Energetic Synthesis News: Solar Logos | October 2018

Solar Logos

In their infinite love for creation the original Diamond Sun races, the Paliadorians, established the Covenant of Paliador millions of years ago to reclaim the fragmented Souls as a result of the Taran Explosion. The Covenant of Paliador encompasses a massive scope of locating lost souls, transiting consciousness, collecting and recovering Soul fragments that need bodies, routing attachments and consciousness units that need to be recovered, in order to return them to the possibility of continuing evolution through the Cosmic Time Matrix. The Paliadorians hold the access into the Universal Stargates and the many internal portal structures that exist inside every planet in our Solar System. These portals, such as the Trinity Gates, will serve as the transit gate exit for many of the Soul groups that will move through them for their continued evolution and learning in the next planetary schema. In order to heal the Soul groups that suffered fragmentation and digressed into the phantom realms, it would be necessary to completely rebuild the Diamond Sun architecture for the Solar Logos in our Universal Time Matrix.

Tara is used to describe the future earth timelines in its 5D form located in the Soul Matrix layers of the second Harmonic Universe. The Taran cataclysm resulted in the explosion of the World Soul of Tara, which fragmented the collective Soul Matrix body, producing genetic template damage, seals and anomalies like the shadow selves and 2D-4D soul splitting. With the damage and fracturing of the Soul Matrix in the female spiritual principle, and the Monadic Matrix in the male spiritual principle, the Soul and Spirit bodies were unable to merge and unite together to continue consciousness evolution. When the Spirit body is disconnected from the Soul, the Spirit consciousness can no longer remember the Soul and becomes unconscious of the Souls memory of existence. This unconsciousness has the impact of Soul Fragmentation, which results in lightbody damage and has continued to stunt and digress the collective consciousness evolution on the planet Earth.

Thus, the Soul fracture is deeply rooted in female principle reversals, while the Monadic fracture is deeply rooted in male principle reversals. These gender reversals and the disconnection between the Soul and Monad reflect the distortions made in the planetary architecture that commonly manifest as gender splitting and sexual misery. The original human template for Spiritual Ascension is the sacred marriage made between the Soul and the Monadic Spirit which evolve together through multiple dimensions. The hierogamic union that occurs between the male and female principle is ultimately designed to embody the eternal Solar Logos or Cosmic Christos Consciousness into the manifested reality.

With the onset of the Galactic Wars, there was utter destruction of the Solar Stargate architecture that formed the triadic identity of the Solar Logos, which is the highest emanation of the Source system that powers the eternal Soul and Spirit throughout the lower dimensions. This is similar to saying the eternal Soul of the Sun was disconnected from its lower dimensional Soul matrices, which were evolving in the lowest density of the phantom areas with artificial timelines being used by the NAA. Further, these lunar forces were abusing alien technology and broadcasting mind control programing in order to gain full control over the Earth. Without the Solar Logos, the Sun and its many Soul matrices would eventually expire and not fully ascend into the next Universe. The Solar Logos has the Source power to resurrect Solar Consciousness forms by rebirthing Soul matrices from within the Diamond Sun template of the Cosmic Christos Consciousness. Without the Solar Logos, and with the utter destruction of the Diamond Sun template, the Souls would continue to descend and fragment.

The Solar Logos is inherently the Avatar Christos Matrix, which is the fourth triad of intelligence that holds the higher frequency bands of the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions in our Universal Time Matrix. The triadic identity of the Avatar Matrix is required to link into the Soul Matrix in order to directly ascend back into the Universal Mind and Cosmic Logos. This level of consciousness embodiment is now possible from within any section of the time matrix. The Avatar is the energetic reality of experiencing Unity with God, embodying the Unity Logos as an intelligent consciousness field, where enlightened extradimensional contact begins for working in Universal Service for the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.

