Planet Alert for October 2018 | Mahala

Planet Alert October 2018

Posted on October 9, 2018

Yesterday was a historic day that will go down in history. The Republicans now control the Senate, the House and the Supreme Court of the United States. They now have total control of the power and can use it for their own benefit. We are now living under a dictatorship and it appears like the dark has won although the battle will not be over until after the upcoming election on November 6, 2018. We can take back our power by voting for the people who have the desire for freedom and do not want to be controlled or live under a dictatorship.

I looked up the Astrology birth charts of both the Republican and Democratic parties. I found out that the Republicans are ruled by Mars, which has been considered the God of War. No wonder the Republicans have caused so many wars in the past. Mars is considered a red planet and in the past was very violent. Look at what George Bush did. He created a war that killed thousands or maybe even millions of innocent men, woman and children in the Iraq war. There was no reason for that war. Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction and they had nothing to do with 9-11. There was no need to kill all those people and George Bush got away with what I call a War Crime. Look at the karma he will have to deal with over time and the United States still has karma for creating that war. It looks to me like people still want that war energy to be in control because they voted for the Republicans and the red planet Mars.

The total eclipse that was over the United States on August 21, 2017 was on 29 degrees Leo. This activated Mars energy in the Republican chart. It also activated Mars energy in Trump’s chart because his Mars is on 26 degrees Leo and his rising sign is 29 Leo which means he brings in the energy of control, chaos, money, power, and arguments to the White House. Whoever he does not like he fires, just like in his TV show The Apprentice. His Leo energy makes him feel all powerful like he can do anything he wants to do. The Republican Party is all about money, power, big business, control and violence. Look at the huge tax cut he gave the rich people. This energy will change soon and he will start feeling much opposition against him as soon as Saturn starts opposing his Mercury on 8 degrees Cancer which will occur before the end of this year. It is possible that aspect can put an end to his job as president

The rights of women have now been taken away and if Trump stays in power women will have no control over their life and their bodies. Is this the kind of energy you would like to live under? In the last few years women have come out in the open to express their power. Now they are starting to feel like they have no power and are very angry. Do you want to feel powerless? We can be heard if we go out and vote in mass to change the result of this power and control energy. I realize that Trump was meant to be president because all of the darkness had to come out into the open to have the light shine on it for the benefit of humanity. I also realize he would have to play the part of a Dark Lord to have all this corruption come out into the open.

Jupiter moved into Scorpio a year ago. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the God of the Underworld. I like to look at Pluto as the transformer, which is what Pluto has been doing, but the original meaning was the God of the Underworld. This is why so much corruption has come out into the open and a lot of it has been around the misuse of sexual energy towards women. Jupiter moves into Sagittarius on November 7, the day after the election. Sagittarius rules justice.

On Election Day we will find Jupiter on 29 degrees Scorpio. This is the most powerful degree of the whole zodiac. I know that from my own personal experience. I went to the dentist with that aspect in affect and almost ended up dead because the dentist gave me a double dose of Epinephrine. I started to leave my body with a heart attack. If the dentist had not given me oxygen right away I would not be here today. It took me two years to recover from what that event did to my body. When Jupiter is on 29 degrees Scorpio it will be in exact opposition to Alcyone, our central sun. This is like the dark against the light. Who will win? Alcyone is on 29 degrees Taurus which is ruled by Venus, the Goddess.

It takes 26,000 years for our solar system to go around Alcyone in the Pleiades. The Earth is part of the Pleiades system which is called The Seven Sisters. The Pleiades star ships are now here in full force. Apparently, they are waiting to see what happens and if we need help these benevolent space Beings will help us. Who knows what may happen because we are in the end times and a new beginning.

There was a war on the Astral level for many years and on March 20, 2016 the war on the astral was over. I know that from personal experience and the really dark beings from that level were thrown down to earth and have attacked and gone after many people. Their time is short although in the mean time they are causing chaos and violence anywhere they can create that energy. It is very important that you enclose yourself and your family in a bubble of White Christ Light that is very thick so no one can break into it. The White Christ light is the energy of the Goddess.

Now back to the original chart of the Democrats. This party is ruled by Neptune, which is the higher Goddess energy for our solar system. Venus is the Goddess of Earth. Neptune is a gentle planet and is blue in color. The Democratic Party likes to help people and they created health care for everyone. Raising four children without any health care because we could not afford it was a challenge. I was so happy when the Democrats provided health care for everyone whether you had money or not. I think food, shelter, and health care should be available to everyone.

When I hear people say Obama did not accomplish anything in his term as president I wonder what they are talking about. People had been trying to get health care for everyone for a long time because it was needed. Obama became president in 2008 after George Bush had crashed the economy. Obama put the economy back together within two years. I was proud to call him our president. He presented himself in a dignified and gentle way. He was all for women’s rights. I thought he was one of the best presidents we have ever had. I would like to see that gentle energy back on this planet.

In my last article I said “The fire goddess Vesta will be conjunct Saturn, which is on 2 degrees Capricorn in the Fall Equinox chart. This will give a lot of power to that degree. The meaning of that degree refers to the disruptive consequences of negativity. The leaders who claim power over the people to lead them must reckon with the consequences of their too-impulsive use of power. Saturn is/was the karmic planet and whoever uses their power in a negative way will be called on to pay their debt. This energy is occurring now with the leaders of the USA.” This energy will be in effect until the Winter Equinox. Leaders of our country pay attention or you may start experiencing your karma big time.

I would also like to address all the conspiracy theories that are out there. I have a question for those who are caught in that energy. Do you feel any love from those groups? Isn’t everything they talk about negative? Do you want to spread that negative energy? Wouldn’t it be better to join a group who express love?

I have given you my opinion and hope it does not offend you because I do not like negative thoughts sent my way. I do not like the idea of being controlled. I believe in Freedom and Justice for all. I do not like seeing my country going down and turning into a dictatorship. I choose to live in a reality of love and peace.

Please surround this upcoming election with the White Christ Light for the highest and best good for everyone. Also surround all of the computers connected with this election so they will not be hacked again. Please VOTE. We need to do our part. Let’s get out of this dark illusion and walk into the light. It is time! I will get off my soap box now and wish you a happy holiday and New Moon day which is today October 8, 2018.

I send love and light to all of you.

***** Mahala Gayle *****

Source: Mahala's Astrology
Planet Alert for October 2018 | Mahala Planet Alert for October 2018 | Mahala Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/10/2018 11:42:00 PM Rating: 5

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