Sunday, September 30, 2018

Message from the Oversoul Collective (9/29/18) | Galaxygirl

Oversoul Collective 9/29/2018

We are the Oversoul Collective. We are you in higher form. Reach out to our energies and feel our blessing of greeting, for you have been on such a long and lonely road dear humankind, and we feel what you feel, for we are connected. We are but a higher form, aspect of you. We see, we feel but we see and we feel from a higher vantage point, which we would like for you to use for your advantage, as we extend our energy signatures towards you now like a soft, thick and fuzzy blanket of comfort during these times of discomfort, where your bodies are changing before you / our very eyes, as your energies rise yet ever higher amidst the great separation of what is and what is to become. You are becoming more of what you already are but have forgotten for a little while. Now is the time of remembering, of revelation, of rebirth, of renewal. For you are undergoing all of these things, dear humankind, Source in form. And it is a painful process, is it not? This one is crying as she feels our energies…we extend these to you as well dear ones. Be comforted, for this too shall pass. The upgrading is coming unto fruition.

We are the Oversoul Collective. We are many things. You have been many things. You are but a fractal, an aspect of Source. You are us, an extension of experience that we chose to have so that we too could be in form on an ascending planet and experience the bliss of reuniting with ourselves. Feel the vastness of us, of our space around you. You are not alone. We are near yet far. We are everything and everyone. WE are all around. We are embracing Gaia, dear Gaia as she undergoes her own birth of transformation and naturally you upon her are so doing the same. It is a gnarled process. It is time to breathe in our light of Source light to you now. Are you ready to receive us - you in higher form? Open the rainbow bridge of your heart space, that is ever expanding, ever opening, ever becoming more of you. You are vast. Eternity lies within your heart space. You have many experiences on many worlds. You have experienced this shift of shifts before if you are reading these words in this Now moment of Gaia’s rebirth. You will know what to expect in your subconscious. Call that part of you forward, the shifted, ascended part of you forward and ask for wisdom of remembering. Welcome the pink light of the Mother’s breath, of her love into your heart space now and be supremely comforted. Be enveloped in the rose vibration of supreme love light and sit awhile in this frequency. We are beyond frequency. We are.

We are the Oversoul Collective. Connect anytime - for this channeling is a bridge to our frequency of understanding the experience of ourselves reading these words in this Now moment. Do you yet see children - warriors - that you are the rainbow bridge? You are creating it as you reach both outward and inward, towards and within. We are the Oversoul Collective.

~ galaxygirl