Embodiment II: Creator Conduit & New Earth Realms | Sandra Walter

Embodiment II: Creator Conduit & New Earth Realms

Sep 27, 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

We now embrace Divine Self-Realization as our collective Wayshowership.

Embodiment is the ability to experience the reconnection to Pure Source consciousness in the denser experience of a physical body. This anchors unconditional love and a higher dimensional experience into these lower realms. By experiencing our Multidimensional Self in the illusion of duality, we transform the entire structure of lower realities and open the Gateways to brand new experiences across all densities and dimensions.

An Insight on the New Earth Realm from Gaia

Let me pause to share a message on the New Earth I received during the Equinox Gateway. With so much closure, completion, and timeline drop off occurring, with the old platform gone and the new barely stabilized, we have been clearing Galactic-level stories as well as our planetary-based timelines.

During a particularly profound moment on the mountain, I asked how much of the old stories must be surrendered in order to experience New Earth realm, which so many have seen in visions and parallel/future experiences. I wasn’t expecting to hear from Gaia herself, however she was very clear. Her answer was instant and direct:

The realms which we have created are of pure consciousness. The New Earth realm allows creations to manifest and dissolve with the same ease. There is no duality, no akashic to clear or maintain, no karma. We designed it to hold no stories. It is a brand new realm which continues to evolve and expand as the Universal Ascension unfolds.

With this message came the download of what that creation is like. Creations bubble up from Zero Point and sink – unmanifest – just as easily. Nothing *sticks* or causes disharmony – and if it does, it is released without retribution.

To feel it is to feel Divine Unconditional Love in action; the purified realm that we are anchoring in our hearts right now (hence the bliss, peace and loss of gravity/no-time sensations we experience.)

Previous messages have mentioned that we are being trained for that during this phase of energetic shifts and time collapse. Creations begin, dissolve, we move on, we must learn to be in the Zero Point without attachment. Many of us don’t remember little (or big) details day to day. We forgive, forget … we don’t carry the weight of the past.

Especially with the latest influx of DNA activation and Source reunification; Everything is Now, neutral, Divine, Unconditional Love. Even things that would look or feel good/bad to the lower linear Self.

I see how limited some definitions of New Earth have been, because they are stagnant, set in stone, which is not the New Earth dynamic. That realm – which already exists – is continuously evolving, accommodating the Universal rewrite, the Galactic rewrites, and of course the Solar event which changes our SUN and planetary relationships.

We have heard that what is occurring here with our Ascension is getting *milked for all it’s worth* by many realms, because we are interconnected. Because it is US, and Source. Because, as Gaia said, it is the realm which WE have created. She refers to all of us as Universal Creators of project Ascension.

As Masters of our own story and the collective unfoldment of Ascension, this is a powerful rewriting phase for the Light Tribe. The more we become conduits of this new realm of pure consciousness, in this grounded Now state, the easier we may co-create the consciousness-shifting moments for all concerned.

Embodiment: Becoming the Stargate Conduit

The catalyst for Divine revelation is Pure Positive Photonic Light, which is a living consciousness. This Pure Living Light activates the embodiment of our True Self within our own hearts. We realize our inner Universe, our heart center becomes our Great Central SUN. A fractalized representation of the multiverse, in form. Brilliant.

Our conversation over the years has included many Gateways and Cosmic Triggers. The experience of Source-as-Self is becoming a powerful, active experience in the High-Vibe Tribe. We now merge in a consistent interaction with the cosmic flows of Light coming through the SUN and stargates, both within and without – internal and external unification.

That realization in itself is beautiful, because it demonstrates the Gatekeeper experience; the knowing, feeling awareness of our interdimensional connection via the solar consciousness. The Solar links between SUNs, stargates, and the Solar Cosmic Christ stargate within the heart center become self-evident.

As we anchor this realization and pure light into the collective, we disperse those activations, experiences and awareness out through the HUman heart grid, which acts as the collective stargate grid for all willing ascending hearts.

These radiantly pure diamond-crystalline-photonic frequencies are here to stay. Drink them in, let the bliss rewrite your consciousness.

Stability and Balance

Wayshowers anchor the new experience as first embodiers. This is an act of service, as it assists with stability. This is why I AM creating a Wayshower Empowerment class right now – the shift in our skills and services is upon us. The expansion within our own fields are a reflection of the expansion of Gaia; they are reciprocal. Elementals are easily influenced by the collective emotional field, as are our brothers and siSTARs.

Nothing will look or feel the same on this planet as Ascension unfolds. Let her shift, open, redirect, cleanse as needed. Remember Gaia’s message from 2012: *Don’t weep over my casket, it’s a birth not a funeral.* Support this global process as a peaceful midwife. Attempting to restrain a birth is dangerous for both Mother and Child. The same applies to your own journey; resisting change becomes very uncomfortable.

Anxieties may be relieved by holding a clear, peaceful, grateful, loving container for the higher light and the Ascension experience to flow through. Breathe. Be the balance. When activation energies hit the physical, do everything to raise your vibration and take care. Low-vibe coping habits do not assist the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual bodies in leveling up. Plus, they hold us back as a collective. The trigger events are dependent on us; think global, act local. Everyone makes a difference, and you have more influence the stronger your light becomes.

The Embodiment phase demonstrates our foundation of Unconditional Love and Divine Service. We reclaim our spiritual inheritance and gain the cosmic perspective of Love, Faith and Dedication.

Shifting to the Last Quarter of 2018

Equinox and the Full Moon brought simultaneous ending and beginnings. This year has contained many collective tipping points for timeline drop-offs, unified choices and higher trajectories.

The most significant in the last quarter:
– Shift to a collective higher trajectory end of May
– Organic repositioning of Solaris (end of July)
– Removal of inorganic timeline implants and their source (July)
– Opening of the Infinity Gates (Gateway purification, end of August)
– Dissolvement of inorganic timelines which anchored looping programs, karma, control of the akashic. (Equinox)
– Migration of all willing hearts to the organic Primary Ascension timelines. (September) Ongoing.

Notable Effects on our Ascension:

– Open access to the Multidimensional Self as the Diamond-Crystalline-Solar heart purifies. Ascension column brightens, strengthens, unifies across dimensional layers and parallel realities.
– Activation of Crystalline *rainbow bridge* DNA.
– Rewiring of the brain, energy fields and body to accommodate higher, stronger positively-charged photonic light influxes. The body can adjust to be a better conduit, if you assist.
– A new phase of co-creative contact with our star families and higher/future versions of self (multidimensional self)
– Experiencing Source as Self as a consistent integrated experience. Profound insights, peace and bliss.
– Migration of realities quickens. More revelation, more clearing, increased ability of unified ability to override/dissolve miscreations and distortions.

Kindwhile, take care of those bodies, Beloveds. These are strong, vital light influxes. Earthing, hydration, meditation and movement – especially for those experiencing the brain rewiring. It’s not just headaches and head-ringing, it’s affecting the whole system. Detox, move, get in the SUN, on the Earth and in the water, and circulate the new light often. Meditate to calm your body and mind, and assist the pineal in adjusting to the next level of visions.

More in Part Three of this Embodiment series. What a fascinating phase of our Ascension this is. We walk through these Gateways together, Beloveds. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! Stay pure, true and kind.

In Love, Light and Service,

Source: Ascension Path
Embodiment II: Creator Conduit & New Earth Realms | Sandra Walter Embodiment II: Creator Conduit & New Earth Realms | Sandra Walter Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 9/29/2018 04:39:00 AM Rating: 5

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