Sounds of Sirius - The Angelic Voice of Lia Scallon

Artwork: Brian Exton
Dear Friends,
Last week, fellow Crystal Skull caretaker Cece Stevens, who orchestrated the powerful 9.9.9 and 11.11.11 Crystal Skull conferences I attended in Arizona, contacted me to ask if I would join her in encouraging people to mark the upcoming Solar Eclipse by praying for the healing for the planet on that day. Here is Cece's vision...
"If we come to the water edge, bring our crystals and send healing to the planet, sing to the water, drum to the water, send healing to the water. If we each, across the world, can come together at the same time all over the globe, can we as healers and spiritual leaders...can we heal the planet and the cracks showing in it?"
The final eclipse of the 'Triple Eclipse Tsunami' takes place on August 11/12/13th New Moon in Leo. According to James Tyberon of the emphasis of this fiery eclipse will be on Emotional Resonance : Clearer Vision, Psychic Opening, Venus Harmony. Others say it will bring focus to self-empowerment, personal authority and community building.
I think Cece's plan is a beautiful one, and the timing very appropriate, given the energy associated with this particular eclipse, so I encourage you to join us and take part. You can do this on your own in a private and personal way, or even better, gather with a group of friends or fellow crystal/crystal skull caretakers.
We know that all crystals amplify energy. As a crystal skull caretaker, I have come to believe that all crystal skulls are connected in a Crystal Skull Grid of Light. So, as we consciously join together across the globe, with pure and focused intention at the waters edge, the crystalline realm will carry our prayer forth for the healing of humanity and our beautiful planet.
Since I put the call out a few days ago through my Facebook pages, people from Australia, the USA, Mexico, Europe, the UK, Ireland and South Africa, have already committed to take part, which is truly wonderful! My soul Sister, Stephanie Phelps, responded by offering the following suggestion as a way in which you can send your prayers out through the waters...
"A lovely way to engage the energy is to take a small crystal and imbue it with your love and prayers for our beautiful planet. See and feel your prayers in your heart and with the power of your breath blow your prayers into the crystal and release into a body of wild water."

Artwork: Brian Exton
This morning, during my meditation, I received some further Guidance on how to make this global union even more effective. I was shown that, if as we stand by the waters edge, we consciously connect with all the Pyramid structures on the planet, the hundreds of Stone Circles on the planet, and all the other powerful sacred sites across the planet, we will help to accelerate the reactivation of these structures. I believe these stone monuments are receivers and transmitters of Cosmic Light. Some have lain dormant for centuries, but are now reawakening. From Egypt to Stonehenge, from Lake Titticaca to Glastonbury, from Palenque to Newgrange, from the Bosnian pyramids to Uluru, and thousands of other sacred sites connected to each other across the globe, including those hidden beneath our oceans…all these hold within them, the knowledge of our ancestors, waiting to be rediscovered when the time is right. Perhaps that time is now?

Artwork: Brian Exton
Timing of the Eclipse
Some people have asked if we need to gather at a specific time. I believe that our intention is everything here. We are working across multiple time zones, so I believe that if we send our prayers out during that 24-hour window, we will created an extended wave of intensity and accumulated power of intention, that will reverberate out through the Earth and into the Cosmos beyond.
You'll need to check the exact date in your local Timezone. Eg - the Eclipse occurs in California on August 11th but the timing in Australia is very early morning on August 13th. Find the time/date in your city of the world.
Our Power to Bless One Another

Artwork: Brian Exton
The following excerpt from John O'Donohue’s book ‘Benedictus’ speaks to the power and relevance of this exercise of joining our energies together across the globe, to send prayers and blessings out through the waters, for the healing of our Planet and every living thing upon it…
“In the parched deserts of post modernity a blessing can be like the discovery of a fresh well. It would be lovely if we could rediscover our power to bless one another. I believe each of us can bless. When a blessing is invoked, it changes the atmosphere. Some of the plenitude flows into our hearts from the invisible neighborhood of loving kindness. In the light and reverence of blessing, a person or situation becomes illuminated in a completely new way. In a dead wall a new window opens, in dense darkness a path starts to glimmer, and into a broken heart healing falls like morning dew. It is ironic that so often we continue to live like paupers though our inheritance of spirit is so vast. The quiet eternal that dwells in our souls is silent and subtle; in the activity of blessing it emerges to embrace and nurture us. Let us begin to learn how to bless one another. Whenever you give a blessing, a blessing returns to enfold you.”
Please spread the word Dear Ones, so that we can truly make a difference on this day!
Let's do this...
We are powerful...
Together we can effect great change.
As always I hope this finds you well and happy.
May the gifts of Self-Love, Joy and the realization of your own Divinity reveal themselves to you from deep within, now that we have entered the New Age of Wisdom. Let us make a vow to ourselves and to each other, to embrace all that we are, and all that we are becoming.
With Love and many Blessings
Thank you to Brian Exton for his beautiful artwork which helps us to envision a new world and a new reality.

