Monday, October 1, 2018

Can't Build Nova Earth with a Suffering Population | Steve Beckow

Can’t Build Nova Earth with a Suffering Population

October 1, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Eliminating harm to women and children is the first step in building Nova Earth.

We can’t build Nova Earth with a suffering population, with one whose citizens are unable to work or unwilling to work with each other.

Such a population would not be able to mount any reconstruction work that would hope to stand. There’s too much ongoing pain and bitterness that it would be built on.

The population has to be freed from conditions like sex slavery and child trafficking and restored. That for me is the first order of business.

It’s the order of business we’re facing into by intending that all harmful practices against women and children cease on this planet on or before Jan. 1, 2020.

That goes across the spectrum of harmful practices and around the world of human beings.

Never before in human history could we think in terms of eliminating oppressive or exploitative conditions from the world. But today we can.

Through the empowerment of the Reval and other prosperity programs, lightworkers around the world will have the first chance in human history to set affairs in this world aright.

To rid the globe of pollution. To end criminal enterprises around the world. To rid the land of unjust laws and free innocent prisoners. To turn the desert into fertile fields.

But the very first order of business is to free the planet’s women and children.

The deadline of Jan. 1, 2020 covers female genital mutilation, sex-selective abortion, female foeticide, female infanticide, and we could go on and on listing the gender-related criminal acts and acts of discrimination and persecution that are practiced against women around the world today. For a look at the range of crimes and persecution, see footnote 1.

Although I never would have suspected it years ago, thanks to the many lightworkers exposing pedophilia, we can see that our children are also under siege. The fate of some of them, according to your emails to me, is worse than I ever could have imagined.

The inescapable conclusion is that men are dominating women and committing a wide range of criminal acts while the rest of society consents to remain unaware of it. As I did for many years.

We owe a debt to those who – like the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State and International Tribunal of Natural Justice – are amassing the documentation. We need to contribute in every way we can as well.

A deadline doesn’t mean anything unless you and I support it. And unless you and I orchestrate our actions in line with it.

If we’re to have this done by Jan. 1, 2020, what do we need to do and by when?

We need new laws.

We need to retrain justice and law enforcement officials.

We need enforcement of these laws.

We need retraining, rehabilitation, and educational programs.

It’s going to take a massive, global effort to get this done.

After the Reval, I invite us to fund all credible women’s groups around the world, keeping in mind not to endanger some thereby. (2) I’m not familiar with children’s groups. Groups that purport to aid children should be known to be without connection to sex slavery or child trafficking.

And then I invite us to join social activism such as #MeToo with the anti-pedophilia research groups with Q Anon and his/her political/military allies, etc., to coordinate our efforts such that we reach an end to all forms of harm towards women and children by our intended date, Jan. 1, 2020.


(1) See here: “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices” as of 2007 at

(2) In some countries, women with access to large sums of money – especially activists for women’s rights – put themselves greatly at risk. Forethought needs to go into how to fund them safely.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia