Monday, October 29, 2018

Message from Mother God (10/29/18) | Galaxygirl

Mother God 10/29/2018

Greetings children, my precious ones. This is your Mother God speaking. I want you to sit back and relax into me, for you are worried and burdened, I can sense it. The heaviness that has been transmuted of late has been quite the load to bear and I see this children. I - we, your Father and I, thank you so much for your service. This is not a forever thing children although it can feel like it when you are in the throes of it. Relax and lean into me and become refreshed and rejuvenated.

I am your Mother God. I see you, I know you, I love you. My breath is your breath, children. We are one, united, together, of the same stuff. We are love. It is this Now for you to recall and deeply remember this truth and time for the untruths to be transmuted into love and truth. Love is all there is. I, Source, is all there is. All is light in the end, children. Rest in this and enjoy the journey. My wave coming is my light, my pulse, my love. Let it into you, just as you are letting my words just now come into you and sooth your vibration. It is the same. Do not over think it. Continue to walk hand in hand and heart in heart with me and all will be made right. Rest in me. You are safe and secure. And children, you are strong. So strong, it takes my breath away in delight as I watch your prayers and light beams light up the heavens. You are a formidable team, children, and together we are unstoppable. It is time for the light to completely vanquish the dark now. I have spoken. The divine feminine has returned. And children, it is truth through me, through you, through this communication that we have when you open your hearts up to me. For it is time for the old to pass away and the new to be reborn and re-remembered. Will you build and rebuild with me? Gaia needs you. Nova Gaia waits for you. We are all here in great support of you.

I am your Mother God. Be at peace. But of course that is your choice should you decide to rest in me or stand off to the side frizzled and frazzled. Why would you chose that? Have you not been in that space of lack for long enough? Yes! Come to me, rest in me, talk with me about your day, about your concerns. I am ever listening for you and to you. Let me sing you a lullaby and be soothed at your deepest core. Let me in there too and be one with me. Twins and family and the what ifs really are inconsequential when you realize that all is divine timing and will serve my purpose. Ah, there you are. Rest in me a bit more children. I am forever here for you and your biggest fan - well Father of course too! We both are your biggest fans and our reunions (Company of Heaven with us) and celebrations we are greatly anticipating. I am your Mother God.

~ galaxygirl