Sunday, October 28, 2018

Zorra of Hollow Earth Call | Today at 12 PM EDT 10/28/18


"ZORRA Call"

Oct. 28, 2018

9:o0 AM Pacific
10:00 AM Mountain
11:00 AM Central
12:00 PM Eastern

Website and for Replays:

Guest Call In:
516-418-5563 and press 1 if you would like to speak

"Be happy in this Now moment and focus on raising your Consciousness."
~Zorra, Saraiya

Dear beloved Gods and Goddesses,

First of all, we thank you for your patience since we were not able to have our Blogtalk Show yesterday due to technical difficulties. All has been resolved and it did take some time.

Welcome once again to another wonderful Zorra Call!

We are very near the end of an era of greed, power and control. We actually can see positive examples of how humanity is now taking action and taking back the freedom, the peace and the prosperity that belonged to us, the people.

Spiritually, we have gained momentum in our understanding of who we are as the Beings who have come here from many, many, many different solar systems, galaxies, universes in the cosmos. We know we came for a very special purpose and that is to be of service to Humanity and Terra Christa. The goal is Ascension for all except for those that are not ready.

Remember when we took for granted and assumed that 3D existence was all there was? Who ever thought about 5D then?

As we are now awakening, we can more beautifully see and feel what 5D is about and we know that is where we want to be and that is where we belong - Love, Peace, Joy, Harmony and Abundance for all!

Today, Saturday, we will have a special spiritual teacher and messenger, Nancy Tate. She channels messages from Horus from Hollow Earth plus St. Germain and other Light Beings. It will be wonderful to hear from her once again. When she channels, the messages brought forth are thoughtful, uplifting and inspiring.

We welcome Nancy and her beloved, Bob Towers to our show! Many of you know Nancy through their

We are happy to have you join us!


Replay of the "zorra and Jared Call" 10-23-18: