This is the article that should put a FULL STOP to ALL of your questions regarding "when" exactly the event is going to happen. Because, good news folks! "The Event" is happening and well ahead in progress as we speak! Yes, I get it; you probably don't believe this one bit. So please be patient and allow me to present my case at least! You can always reject it later if this information does not resonate with you! So here we go!
First, let us check out what some of our off-world sources have said about The Event. Adronis, an extraterrestrial Syrian entity channelled by Brad Johnson had said long back in this video as well as this video indicating that "The Event" has already begun. The Galactic Federation (channelled by noted psychic Blossom Goodchild had clearly revealed long ago (way back in June 2018) these very indicative words: "You have crossed the finish line."
But some of the most clear words regarding The Event have come through most recently from "The Council", a collective consciousness channelled by Ron Head. And therein, they have truly clarified many important things in many ways in this article published by them right here.
The biggest thing that The Council has clarified is information regarding "The Event Flash", a supposed flash of light from the sun that would signify the beginning of "The Event". As many of you spiritual/metaphysics folks may have already discovered by now, a lot of the information coming in from the higher dimensions is "symbolic" in nature, our dreams being an excellent example of the same. What The Council says here is indeed something on similar lines. They remind us that the words/prophecy: "The Event will happen in a flash" is to be taken symbolically or metaphorically as "The Event will happen in such a short time, it would be as if everything happened in "a flash"". This DOES NOT necessarily mean that a solar flash won't occur at all, but that regardless of whether a solar flash occurs or not, that "The Event" would happen so quickly that it would be as if it was over "in a flash". THAT is what it really means!
For those of you following the news, you all would have realized by now that certain political, geopolitical, geographical and other events have recently accelerated TREMENDOUSLY, and so have certain forms of disclosures. Be it geographical changes, political changes (like the Kavanaugh judicial appointment in the US and the media controversy surrounding it [usually, when the elite controlled media paints something in the negative, it is usually a positive development]) and mass bannings and censorings of Alex Jones, QAnon followers and so on and so forth; all of these events greatly suggest that the establishment is shattering and disclosures are occurring at an incredible pace. Same with the #MeToo movement. Same with paedophilia and sexual harassment being exposed in many religious institutions and the like across the globe and so on. Irrefutable evidence of "The Event" being underway is everywhere you look by now.
Basically, The Event has already begun and is well underway, and a lot of the evidence as seen through global events and the like appears to very powerfully support this idea. Yes, it might not necessarily match the descriptions of what The Event is "supposed to look like" as provided to you by certain messengers claiming to be of the light; but then again it is up to you to discern as to whether they are telling you the truth or not. All said and done, what you have always "waited for" seems to have finally begun so it is now only a matter of time before all of the dominoes fall at an intense pace. And then, much like The Council puts it, "The Event will be over in A FLASH". Sure, it may appear to take a few years of time from a linear time perspective but it will most certainly reach its culmination soon. To put it simply, this is the exact time that you all have always waited for. Experiencing this particular time period is the very reason you were all born here. So rejoice, for "The Event" is finally here and upon us!
It is hoped that this message benefits you in some way.
Aseim out.
First, let us check out what some of our off-world sources have said about The Event. Adronis, an extraterrestrial Syrian entity channelled by Brad Johnson had said long back in this video as well as this video indicating that "The Event" has already begun. The Galactic Federation (channelled by noted psychic Blossom Goodchild had clearly revealed long ago (way back in June 2018) these very indicative words: "You have crossed the finish line."
But some of the most clear words regarding The Event have come through most recently from "The Council", a collective consciousness channelled by Ron Head. And therein, they have truly clarified many important things in many ways in this article published by them right here.
The biggest thing that The Council has clarified is information regarding "The Event Flash", a supposed flash of light from the sun that would signify the beginning of "The Event". As many of you spiritual/metaphysics folks may have already discovered by now, a lot of the information coming in from the higher dimensions is "symbolic" in nature, our dreams being an excellent example of the same. What The Council says here is indeed something on similar lines. They remind us that the words/prophecy: "The Event will happen in a flash" is to be taken symbolically or metaphorically as "The Event will happen in such a short time, it would be as if everything happened in "a flash"". This DOES NOT necessarily mean that a solar flash won't occur at all, but that regardless of whether a solar flash occurs or not, that "The Event" would happen so quickly that it would be as if it was over "in a flash". THAT is what it really means!
For those of you following the news, you all would have realized by now that certain political, geopolitical, geographical and other events have recently accelerated TREMENDOUSLY, and so have certain forms of disclosures. Be it geographical changes, political changes (like the Kavanaugh judicial appointment in the US and the media controversy surrounding it [usually, when the elite controlled media paints something in the negative, it is usually a positive development]) and mass bannings and censorings of Alex Jones, QAnon followers and so on and so forth; all of these events greatly suggest that the establishment is shattering and disclosures are occurring at an incredible pace. Same with the #MeToo movement. Same with paedophilia and sexual harassment being exposed in many religious institutions and the like across the globe and so on. Irrefutable evidence of "The Event" being underway is everywhere you look by now.
Basically, The Event has already begun and is well underway, and a lot of the evidence as seen through global events and the like appears to very powerfully support this idea. Yes, it might not necessarily match the descriptions of what The Event is "supposed to look like" as provided to you by certain messengers claiming to be of the light; but then again it is up to you to discern as to whether they are telling you the truth or not. All said and done, what you have always "waited for" seems to have finally begun so it is now only a matter of time before all of the dominoes fall at an intense pace. And then, much like The Council puts it, "The Event will be over in A FLASH". Sure, it may appear to take a few years of time from a linear time perspective but it will most certainly reach its culmination soon. To put it simply, this is the exact time that you all have always waited for. Experiencing this particular time period is the very reason you were all born here. So rejoice, for "The Event" is finally here and upon us!
It is hoped that this message benefits you in some way.
Aseim out.
Finally the Exact Date and Time of the Event that you Always Wanted to Know | Aseim
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/10/2018 11:49:00 AM