Conflict to Control Solar Christ DNA

When the Cradle of Lyra was destroyed in the Lyran Wars with the invading Orion Groups, this caused the destruction of the Solar Logos, the Cosmic Christos, the Avatar Matrix level of consciousness in our Universe. These Galactic Wars damaged the Universal portals exiting out of this time matrix, and destroyed the Lyran DNA which was the original embodiment of the Silicate Matrix, the Diamond Sun DNA that enabled the capacity to live as an eternal Krystal Avatar human being. The timeline that brought about the destruction of the Cradle of Lyra is where the seed of the Galactic Wars began, that represent the war waged by the anti-Christ groups against the Solar Christ DNA. Many of these groups comprised of the Lunar forces were unable to move through the Universal Stargates or gain access into the higher dimensions of reality, because they were not embodying Solar Christ DNA. Thus, they have waged war against the Solar Christ in attempts to clone and replicate versions of the Christ Diamond Sun DNA in order to gain the genetic keys for full consciousness access throughout this Universal system. This reveals clues as to why the NAA groups are so obsessed about everything that involves harvesting and studying human DNA, along with their many hidden genetic experiments and breeding programs, to attempt to break the genetic code for consciousness transport and full access time traveling.

The damage incurred to the Solar Stargate system and Sun Disc Network disconnected the Avatar Christ Matrix spiritual-communication links inside the planetary core manifestation template, plummeting the Earth into the darkest age. This damage to the core template and its subsequent disconnection from the Solar Logos generated a closed system of finite energy supply that prevented planetary ascension and terminated communication with the extradimensional Diamond Sun families. The NAA groups took advantage of the closed system and the fragmented Souls of Tara as they were reseeded back into the Earth timelines to reclaim their lost Soul parts. As a result of the planetary grid damage, they had lost their Soul memories and many were recycled repeatedly into the lower dimensional bands of the 3D earth timelines, unable to heal their Soul Matrix, evolve or ascend as their consciousness body was stuck in time.

Moon Chains, Lunar Forces

This cataclysmic event brought about the Moon Chains and Black Hole Entities that came into contact with the Earth, who began to genetically modify and harvest the planetary field to be a consciousness prison and farming territory. Moon Chains are soulless beings, like some of the Greys and Zetas, that have been cloned and hybridized for use by the NAA groups who have placed them on various moons and planets to be workers. Moon Chains also have connections to the refugee races that came from the Mars-Maldek wars, which resulted in exploding planets in the Solar System. Moon Chain lineages are also considered cast offs or laggards from other cycles of evolutionary rounds that occur between multiple planets root races located in our Solar System. The Moon Chain lineages have been directly involved both karmically and technologically with purposely creating the sexual misery mind control program in the human race during this dark age, in order to harvest the maximum amount of human sexual energy for their explicit use. The sexual misery program is a lunar distortion that is designed to manipulate and abuse the Solar consciousness sexual energies. This type of manipulation is also extremely spiritually abusive because it greatly harms the human lightbody.

These Lunar forces decided to exploit the planetary resources by enslaving the inhabitants and by planning to eventually colonize the planet with their lunar consciousness forms. This was accomplished through breeding programs, alien hybridization and working in collaboration with the neighboring extraterrestrial races that trade and barter for assorted negative alien technologies and earthly commodities. This explains why the human body is such a valued and coveted genetic Solar technology, as humans have many more abilities, emotional senses and possibilities that exist in their physical body, than a lunar entity has available in a biological drone body.

The intruding groups sought to permanently destroy the natural occurring Solar Christ DNA from existing anywhere on the planet and within the entire Universal system, in order to take this planet as their primary territory for colonization. It is these nefarious NAA groups that had planned to gradually use Solar Simulators to replace the heat of the actual Sun in the lower atmosphere, because it is the Sun that transmits its eternal Soul intelligence from the Solar Logos to humanity.

Effectively, the war over consciousness is between the Lunar Consciousness, (finite parasitic forms) and Solar Consciousness (eternal light forms) that are engaged in conflicts to gain control over the human Soul’s future timelines on the Earth during the Ascension Cycle. The Lunar is fighting for access to the genetic material in human bodies that they can use for colonization, life extension, and slave labor. The Solar has finally returned back into the lowest dimensions in the phantom realms and is attempting to free all imprisoned consciousness that has been stuck in time, repeatedly recycled and enslaved.

