FIFTY8 INTERVIEWS Louise Kay / PART IV You Are Awareness. You Are Consciousness
PART IV / You Are Awareness. You Are Consciousness
Louise talks about a divide happening with extremist behavior and more people interested in spirituality. It’s a critical moment in our evolution because humans have been behaving so unconsciously, we are starting to self destruct. If we continue this way, we could wipe ourselves out.
All of humans want to be happy and be at peace. Whatever we are doing is because of our beliefs. Some people have distorted belief systems which become their purpose and mission. The only place we can find that peace and happiness is within our own being. When we stop seeking for it on the outside we become disillusioned. More and more people are looking for a deeper meaning to life and their true passion. When you discover that, life can change. Every moment becomes so delicious to be alive and express our true creativity.
When we meet from the heart we can feel met, seen and connected to others which creates a wellbeing in life. Louise’s true purpose and idea of happiness is to find the beauty in every moment and to enjoy every minute of it. By being fully present in the moment, regardless of how it presents itself. It is very easy to enjoy the joy in life but when darkness happens we can also find the beauty in those moments. We can feel good in every moment, regardless of the outside circumstances. Open to those emotions and feel it deeply which creates a gateway to our true selves, which is only love. When we contract, judge or avoid we close ourselves to that, which creates suffering. It creates an argument about reality.
This full surrender and being in these moments, we can experience sweetness and beauty in every moment. Our perception of reality is based on our thoughts, beliefs and emotions. We prove our beliefs to ourselves. When we break free from this mind prison and purely be ourselves, life becomes magical and alive.
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FIFTY8 Magazine
You are Awareness, You are Consciousness (Part IV) | FIFTY8 Interviews Louise Kay
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/05/2018 10:44:00 AM