Do Not Allow Doubts about your Worthiness | Jesus via John Smallman

Do not allow doubts about your worthiness, your competence, or your abilities to discourage you.

October 23, 2018

Jesus Audio Blog for Tuesday October 23rd

We, God, the All, Source, Reality, the One, YOU – all sentient life – areintensely and creatively fully involved in the awakening process. It is ongoing, and it has been since the moment of apparent separation, and now the next moment of awakening is approaching rapidly, as “stuff” arises for everyone to release and make room for L O V E, your true nature, to unveil Itself in your hearts and minds. Many of you are already getting a sense, a feeling of this, so open yourselves fully to It, there is nothing to fear, no one is in any way unworthy, or undeserving. The Divine Will is that you KNOW yourselves as One with Source, absolutely fearlessly because that is your Home, that is where you belong, that is the “Place” that you have never left. So, Wake Up, and ENJOY REALITY!

The Source is perfect in every way; there can be NO imperfections in Reality. You have all just spent time – which is in truth unreal – a large amount of time, pretending that you were imperfect, unworthy sinners, undeserving of God’s infinite and unchanging Love for you. It is time to stop pretending and be the glorious Beings that God created. Stop hiding, instead, shine forth in the magnificence of your own brilliance as individuals expressing God in myriad ways. That truly is your will and God’s. There is NOTHING else, only the Divine Will, which is your will, and that Will wills only endless joy for all of creation. Parents love their children and want the best for them, always. God infinitely more so, and God’s Will is always unfolding perfectly!

It is time, in fact it is well past time, to cease negatively judging yourselves or others. Judgment focuses on errors, mistakes, beliefs, sins, offenses, all of which are unreal and which just distract you from the Love that envelops you in every moment, waiting to embrace you as soon as you release judgment and the other negative and meaningless distractions with which your human lives, your egos, keep presenting you. Resentment, bitterness, desire for justice, restitution, and punishment of those who have wronged you are major blocks to Love, which is unconditionally accepting of all.

People only attack when they are suffering, and on Earth there are countless numbers who are suffering. Suffering could be avoided and dissolved if people would open to Love, for suffering is but the absence of Love. When Love fills you, there is no suffering, only peace, joy, and compassion for those who are suffering. Compassion is Love directed to others who are suffering, and it heals and comforts them.

You who are presently incarnate on Earth chose to be here at this time because you saw the intense need for Love and compassion world-wide, and you could see very clearly how enormously helpful your presence would be, once you realized that there was far more to life than what humans generally experience; when you realized that your humanity was but a tiny aspect of who you truly are. You are here on a mission, a mission of Love. By becoming aware that Love is your nature and owning It, you start to live It and demonstrate Love in action wherever you go. That is what you incarnated to do, and if you are reading or listening to this you know it, and are already doing it!

So, accept your destiny as much needed loving presences on Earth, healing and accepting all with whom you interact in any way at all, and rejoice in the understanding that you have found your paths Home. Love is the way Home, there is no other way, and you have chosen it by opening to the awareness that this is so.

Living lovingly is amazingly powerful and effective. You may well not be aware of the enormously important work that you are doing by just being – being Love – so I am telling you so that you do not dismissively tell yourselves that you are doing nothing, or very little. What you are doing is E N O R M O U S! No one else can do it, and it is essential. You are divine Light Workers fully engaged 24/7 in humanity’s awakening process, and you are irreplaceable!

Do not allow doubts about your worthiness, your competence, or your abilities to discourage you. Often there is no positive feedback for you as you go about your daily lives, but truly, your loving presence is having a wonderful and miraculous effect all across the world. Remember, you are scattered world-wide through many races, ethnicities, religions, and none, because you are needed precisely where you find yourselves. And yes, occasionally, you may feel the intuitive nudge to move, so honor that, but know that in every single moment you are precisely where you are supposed to be, precisely where your amazing gifts will be most effective.

Here in the spiritual realms we watch over you with unceasing Love, amazed and delighted by your strength of purpose, your resilience, and your unceasing fortitude, even in circumstances that can oftentimes seem absolutely overwhelming. When you finally realize what you have achieved – what you have in fact already achieved – your joy and amazement will bedazzle you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Source: John Smallman
Do Not Allow Doubts about your Worthiness | Jesus via John Smallman Do Not Allow Doubts about your Worthiness | Jesus via John Smallman Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/24/2018 12:57:00 PM Rating: 5

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