Soul Matrix and Soul Fragments

The Soul Matrix is the first spiritual triad of embodiment, when a human being starts to connect and integrate the Soul body energies into the heart complex during the first stages of spiritual awakening or spiritual ascension. The entire Soul body is made of three layers that interact together into a horizontal triad body, which merges into a trinity body. Each of these layers, 4D, 5D and 6D correlate to the same energy center or chakra, with its color wave spectrum connecting into a dimension of time and space in the future. When the Soul Matrix and Monadic Matrix begin to merge together in the first stage of sacred hierogamic union, this is called Building Wings, signifying the union of the masculine and feminine as One. Upon Building Wings in the lightbody, the chakra membranes dissolve and merge into one unified column of light. At this time, the planetary grid is in the unusual position of supporting both humans with chakras on the 3D timelines, and humans on the ascending path without chakras on the 5D and above timelines.

When aspects of the Soul fragment and sink into the lowest layers of perception, they enter a danger zone. When the Soul is separated from its higher Spirit body it continually sinks into the lowest dimensions, where the personal shadow and collective unconsciousness start to flow together and merge. When this merge with collective unconscious occurs, dark, chaotic, shadow bodies start to emerge and multiply, possibly becoming fixed and consubstantial with the Soul, engulfing its light. The Soul aspect enters the realm of the underworlds or phantom matrix, which are the spheres of collective unconsciousness in which the NAA and lunar groups are directing artificial technology to create consciousness traps. Primarily, the consciousness traps are the AI False Timeline Propagation that was generated from the NAA group’s 9-11-2001 declared war against humanity, called the Armageddon software. This event signified that they intended to take complete control over the future earth timelines, and would attempt to circumvent Ascension by continued dimensional blending experiments and instigating wars, while rolling out the Transhumanist agenda.

Resurrecting the Solar Matrices and Solar Gates

As a result of the rebirth of the triadic identity of Solar Consciousness forming into a rehabilitated and functioning Solar Logos for our Universal Time Matrix, recent grid conflicts of battling for access through the main Solar Gates have occurred. The newly rehabilitated Solar Logos triadic identity has met with completion and connected into the Earth body through a variety of Stargates and interdimensional portal systems. This provides the means to heal Soul fracturing and perform mass Soul retrievals for the Earth and humanity. This event is perceived as a direct survival threat to the NAA and lunar groups.

The NAA are battling for control over access though these Solar Gates, as well as for control over the Sun transmissions and its main portal. Control over these areas are needed to manipulate the direction of the human Soul in the future timelines, thus in retaliation, another generation of AI technology and artificial algorithms intended for disconnecting the human Soul from the physical identity are being attempted now. These technologies are in a range of electromagnetic frequencies targeting the unaware masses through access to personal technology devices. These are the attempts to mind control and to distract, to direct people away from recognizing the truth and integrity that exists within themselves. The Controllers are attempting to block out higher frequencies coming into the Earth from the newly birthed Solar Logos, enlightened extraterrestrial groups like the Guardian Host, as well as the higher frequencies of the personal Soul and Monadic layers in the human lightbody. To keep the Soul and Monad disconnected, they are also promoting gender confusion and gender reversals in the masculine and feminine principles, to keep people distracted away from their spiritual development.

In this current phase, we are entering a window of opportunity in the bifurcating timelines on Earth, in which controlling factions are desperate to manage the future direction of the majority of Soul groups on earth. As a result, they will do whatever they can to block access to the Sun, divert spiritual awakening and attempt to interfere with the natural access links to the Solar Logos and Solar Christ DNA.

Space Fence

The hidden interior of dark cabal, military complex and breakaway civilizations that actively oppose a full disclosure event, are in collusion with the NAA and lunar groups. They are being strategically manipulated through the artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies that are given to them by the negative entities, such as the Zeta groups that continue to skillfully exploit their greed for power. These dark groups are imbedded in a variety of divide and conquer agendas being targeted against human ascension and planetary freedom, and thus are rolling out their next generation of frequency blocking technologies. These include the securing of artificial networks and satellites for building a Skynet type of space fence. Skynet's manifestation was that shown to the masses in the Terminator movie series, of predictive programming, which is an overarching, global, artificial intelligence hierarchy exclusively performed by servers, mobile devices, drones, military satellites, war-machines, androids and cyborgs, and a wide range of other computer systems.

Looking Glass time travel technology, AI Quantum computers, frequency fences, consciousness sweeps, and holographic inserts are being used for scrambling human brain wave patterns, as well as achieving the brain mapping of the collective race consciousness in order to build a series of artificial neural networks.

