Answers Ep. IV | The Council via Ronald Head

Answers Ep. IV – The Council

October 2, 2018

Once again we have an important question, and one that requires much more of an answer than we can give it here and now. But we will certainly address a few of the main issues.

“My question is about self healing. What is the best thing for a person to do to speed up the process of self healing. Food choices, exercise and life choices (such as getting rid of bad habits) are obviously important. I understand that our mindset is possibly the most critical. How does a person find a way to get deeper inside themself to figure out what is truly creating the blocks to self healing?”

There is some deeply insightful thought here, and we will answer taking this into account.

If healing is to be accomplished, the bodies, physical and non-physical, need to have fuel. What is put into your bodies needs to be the most nourishing and purest that you can find. Your subtle bodies need the same, but the input is obviously not water and vegetables.

In both cases, however, your first need is intent. You create what you think. And you create best what you consciously intend. There are several other factors that may inhibit or enhance your efforts. We think that here we will only list them and perhaps clarify meaning if necessary.

You cannot create what you cannot imagine. You cannot create what you think, consciously or subconsciously, to be impossible. We will say this with a slight and subtle difference. You cannot create what you think YOU cannot create. You will not create what is not in the best interest of your soul’s purpose. This should be understood to include that fact that what you know as you is far from what you truly are.

Obviously, it will be in your best interest to be clear on what your soul’s purpose is. Most of you will protest that you have no idea and don’t know how to find out. May we say, with love and understanding, you are buying into the program. It is easy, but easy is not often correct. Ask yourself if you are trying to survive or are you trying to grow. We will give a “Pro Tip”. The purpose of intelligent life is never just survival. And your purpose spans much more than one lifetime.

Now let’s list some of the most necessary positives:

The very most important is that you need to know that you are worthy, because of who you are, to be whole and healed. The more viscerally you know this, the more quickly and well you will heal. We are not speaking of intellectual agreement here.

You need to know that the Source that created you can just as easily re-create you. In fact, you are re-created, moment by moment, every day of your life. The cells of your body are constantly replicating themselves. This happens at differing rates, but it always happens. So, Source is already creating you anew. Perhaps, in your lifetime, the pattern has simply changed.

You need to know that there is nothing that cannot be healed. There is nothing that cannot be healed. Nothing!

Now, what heals you is the force that creates everything is the universe, flowing into and through you. You don’t do it. Your healer doesn’t do it. Only Source energy does it.

Now healers, those that are effective, know this. They know that the only thing they can do for you is make a connection into that healing energy for you when you don’t know how to do it for yourself. We will tell you that not knowing how is a story that you have bought into. We are not saying that you should not make use of healers. Just understand what is happening. Source, Creator, God, Christ energy, whatever you feel best about calling it, is very probably wanting to connect with you even more than you want it. At least, it never gets distracted and never has something better to do.

So, to make this short: Get rid of all the negative beliefs. Make the positive ones an integral part of you. And do it. See yourself as perfect and whole. Make the imagination a powerful tool. Everything that is in form was a thought first, a pattern first, a template first. Your patterns are held in your non-physical. Your non-physical, all non-physical, responds to thought and feeling. That is why the most powerful prayer is “Thank you”.

We know you as a part of All That Is, brought into form. We know you as perfect. When you know that, you will create whatever you imagine.

Know that we send our intent for your healing and growth.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:
Answers Ep. IV | The Council via Ronald Head Answers Ep. IV | The Council via Ronald Head Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/02/2018 11:35:00 PM Rating: 5

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