The New Reality of Unity | Archangel Uriel via Natalie Glasson

The New Reality of Unity by Archangel Uriel Through Natalie Glasson

October 12, 2018

Archangel Uriel
5th October 2018

The New Reality of Unity by Archangel Uriel

Channeled through Natalie Glasson - 5th October 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

The Solar Level of the Creator’s Universe is represented by a copper golden colour and overseen by Helios and Vesta. The purpose of the Solar Level is to bring forth the balanced energy of the Masculine and Feminine vibrations of the Creator, giving birth to new creations born from balance and unity. The Solar Level supports the magnification, empowerment, and expansion of light and is likened to the radiant glow of the sun.

We, the Angelic Kingdom, embody both the Masculine and Feminine energies equally within our energy fields, although we do not recognise the energies as either Masculine or Feminine, their unified creation is simply an integrated aspect of all that we are. In truth, we are unable to bring forth an idea or concept of separation within our essence. However, we recognise that understanding, discovering and remembering the presence of the Divine Masculine and Feminine is an integral aspect of the Earth Ascension School. There are many levels and dimensions within the Universe of the Creator where the separation of the Divine Masculine and Feminine are honoured and explored. As well as areas where the unity and integration of these two sacred aspects of the Creator are celebrated and experienced fully as an awakening of remembrance of the Creator.

I, Archangel Uriel, wish to bring your awareness to the Solar Level due to the brilliant and awe-inspiring awakening and emanation taking place from this level of the Creator’s Universe. Helios and Vesta, the overseers and representatives of the Solar Level are bringing forth a new intention which is already in action at the Solar Level and is manifesting within the Planetary Level and earthly vibrations. The Solar Level is merging the Divine Masculine and Feminine at a higher frequency and vibration than ever before, this means that the light being created is sublime, powerful and impactful for all. A higher frequency of synthesised light of the Divine Masculine and Feminine is available now for all to download in order to create a sacred activation and remembrance within your being. This will create an alignment with the energy of unity and oneness that will be breathtakingly inspiring promoting new understandings of yourself, reality and spiritual growth.

Even more remarkable is that Helios and Vesta are receiving direct guidance from the Creator of intentions to be placed into the core of the Solar Level in order to give birth to new creations of unity. Thus, the Solar Level core is creating new manifestations, new energies and even a new reality of unity and oneness for all to explore. While the energy is being created within the Solar Level, every person has a direct connection with the Solar Level within their soul. Therefore, the transformations are already beginning to take place within your soul, radiating into your entire being and reality.

Using the word, ‘reality,’ I, Archangel Uriel, am speaking of a view of self and surroundings. Each person and soul have a personal view of self and surroundings, even of the Creator. This view or reality is open to shifts, transformations and alterations, thus a reality is never the same, meaning a perspective can never be the same in any present moment. The Solar Level is creating a new reality of unity and oneness, this is a new view, perspective, understanding, and experience of the Creator’s union, this vibration has never been experienced within the earthly realms, Planetary Level and Solar Level. This signifies that humanity has consented through their soul to embody a transformation focused on unity and to let go of old concepts and ideas of what unity and oneness is and how it is in action through them. Imagine a new idea of what unity is, how it is to exist as and emanate unity, as well as how it would influence your life. It is impossible to imagine what a new perspective of unity would be like and how it would impact your awareness and inner wisdom, this is because it has never before been experienced in these dimensions. However, you do already embody the new reality of unity because you have existed in other dimensions of higher frequency than the Solar Level and you are an embodiment of all that is the Creator. The process is a remembrance experience for your soul and a new activation and embodiment for your physical being.

Downloading the Energy of the New Reality of Unity

I, Archangel Uriel, wish to invite you to download the energy of the new reality of unity being created within the Solar Level core. It doesn’t matter if you do not understand it or that you cannot comprehend what it would be like to perceive from a space and state of balanced Divine Masculine and Feminine. Simply allow yourself to be a receiving source of the new reality being created.

During meditation or quiet time, imagine that you are existing within a copper golden chamber of light, before you is the most brilliant and exquisite sun, beaming upon you. This sun is safe for you to gaze into and receive its sacred rays of light. Allow yourself to bathe and receive the light of the Solar Level core for as long as feels appropriate.

When you feel ready, state your intention, ‘I allow myself to be a receiving source of the Solar Level’s new manifestations, creations, and reality of unity, oneness, and balance. I invite a new reality and view of unity, oneness, and balance to be downloaded and activated through my soul and brought into full embodiment and action within my being. I am now ready to let go of old ideas and concepts of unity, oneness, balance, and harmony replacing these with a new view as created by the Creator and the Solar Level core. Thank you, I am now ready to receive and open myself to accept all that is appropriate.’

Imagine, sense or acknowledge that from the centre of the Solar Level core existing before you a new manifestation of energy emerges, the Solar Level is giving birth to a new reality of unity. The Solar Level will gift this energy to you in the most appropriate way for you. Please be aware of any symbols, visions, insights or sensations that dawn as you receive the download of light. Receive for as long as feels appropriate.

Next, take your focus into your Soul Star Chakra above your head and acknowledge or simply know that your soul is activating, bringing forth remembrance and truth into your current embodiment. Follow the stream of your soul light from your Soul Star Chakra down through your chakra column and into your Earth Star Chakra below your feet. Acknowledge that you are bringing the new reality of unity and oneness from your soul into manifestation and grounding within your being. Your soul will rewire your entire being, creating new chemical reactions within your body that will shift the programming of your physical body and awaken new possibilities within your being at a physical and spiritual level. You are giving your soul permission to upgrade your entire being and energy field in order to allow you to exist with a new view of yourself and your surroundings.

Remember that there is no need for you to comprehend or understand how your new reality of unity and oneness will appear. Simply know the energy has been downloaded and the understanding will dawn with divine timing. It is not for you to comprehend, more so it is for you to be aware of the presence of balance, unity, oneness, harmony and the synthesis of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within your being and reality. When you are aware of the opposite, invite your soul to bring forth the new reality of unity and oneness into the area, situation, experience to manifest transformation and further ground the energy into your being and everyday life.

I, Archangel Uriel, am present to support you,

With angelic peace,

Archangel Uriel
The New Reality of Unity | Archangel Uriel via Natalie Glasson The New Reality of Unity | Archangel Uriel via Natalie Glasson Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/12/2018 11:43:00 PM Rating: 5

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