Through the collection of massive amounts of data contained in the earth inhabitants’ mental matrices and consciousness imprints, this data is collected for uploading into artificial intelligence networks being used for the prediction and manipulation of future timelines. This technology is being used to forecast and manipulate timelines and is being used by both covert human groups and NAA groups. Ultimately, these artificial technologies have been gradually implemented to continue the NAA plan of full domination over global resources, by creating both an obedient and internally warring population that does not notice their personal freedoms and liberties are being stolen.

Social Experiments for Reality Bubbles

With all the mental data and personal content that is being collected from the masses, any and all means to grow the online data collection industries, including the gathering of DNA samples is in full steam ahead. These industries and technologies are being funded by unlimited deep pockets for this end game purpose of building clusters of artificial neural networks.

In this way they use the frequency fence or artificial technology algorithm to block out the range of higher frequencies, of knowledge and information that does not fall into the average range of perception, that is manifesting in the majority of the collective consciousness. Through data collection and surveillance, they begin to formulate the schematic of the majority of the mass consciousness perception on a variety of topics that they can use in the media to weaponize narratives.

They seek to get people to tune into certain reality bubbles that they set up as a social experiment, that lead into a type of consciousness trap, in which the holographic insert would broadcast the mind control reality that creates a cover narrative. The narrative is the illusion generated for its outer appearance, an inverted reality that is distorted and energetically opposite of what it actually appears to be.

Thus, specific attention is being paid to the perception of reality that groups of people have in a reality bubble, while being exposed to a variety of scenarios combined with the group’s emotional reaction patterns to the various mass media content that is being spread. These are social experiments and psychological operations in which they measure ranges of perceptual ability that exists in varying sections of the public that generate these reality bubbles. As an example, we can say that there is a reality bubble deliberately culling the masses into the belief of governmental party lines as good or bad, and that voting republican or democrat matters. These are methods of divide and conquer played out in the inverted system, to keep the masses polarized on matters that are insignificant, feeding into the deception.

They are attempting to find a baseline of consensus reality which appeals to the majority of current consciousness levels, seeking to manipulate the main reality bubbles that can be controlled through ranges of perception that they desire the public to follow. They want to mislead the majority of the population into a feedline of spoon-fed information that will continue to reinforce the culling of the said reality bubble. They seek to brainwash the masses into distraction from connecting the dots and perceiving the much larger picture of world events, disclosure and planetary ascension.

Artificial Cloned Versions

Although the NAA cannot stop planetary ascension, or the Guardian groups and Starseed missions that are helping the planet undergo ascension, they can scan the field to see these events and structures in the field, and then use technology to project distorted or artificially cloned versions of them through assorted holographic inserts. These cloned and artificial versions of the positive agendas for global ascension, can be tracked as AI technology being used to direct the thoughts and perceptions of the masses away from the positive agendas that support personal sovereignty and consciousness freedom.

Christos Starseeds are able to track and view artificial intelligence structures and false holograms being used to clone their image, projects and grid work, in attempts to stop the progression of tri-wave architecture in the planetary field. For some gridworkers it is a way of life and we know it is the standard NAA playbook to form dark resistance to our service and mission. However, these tactics with inserts are used to scare or intimidate those groups who are newly awakening, and are not yet aware of the predictable bullying antics of the NAA. This is how they engineer divide and conquer scenarios and incite confusion and chaos in spiritual communities, especially targeting those working towards disclosure.

The NAA replicate cloned images of personas and scenarios that are held sacred and holy by the people of the earth, such as manipulating the sacred content in traditional religions or new age spirituality, to divert people into submission and blind obedience to external sources of power. Again, by using holographic inserts of beloved people and personal gurus like Jesus, Mary, Archangel Michael or others, the deceiving entities mask themselves as light beings, in order to trick people into beliefs, behaviors or actions that serve their selfish interests. This is the nature of Imposter Spirits that use false light and holograms to deceive people. By promoting philosophies that demand the following of religious or spiritual authorities, the masses are told to implicitly trust the interpretations given to them by these authorities. This is a form of hijack to interfere with the direct spiritual connection and to confuse a person’s inner spiritual guidance system. It is each person’s responsibility to remember it is best to develop a direct relationship with God and Self, removing all intermediaries and authorities that would tell you differently. When we dedicate our life to the process of spiritual healing, we learn how to open our heart to express unconditional love and experience trust in our own inner spiritual guidance.