Artwork: Brian Exton
Dear Friends,
Last week, fellow Crystal Skull caretaker Cece Stevens, who orchestrated the powerful 9.9.9 and 11.11.11 Crystal Skull conferences I attended in Arizona, contacted me to ask if I would join her in encouraging people to mark the upcoming Solar Eclipse by praying for the healing for the planet on that day. Here is Cece's vision...
"If we come to the water edge, bring our crystals and send healing to the planet, sing to the water, drum to the water, send healing to the water. If we each, across the world, can come together at the same time all over the globe, can we as healers and spiritual leaders...can we heal the planet and the cracks showing in it?"
The final eclipse of the 'Triple Eclipse Tsunami' takes place on August 11/12/13th New Moon in Leo. According to James Tyberon of the emphasis of this fiery eclipse will be on Emotional Resonance : Clearer Vision, Psychic Opening, Venus Harmony. Others say it will bring focus to self-empowerment, personal authority and community building.
I think Cece's plan is a beautiful one, and the timing very appropriate, given the energy associated with this particular eclipse, so I encourage you to join us and take part. You can do this on your own in a private and personal way, or even better, gather with a group of friends or fellow crystal/crystal skull caretakers.
We know that all crystals amplify energy. As a crystal skull caretaker, I have come to believe that all crystal skulls are connected in a Crystal Skull Grid of Light. So, as we consciously join together across the globe, with pure and focused intention at the waters edge, the crystalline realm will carry our prayer forth for the healing of humanity and our beautiful planet.
Since I put the call out a few days ago through my Facebook pages, people from Australia, the USA, Mexico, Europe, the UK, Ireland and South Africa, have already committed to take part, which is truly wonderful! My soul Sister, Stephanie Phelps, responded by offering the following suggestion as a way in which you can send your prayers out through the waters...
"A lovely way to engage the energy is to take a small crystal and imbue it with your love and prayers for our beautiful planet. See and feel your prayers in your heart and with the power of your breath blow your prayers into the crystal and release into a body of wild water."

Artwork: Brian Exton
This morning, during my meditation, I received some further Guidance on how to make this global union even more effective. I was shown that, if as we stand by the waters edge, we consciously connect with all the Pyramid structures on the planet, the hundreds of Stone Circles on the planet, and all the other powerful sacred sites across the planet, we will help to accelerate the reactivation of these structures. I believe these stone monuments are receivers and transmitters of Cosmic Light. Some have lain dormant for centuries, but are now reawakening. From Egypt to Stonehenge, from Lake Titticaca to Glastonbury, from Palenque to Newgrange, from the Bosnian pyramids to Uluru, and thousands of other sacred sites connected to each other across the globe, including those hidden beneath our oceans…all these hold within them, the knowledge of our ancestors, waiting to be rediscovered when the time is right. Perhaps that time is now?

Artwork: Brian Exton
Timing of the Eclipse
Some people have asked if we need to gather at a specific time. I believe that our intention is everything here. We are working across multiple time zones, so I believe that if we send our prayers out during that 24-hour window, we will created an extended wave of intensity and accumulated power of intention, that will reverberate out through the Earth and into the Cosmos beyond.
You'll need to check the exact date in your local Timezone. Eg - the Eclipse occurs in California on August 11th but the timing in Australia is very early morning on August 13th. Find the time/date in your city of the world.
Our Power to Bless One Another

Artwork: Brian Exton
The following excerpt from John O'Donohue’s book ‘Benedictus’ speaks to the power and relevance of this exercise of joining our energies together across the globe, to send prayers and blessings out through the waters, for the healing of our Planet and every living thing upon it…
“In the parched deserts of post modernity a blessing can be like the discovery of a fresh well. It would be lovely if we could rediscover our power to bless one another. I believe each of us can bless. When a blessing is invoked, it changes the atmosphere. Some of the plenitude flows into our hearts from the invisible neighborhood of loving kindness. In the light and reverence of blessing, a person or situation becomes illuminated in a completely new way. In a dead wall a new window opens, in dense darkness a path starts to glimmer, and into a broken heart healing falls like morning dew. It is ironic that so often we continue to live like paupers though our inheritance of spirit is so vast. The quiet eternal that dwells in our souls is silent and subtle; in the activity of blessing it emerges to embrace and nurture us. Let us begin to learn how to bless one another. Whenever you give a blessing, a blessing returns to enfold you.”
Please spread the word Dear Ones, so that we can truly make a difference on this day!
Let's do this...
We are powerful...
Together we can effect great change.
As always I hope this finds you well and happy.
May the gifts of Self-Love, Joy and the realization of your own Divinity reveal themselves to you from deep within, now that we have entered the New Age of Wisdom. Let us make a vow to ourselves and to each other, to embrace all that we are, and all that we are becoming.
With Love and many Blessings
Thank you to Brian Exton for his beautiful artwork which helps us to envision a new world and a new reality.
Sounds of Sirius | The Angelic Voice of Lia Scallon
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/07/2018 02:14:00 PM