How Can We Change the World? | St. Germain via Natalie Glasson

Master Saint Germain: How Can We Change the World? (2013)

October 24, 2018
By Steve Beckow

I’m researching building Nova Earth and I came across this very helpful channeling from Natalie Glasson in 2013: St. Germain on what Linda calls “Nova Being.”

“Master Saint Germain: How Can We Change the World?,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, November 28, 2013 at [].

It is valuable when many of you upon the Earth with like minds gather together with an intention of making a difference upon the Earth but we understand for many reasons this cannot always be possible. Please know that you can play a divine role in bringing change to the Earth and we are here to support you, acting as a group in oneness with you to bring forth powerful awakening from the Creator into the consciousness of many and the Earth.

With the realization that you are not alone and you can support a shift upon the Earth whether alone or in a group you open yourself up to a great source of power and a higher perspective. This will support you in realizing your inner power and purpose upon the Earth.

The first perspective is to observe all that is occurring upon the Earth and to contemplate whether change is necessary. With this practice you are actually contemplating your belief in the Creator.

Many of you will state that you are not happy with the ways of your world and the great world around you. You may see suffering, pain, judgment, limitations and negativity in the world and wonder how the world can alter into a more loving space. When another person is experiencing harm or suffering, it can be difficult to even recognize that the vibration of the Creator exists upon the Earth.

The first perspective to adopt and to recognize within your being is that everything around and within you is already the Creator. The divine will of the Creator is unfolding and interweaving through every circumstance and reality of the world.

It can take tremendous trust to accept this statement but when you recognize that the Creator is within every soul upon the Earth, while understanding that there is a reason for everything experienced upon the Earth you begin to see beyond pain and suffering, acknowledging the presence of the Creator even in the most chaotic of experience.

With this perspective you begin to notice the harmony that is present within chaos, the healing and returning to the Creator which can be found in painful situations as well as the self-mastery found in challenges whether you experience or observe them.

There is a reason for everything occurring around you, by holding faith that the Creator is present eternally within all aspects of reality encourages you to feel content, you will no longer feel your emotions or thoughts reacting negatively, judgmentally or fearfully. Instead you recognize the truth of the Creator.

Already you are detaching from the drama of life realizing that peace is present in any situation. Thus everything is so much easier to deal with and work through, an inner strength begins to build, which constantly draws you back to love and peace. With this perspective you are able to support alterations in the world because you are being accepting of the world and its people, learning to love the world rather than to judge and energize negativity through your attachment to drama.

The second perceptive occurs almost automatically because you begin to notice the wonder, beauty, kindness and bliss of the world. You have withdrawn from drama and reacting to the outside world, thus a contentment and love swells from within encouraging you to see the wonders of the world. You are attracting into your reality and attention from the outside world the same that is forming within your being. This can only build becoming more magnificent until you recognize miracles and synchronicities within your reality. It is at these times that you know you are building a realization of the Creator within your being which is being projected into your reality.

Although this benefits your reality and allows experiences of joy and love you may wonder how it can support the world. Holding a perceptive of love and projecting it into your reality especially by being grateful, content and seeking the beauty of the Creator within your reality will allow for many negative attitudes and projections you created to dissipate.

Your outlook will become positively infectious at one level and the lightness and expanse of your energy will support and inspire others often without your awareness. Your energy and your connection with us upon the inner planes will flow with tremendous freedom into the world acting as a catalyst of awakening. Thus your vibration and the way you interact with the world will be a facilitator for change.

You may notice alterations and shifts within your own being and those around you but often it is situations and circumstances that are distant to you that encourage a feeling of disappointment in the world. With the two previous perspectives you may find yourself feeling stronger, empowered, compassionate, loving and understanding. Often many chaotic or negative situations within the world are energies from the past moving through to be released, some releases can cause a manifestation which allows many to recognize the release, encouraging supportive healing vibrations to be sent and anchored to aid completion of the cycle of the energy.

You may believe it to be sad that many suffer simply for an energy to be released but people involved may be tied to the energy or had even created it in another lifetime and so are also completing a cycle that will create freedom and understanding. Again we are returning to the first perspective where there is a need to understand that there is a divine purpose for everything. The use of acceptance allows you to adopt this understanding.

The third perspective is to recognize that it is your purpose along with others to invite the Creator to be in action within your reality and the circumstances of the world. The Creator is always present but sometimes we have to ask for the Creator to be in action, which symbolizes that we open ourselves up to act as an instrument for the Creator light, divine healing and influences to create harmony and enlightenment. We are inviting the Creator to anchor more fully and consciously within each person and situation while asking that we may be of service by allowing the Creator to act through our actions, thoughts, emotions and consciousness to bring forth healing, shifts and the greater light of the Creator.

You may wish to say, ‘Let the Creator be in action completely, absolutely and appropriately within my reality bringing harmony, divine healing and attunement with the Creator for external experience.’

Or to support the world you may wish to say, ‘Let the Creator be in action completely, absolutely and appropriately through me and all involved in this situation (you may name the situation if you wish) to result in the experience of harmony, divine healing and attunement with the Creator externally within all and within the consciousness of the Earth.’

‘Let the Creator be in action to bring forth love, healing, truth and bliss.’

Remember that you are not offering yourself as an example of the Creator but are allowing the Creator to work through you, in order for this to occur there is a need to be aware of and follow your divine intuition. There are many ways in which you can bring healing to the Earth, help create the Era of Love upon the Earth or even alter the world you exist within but if we were to share practices they wouldn’t be as powerful as holding the intention and asking for the Creator to be in action in order to bring forth healing, love, enlightenment, bliss and harmony.

Remember that every time you focus upon the light and bring the Creator through your being in whichever way you choose you are supporting a rise in consciousness and vibration within the Earth’s frequency and all that are present.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
How Can We Change the World? | St. Germain via Natalie Glasson How Can We Change the World? | St. Germain via Natalie Glasson Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/24/2018 03:33:00 PM Rating: 5

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