False Light and Soul Splicing

The nefarious agenda behind the data collection and surveillance is to build AI servers that ultimately work to sever the energetic connection between the person and their Soul matrix and instead reconnect them into an artificial intelligence collective consciousness network. These AI systems can be used to propagate false light, an experience of light in the mind which seems genuine but is in actuality being artificially generated. There are organic lightbody structures that link the body, mind and emotions to the Soul matrix, which further link into the Spirit body and Avatar Christ body. The Controller beings that understand the multidimensional nature of reality can manipulate the subtle energy bodies and splice an individual from a certain soul group. They can then place them into a mismatched soul matrix, in which the process would disconnect that person from their original Soul matrix family. Transhumanism and Transgenderism are weaponized 3D narratives that act as cover stories for serving this agenda as well.

When an individual becomes disconnected from their Soul matrix, the cellular memory and DNA history are wiped, so the Soul energies will not naturally activate in the body. If they become connected to a false matrix or spliced into another Soul group, the false matrix will program the DNA and download its memories into the three layers of ego, which have been programmed into the false matrix by the NAA. Essentially, what they program into the false matrix is what we observe as the standard 3D version of the material reality based upon a death culture, a controlled reality in which the Soul, Spirit, consciousness and God do not exist.

Planets and galaxies also have a Soul matrix, through which all of that system’s inhabitants are interconnected through their individual Soul matrix and Soul group. When a planet or galaxy is blown up and suffers a cataclysmic event that rips apart its morphogenetic fields, the Soul matrix is damaged and fragmented in the macrocosmic layers of the planetary body, as well as in the individual incarnating body. When a planetary Soul body is blown up, this disconnects the planetary grid system from accessing the eternal energy supply, so that evolution upon that system becomes finite, as it recycles the existing energy. When the original Soul matrix of the earth was exploded, the 5D Taran body, this exploded the World Soul. It damaged the Soul matrix of those original angelic human beings that once lived on Tara, and are now reincarnated upon the Earth.

To prevent the continuation of mass planetary ascension with the rebirthing of the Solar Logos for planet Earth, Tara and Gaia, the NAA agenda is to link the earthseeds and those vibrating in the lower perceptions of reality into a false collective consciousness matrix that is being generated by an artificial neural network. The artificial network is built upon the massive amounts of data being collected and shared between the consciousness links of the masses, and that collective data contains the architecture for artificially brain mapping the perceptual ranges of those groups that are in consensus with that particular reality bubble. As many of us may imagine, the astral bliss New Age philosophy and spiritual communities that form into reality bubbles based upon astral delusions and half-truths are being greatly targeted for this now. The collective consciousness links feedback the interactions as well as the perceptual ranges and perceptual abilities, which can be measured on a dimensional scale. These measurements are used to sustain an illusion of false reality through layers of artificial intelligence systems grouped together in holographic inserts projecting that dimensional scale, thus making it appear that permanent structures are manifesting in that particular reality bubble.

Expanding Field of Perception

Currently, the planetary body is pulling in higher frequencies from the unified fields, from the trinity field of the Solar Logos, and this begins to potentially expand the field of perception for many people. The main issue will be, are people willing to look at what they are seeing and experiencing when the veil is lifted and the content remaining is unpleasant and difficult. The commitment to truth spirit means that you are willing to remove false reality bubbles and egoic conditions, placing trust in God that you are willing to see the truth no matter what it presents. It is the truth that sets us free.

When the field of perception changes or elevates in the reality, the mental body energy follows the thought pattern and expands its consciousness view. Effectively, this is perceiving and seeing things that were not previously in one’s awareness because they were hidden from conscious view. It is to wake up from being asleep and notice that although these things had always been there, when awakening we begin to see them for the first time as they really are.

