Friday, October 5, 2018

True Paradise | Heavenletters #6461

True Paradise | Heavenletters

OCT 4 2018

God said:

Beloved, I, God, am gentle. A God of strength accommodates plenty of gentleness. A God of Strength and Goodness and Mercy has plenty of gentleness to spare for all. What would a God have to fear that he would have to be rough about?

God does not have to use a booming voice. Those who have the most vital messages to convey certainly require only the softest of voices. Powerful as I am, there is no reason for me to turn up the volume. Does anyone, least of all a God, believe He has to bellow in order to be heard?

What greatness can there be from a barrage of noise? No voice is to make anyone tremble. Never did I catch onto the idea of a harsh voice. I do not see value in startling anyone. I am all for giving life comfortable cushions. Let’s give life a break. Let’s give life peace and quiet.

Settle your corner of the world in peace. This is a good start. Engage life. Turn down your volume. Bring on joy. What more of consequence do you have to do? Let’s calm hearts first. Let Us make love the heir apparent. Let’s make Earth a soft pillow for all to rest on.

Let Earth become acknowledged as a warm harbor for all. What a beautiful experience is it to welcome Oneness. From this day forward, may everyone feel indelibly-welcomed to Earth. Let welcome be the way of the world. Let the world be a hearth for all. At the least, life is to welcome itself.

A welcome is not meant to be a surprise. Welcome is to be a matter of course. Everyone is to be greeted everywhere. This is the most natural thing in the world. Everyone’s eyes are to look into each other’s eyes, and everyone is to greet and be greeted with: “Hey, Pal, glad you’re here.”

No one is to ever feel the least left out. A thought of loneliness no longer will be found anywhere. No one is to remember what loneliness used to feel like. Loneliness will be extinct.

This is what true Paradise is like. No one ever feels left out. All hearts are One. No one is a stranger. There are no strangers. No one has to fend for himself. Everyone carries friendship for all. This is natural. This is what God’s world is like.

There is no thought otherwise. Anything less than friendliness is inconceivable.

Every day is Godly and full of joy. There is no other place you would rather be than where you are, and no one else you would rather be with than whomever you are with now. All friendship is permeable and lovely.

No one is alone unless he wants to be and has a good book to read or a worthy hobby to follow. Ah, if someone isn’t truly desirous of being sociable, he is radiantly free to follow his own pursuits. He is not constrained. Aloneness isn’t regimented. No one has to be in company unless that’s what he wants at the moment, for individuality is also alive and well. Oneness does not at all mean conformity. Freedom of Oneness remains. There is room for all on earthen Paradise, and Paradise is how everyone wholeheartedly desires his life to be.

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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light