-11.11 Twin flame portal of energy (‘Portal’ and ‘Energy wave’ are basically the same for me. I see it more as a “portal” rather than a wave of energy, but both are the same.) Culmination of energy on 11.11. Activations for twin flames to energetically prepare heart for reunion. Energy to help release what does not serve you in order to receive higher energy of twin flame. Opening strong love and oneness energy. For non-twin flames, this portal is strongly activating the heart, for you to connect to your inner heart to establish more love and oneness within yourself. 11.11 energy portal available to help assist you in remembering who you are and what your purpose and mission is on the planet during this time.

We also talk about the evolution of “channeling” as we head into 5D. Connecting to and merging with the Higher Aspect of yourself so that you are tapping into / bringing forward higher knowledge and streams of information or “downloads” on a daily, consistent, “new normal” basis. Fading out of what we know of “channeling” today (i.e. trance channeling - these techniques of channeling higher vibrational and dimensional information was necessary in 3D, but not in 5D), and coming of integration / merging with the Higher Self and oneness energy in a conscious, everyday way. You are connected to your past, present, future and galactic selves/lives, so receiving information from your Higher Aspects will become more merged.