As human DNA is exposed to higher dimensional frequencies, the reality fields of higher dimensional spaces start to come into awareness through an array of new thought patterns, mental pictures or sensory emotions. These thought forms may be shaping into a new self-realization and awareness, and they may surface into a sensory form, such as perceiving and feeling shapes, pictures, and images in light within the inner screen of the mind. These images and sensory feelings may be experienced as imagination, which is the higher consciousness bringing into the conscious mind the awareness of higher dimensional realities, or bringing in the memories that connect with future aspects of self. When human consciousness focuses on future memories, placing attention on the future potentials and imagining what those potentials may be, this places the mind into a higher frequency band located in future time. The process of Spiritual Ascension is to move one’s consciousness forward through time by progressively bringing in the higher frequencies from the future timelines, or accreting light frequencies from the unified field by bringing them into your personal lightbody.

When human consciousness places full attention into the now moment, the energetic substance that composed the thought pattern will imprint the frequency band in which that current thought vibrates. As a person moves from one thought pattern to another thought pattern in the present moment, the thoughts left behind leave an imprint in the energetic field, and the new thought substance moves into the new position for the vibrationally matched frequency band. Depending on the thought pattern’s emotional strength it can leave imprints recorded in the inner lightbody and external fields simultaneously, leaving an energetic influence on the timeline. Whenever we are thinking a thought, we are leaving an energetic imprint within the frequency band where our consciousness was stationed, and this can be in lower or higher dimensions in time.

Past Memories Pulls Energy into 2D

Currently the Controller’s attempt to prevent collective human consciousness from naturally moving forward in time into the higher frequency bands, by using tactics to keep people focused in past memories. To repeat traumatic historical events from the past and replay the pain it caused humanity, they loop mainstream media to rerun certain traumatic events in history repeatedly through news and movies. This acts as a triggering event or focal point for each new generation to stay locked into repeating those past historical events, making them unable to evolve past the original pain that it caused. When people dwell on the past memories or past experiences, it sinks the consciousness into the imprints that exist in the lowest dimensions beneath current present awareness.

When we think of past memories and we dwell on pain or trauma that was caused in the past, it takes our consciousness out of present time and places our attention and our energies in the lowest frequencies of the current timeline. This repeated behavior can keep people from growing or expanding their consciousness into future time, as when they live in their past memories they live in the thought forms of the past identity, and that station is underneath the frequency band of their current timeline. The lower frequency fields of the 2nd dimension, are where the past memories are stored and where the aberrant or traumatized aspects of identity form into the pain body.

The tactic to control humanity, is to retraumatize humanity from events that happened in the past and to keep replaying or triggering those memories in a variety of ways, to keep the masses attention on the lowest dimensions that are beneath now moment awareness. The thought patterns and pain of the past selves that is recorded in the past memories are the most dense and slow vibration, thus, they leave energetic blockages that form into miasma or karmic imprints in the lightbody. These accumulated past memories that have formed karmic imprints will remain in the body and replicate the same dense patterns in current time, until the frequency pattern is raised and the past pattern released. The collection of miasmatic and karmic imprints are the dead energies that feed and grow the pain body and shadow selves.

Paliadorian Solar Initiation Purges Karmic Imprints

With the planetary initiation brought on by the reclamation of Solar Gates by the Paliadorians, these plasmic frequencies are rapidly elevating frequency patterns and restructuring our cellular body, consciousness and life direction. As this intense initiation occurs, it brings the karmic imprints that form into the pain body and shadow selves to rapidly burst out onto the surface reality, so these frequency patterns can be released so the new frequency sets being transmitted can embody. If the mental and emotional body is not prepared to know how to integrate the polarities or synthesize and release these karmic imprints, the person can become extremely ill or psychologically imbalanced. The external energies and relationships are drastically impacted as the karmic imprints begin to manifest in the current station of identity, similar to the shadow selves, karmic imprints and miasmatic records all beginning to purge at once, and this can bring extreme chaos to people’s life conditions. The least prepared people will experience overwhelm as these karmic patterns manifest into uncontrolled emotions, exploding into chaos as their life careens out of control and their physical and mental health deteriorates. This is why we all must learn how to direct and control our mental energies and thought patterns, as with this skill all people can learn to release negative and chaotic energy from the shadow selves and redirect it into more harmonious patterns, practicing self-love and self-acceptance, in the moment to moment.

In the current now moment of present awareness we all have the power to change, shift and release these karmic patterns, which changes the station of our consciousness into a higher timeline and allows more light to be embodied. As we become aware of the releases of karmic imprints or shadow energies, we can intend to transmute those energies through the Solar Logos, seeing the Christ consciousness as a Sun image, merging the combined shadow energies with the Solar light, to bring them into synchronization with the highest possible harmony and outcome.

