Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Ascension Update 5D: Open Energy Portal of Oneness and Love; Collapse of 3D Duality and Corruption | The Quantum Soul

Published on Oct 2, 2018

*READ THIS BEFORE WATCHING IF POSSIBLE* — Knowledge of oneness and love will bring comfort to the most chaotic path of illusion of 3D. This video talks about shifts/breakdowns in 3D institutions that will most likely occur on the Earth’s collective ascension journey into 5D New Earth, but also how knowledge holders will help bring together, create and contribute to 5D new institutions and technology with higher frequency tethered in oneness and love on a collective level, beneficial to everyone.

To move into 5D New Earth, breakdowns of 3D institutions will have to take place. There has to be a shift of energy from 3D into 5D, from lower density/frequency into higher density/frequency. Often, it's not an easy transition. Think of your body, going from eating only fast food, junk food into eating higher vibrational food, juicing, healthy food. That transition is not easy nor pretty (release of lots of toxins as your body integrates higher vibrational healthy food). There is purging involved, which is what a lot of people are going through physically, mentally, spiritually, energetically. 3D institutions also have to go through these "purging" changes! They are energy, just like your physical body, that have to adapt and make the shift into 5D.

Yes, some of these upcoming changes can seem a bit scary, especially to people who still very much exist in the reality of duality. This is why Abe has been speaking non-stop about the importance of shifting into oneness and love frequency (it comes up in every video) on your ascension process. Make this a priority, so that when the "fear" of the collapse of 3D energy occurs in your reality outside of you, it does not affect you to the extent that it would if you were still existing in 3D duality.

This information may sound scary for some people who exist in duality, so please do not watch if fear about breakdowns of society very much triggers you. If you have raised your frequency into oneness and love, you will see the exciting times ahead as we shift into 5D New Earth and sense the openness of energy coming up for us to build better, healthier, higher frequency 5D institutions and energy in our society revolving around oneness and love. You may also feel more "activated" to further continue to hone your intuition, inner knowledge, power and abilities to step into your own role in New Earth 5D to help contribute to this new, higher frequency society.

You will also know and trust that all is truly well in your reality of oneness and love and that you are not only loved, but protected and taken care of by Source, your star families, and higher frequency energy, such as Abraham. You have chosen to incarnate into your physical body in this exact moment to experience this very exciting shift on the leading edge of creation!! There are many souls who did not get to have the chance to incarnate at this time and physically experience this shift on the ground level of Earth, and they are watching with anticipation from above.

Any information that comes through this video is for you to use your own belief system and discernment within you.