I Already Have What I Want
October 22, 2018
By Steve Beckow

I’m on a ferry to Victoria to celebrate my birthday with my family.
I’m momentarily awash in love and bliss. There can be no better feeling than this. Except more deeply feeling it, which is all one ever wants at these moments.
It’s our common destination. Let me try to describe it.
First off, I feel supremely happy, secure, fulfilled. Higher-dimensional love does all these things to a person.
Second, the mind chatter is absent. There’s no felt impediment, obstacle, or reservation.
While in my everyday state, I might feel afraid to feel safe (because of childhood memories). But if this type of love is added to the equation, these considerations all disappear. And disappear immediately. They cannot coexist with this state of being. (1)

Third, I seem to have access to knowledge, in this state, that I don’t ordinarily have. Ideas flow. Connections I might not ordinarily make are possible here. My confidence is greater. I’m no longer worried about what others think of me.
Fourth, everything works in this space. A great deal does not work when I’m in my ordinary moods.
While I might be ordinarily short-tempered and self-absorbed, in this space I feel patience and interest in others.
Removed are all my likes and dislikes around being with other people. They are simply gone, not there.
All need to hurry is gone. I put one foot in front of the other and head for the ferry. While boarding with the crowd, I take care of the three square feet below and around my feet and keep my attention on myself.
I allow others to go ahead of me. No need to push or shove.
I already have what I want.
(1) Ordinary love is like orange Kool-Aid compared to the freshly-squeezed Florida orange juice of transformative love.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
October 22, 2018
By Steve Beckow

I’m on a ferry to Victoria to celebrate my birthday with my family.
I’m momentarily awash in love and bliss. There can be no better feeling than this. Except more deeply feeling it, which is all one ever wants at these moments.
It’s our common destination. Let me try to describe it.
First off, I feel supremely happy, secure, fulfilled. Higher-dimensional love does all these things to a person.
Second, the mind chatter is absent. There’s no felt impediment, obstacle, or reservation.
While in my everyday state, I might feel afraid to feel safe (because of childhood memories). But if this type of love is added to the equation, these considerations all disappear. And disappear immediately. They cannot coexist with this state of being. (1)

Third, I seem to have access to knowledge, in this state, that I don’t ordinarily have. Ideas flow. Connections I might not ordinarily make are possible here. My confidence is greater. I’m no longer worried about what others think of me.
Fourth, everything works in this space. A great deal does not work when I’m in my ordinary moods.
While I might be ordinarily short-tempered and self-absorbed, in this space I feel patience and interest in others.
Removed are all my likes and dislikes around being with other people. They are simply gone, not there.
All need to hurry is gone. I put one foot in front of the other and head for the ferry. While boarding with the crowd, I take care of the three square feet below and around my feet and keep my attention on myself.
I allow others to go ahead of me. No need to push or shove.
I already have what I want.
(1) Ordinary love is like orange Kool-Aid compared to the freshly-squeezed Florida orange juice of transformative love.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
I Already Have What I Want | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/22/2018 10:16:00 AM