Mass Consciousness Dreamscape

If we can grasp that our current station of identity is walking through a consciousness dream that is taking place in the borders of a mass consciousness dreamscape, you can train your consciousness to move forward or backward in time to observe and release the impact of negative events from imprinting upon one’s consciousness. As an observer of the mass dreamscape, the sliding consciousness observes traumatic events or negativity in time and yet is not imprinted by the negative emotional residue. To observe something means that we are looking at something we do not identify with as ourselves, we see the reality playing in either forms of dark or light and we discern what it is, but we know that it is ultimately a movie playing in a dreamscape.

Much of what we can observe in the world today is the result of the past selves and the masses combined thought forms in the lower dimension timeline that were imprinted in the earth fields. Empaths and sensitives can easily discern the obvious amount of trauma and pain that is recorded in the energy field of the earth, as a result of the accumulated collective consciousness thought forms being directed into anti-human values and the practices of other ideologies that generate collective pain. These thought patterns move backward or forward in time, and they can move up or down the dimensional scale impacting the state of consciousness that exists in different sections of the field.

Dreamwalking is an altered state of heightened consciousness while in the pure observer state, it can occur while in another timeline, reality or even existing outside of time. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness, the compassionate witness. The path of awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into awakened consciousness, to heal the darkness or reveal the deception in order to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth as the light shines upon it. We may prepare for entering this state by opening into deep prayer, meditation, and focused attention, calling upon our Avatar Christ, Solar Logos to help guide us through difficult emotional terrain in the compassionate witness.

Giza, Solar Gate Reclamation

Giza is the reference to the demographic area of Egypt that is the 4th dimensional planetary Solar Stargate and Solar Temple. This strategic area was a primary target of total invasion by the NAA before, during and after the Luciferian Rebellion. This was in order to gain full spectrum dominance over the Sun portal, and control access into Mars, install the Checkerboard Mutation in the 11th Gate, disconnect the Solar Logos and Sun Disc architecture, as well as take a key position in the Middle East for total earth domination during the Ascension Cycle. To understand the Paliadorian rehabilitation of the Solar Gates, let’s revisit a summation of historical timeline trigger events involving the takeover of the Giza Solar Gate.
  • Giza Stargate Takeover = 25,000 YA (years ago), Nibiruian line of Annunaki take over the 4D Giza Stargate, Astral Plane false ascension matrix and 11D Stargate Stonehenge, gain control NET's installed.
  • Atlantian Flood = 11,500 YA Takeover and destruction of Giza Stargate, victors of war start re-writing historical records and creating false timelines, surface flood and holocaust.
  • Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion = 10,000 YA First stage of takeover of Iran-Iraq 10th Gate, Middle East settlements and organizing Brotherhood of the Snake from Atlantian timeline in the region. Thoth Group and Phoenix Grid to gain control over Giza Stargate. Tiamat wormhole.
  • Iron Age Christos-Sophia, Jesus Christ Mission = 2,000 YA Sirius B Christos Mission to repair Giza and Stonehenge Stargate, timeline repair gridwork to prepare for the Ascension timeline and reclamation of the Christos Diamond Sun body in 2012 timeline.
As a result of these destructive and damaging historical timelines that place deeply painful trauma in the human miasmatic records, ongoing Guardian projects are happening to repair the planetary architecture, to remove and erase some of the damaging genetic impacts made to humanity that resulted in Soul fragmentation. To repair the Soul matrix we must first repair the heart complex, which starts in the original Diamond Sun Heart of the planet itself, which is in the location of Giza. The Solar Stargate was the original Arc of the Covenant, in that it opened into Sirius B and led to the Mother matrix of Andromeda, in the Seven Higher Heavens.

