Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Now is the Time | The Creator via Jennifer Farley

Now Is The Time…

OCTOBER 31, 2018

Welcome to the next wave! Yes, the resting period was very brief but, there is much to be done! Over the next few weeks, it will seem as if every….single….thing you know and feel about yourself is being challenged. Under no circumstances should this be viewed as a negative thing. Instead, it is an opportunity for you to stretch beyond your comfort zone, to explore options not thought of and give you the gift of expansiveness. On your Earth plane there are many things that are viewed as finite. You know there is much more to your existence than what is being presented to you. Now is the time to explore, break those bonds and step into your own personal infinite! As always, The Universe is loving and supporting you through it all. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

Source: The Creator Writings