In order to gain control over the planet, assorted Black Magicians such as A. Crowley and Thothian groups, installed many layers of anti-life architecture to grow the Artificial Tree of Life. This was done through the seeding of black hearts, black cubes, cloned false identities and demon seeds, to infect the Giza heart complex and infiltrate the entire planetary grid network. This location is also a key area for the stolen Law of One records, manufactured into the Emerald Tablets by Thoth Groups. These manufactured tablets were used to further hijack and manipulate human DNA, fire letters and time vector codes that connected to the Solar Christ DNA and Holy Father principle of the Emerald Order. This led to impersonation of the Solar Christ DNA identities on the Christos Mission, such as Yeshua, Akhenaton, Michael-Mary, Ezekiel and many others, who were replicated in false holograms. These holographic inserts were placed into many of the human population to generate Imposters, in order to confuse the anti-Christ version with the authentic Krystic identity. By projecting masses of False Michael holographic inserts and Michael channelings into the planetary field through these black magic systems, this was fragmenting the true Michael-Mary consciousness in metatronic reversal, continuing to generate negative form anti-life versions of Michael-Mary. These are the distorted 3D core manifestation templates that we came to heal on the earth for all of humanity during the Ascension Cycle.

These reversal networks known as the NRG and Michael-Mary Turnstile Matrix were used to feed the gender reversals for anti-hierogamic union into the human population, breaking many human hearts and generating very unhappy relationships. The planetary body is undergoing an event of Michael-Mary heart twinning in the collective solar consciousness body. This is about the resurrection of the Michael-Mary Solar body consciousness, the healing of the crystal Diamond Heart, and the recognition of the original Solar Consciousness in this Solar System that we are all connected to. Michael-Mary Solar Consciousness is originally from the Seven Sacred Suns cosmic principle from outside this Universe.

Thus, there have been evictions of many Black Magicians and Imposter Solar Christ identities, and the reclamation of Solar Christ genetics is occurring as the result of the Sun Disc Network connections being made into the Solar Logos. Additionally, there has been Guardian rehabilitation of the planetary heart network in the 4D-7D-10D Sun Disc networks and their relative Stargates, to remove the Artificial Tree of Life architecture from running AI signal, black magic reversals and projecting black hearts into the planetary grid. Recent Guardian projects included the reconnection of the Giza Solar Gateway to the Hatshepsut Temple and the Rosslyn Chapel Sun Disc Networks, which acts as a Solar Gateway, and was integrated into the grid network for supporting 4D-7D axiatonal line vulnerabilities.

Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland connects into the Princess Scotia story, which reveals African roots in Irish timelines sourcing from Egyptian history, of those attempting to hide Atlantian artifacts and other important spiritual relics. Scotia, the Egyptian princess was said to be the daughter of a pharaoh who fled from Egypt with her husband Gaythelos with a large following of people who arrived in a fleet of ships. They settled in Scotland for a while amongst the natives, until they were forced to leave and landed in Ireland, where they formed the Scotti. Their kings became the high kings of Ireland. In later centuries, they returned to Scotland, defeating the Picts and giving Scotland its name.

SA tones for Rose Hearts

These changes in the planetary grid network have allowed another stage of genetic rehabilitation for the Crystal Rose lines from Andromeda, through alignments made into the Universal architecture connecting into the Aqualasha Staff. Aqualasha and the Aquaferion Blue Feathers Shield were paramount for securing the corrections made to reclaim the Solar Logos, Solar Gates and the Diamond Sun Heart matrix in the planetary body. For the human heart complex and Soul to heal its fragmentation, the planetary heart must first be corrected to help support the continued building of the Diamond Sun Crystal Heart template. May love and peace fill each human heart with the holy spirit of our true Cosmic Mother!

In fieldwork, the rose line for the Diamond Sun Heart matrix appears in the instruction set as rows of energetic flowers, as flowering crystals that are growing in a massive morphogenetic field of flowering roses, that rise up to blossom in the Aqualasha Staff. The field of flowering crystal hearts are connecting to the purest beauty of the Blue Sapphire diamond white-gold flame of the SA Sophianic heart tones of Krystallah, the main heart tone of KA RA YA SA TA AA LA. The SA tones appear to include peach creamsicle colors for the specific purpose of sexual center and gender healing, while bursts of sapphire blues and peach merge into the 2D centers, which are designed to comfort and heal the Soul and heart, to support the purging of sexual misery programming. We’ve come a long, long way.

These are incredible times of transformation and change that impact all we have ever known. Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

Source: Princess Scotia
Energetic Synthesis News: Solar Logos | October 2018 Energetic Synthesis News: Solar Logos | October 2018 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/14/2018 06:46:00 AM Rating: 5

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