On Covering Accountability
August 7, 2018
By Steve Beckow

A reader wrote in and was “horrified” at our coverage of Q Anon and the events currently occurring that the Company of Heaven has named “Accountability.”
Accountability is a phase of Ascension – removing oppressors from power, revealing the truth, and installing clean, responsive government. That’s the plan.
There hasn’t been much to report on Accountability in past years – only constant references in SaLuSa and Sheldan Nidle to impending “mass arrests.” I suppose 45,000 sealed indictments constitutes a mass arrest.
It isn’t an easy subject to cover and we try to walk through the minefield it represents as best we can.
(Suzi reminds me that the blog was born to oppose the cabal. It followed my awakening to 9/11 and depleted uranium.)
Some of the truth, like child trafficking and child sacrifice, is truly horrendous. I think it needs to be revealed in order to rouse the world to stop it. Immediately. How can one wait while children are being mistreated so badly and murdered?
But that doesn’t mean that everyone needs to view the evidence. Social activists, seekers of justice do perhaps. Others do not.
After the Reval, we’ll be able to create departments and isolate certain material. But for now, we’re one continuous blogroll. We have to rely on you being responsible for what you read and don’t read.
There have been allegations that we’re uncritical in our support for the white hats. Do we in fact think that they have everything “right”? No, we don’t.
Let me repost a discussion with Archangel Michael in which he points to the white hats using wilful disinformation to slander a political figure – in this case, President Obama.
By the way, the constant drumbeat from Q Anon against President Obama is an example of where I disagree with Q.
Some willful disinformation is used to fool the cabal. But other instances of it are, apparently, not so well intentioned. It pains me when I see it. But it doesn’t have me want to abandon the white hats. Just, as always, use discretion.
So, no, we don’t hand the white hats a blank cheque and we don’t abandon them. They too can become polarized, just as we can. That part of us all we leave behind.
Their main thrust of dislodging the cabal remains one we respect and support.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, Jan. 18, 2018, through Linda Dillon.
Steve Beckow: Is President Obama guilty of or complicit in pedophilia, child trafficking, colluding with Russia or any other treasonous or major offenses?
Archangel Michael: No.
Steve: Why are they blaming Obama for everything? They did it while he was President and so they’re continuing to do it after?
AAM: There is a deep hatred, in many sectors, of this star brother and also a deep hatred and misunderstanding of his role in the unfoldment. [Their hatred] matters not. It does not affect the grander plan or the unfoldment of the plan.
Steve: There are statements like Trump took papers from his library and has enough to convict him on. Is this willful disinformation?
AAM: This is willful disinformation, correct.
Steve: And [are the white hats willfully disinforming] to protect Obama?
AAM: No, it is an attempt to discredit him.
Steve: By the Trump presidency?
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: Oh my gosh… And the white hats? What about the white hats? Why are they allowing that?
AAM: You are giving too much, shall we say, authority to this group of beings that you call the white hats and you are thinking that they are controlling the entire scenario and that is incorrect as well.
Their focus has to do with a different area of unfoldment and they do not and are not concerning themselves particularly with people’s reputations.
Steve: Anything else you want to say about what’s happening right now during this Accountability phase of the Ascension?
AAM: You are already in your Ascension, as you know and it is a matter of claiming, as we have said again and again, your divine authority to move forward. And of course the claiming of [your] divine authority, the claiming of Ascension also includes Accountability.
Now, when you read, ingest, perceive much of what is not of truth, it is critical that you use your deepest levels of discernment. And we will return to this litmus test: If it does not read, hear, taste, smell like love or truth, then it is not; discard it.
The amount of distraction that is in the very air that you are breathing at this time is beyond phenomenal and there are many quadrants, many elements that are jockeying for position. Many are trying to continue to anchor a realm of existence that no longer is in present reality.
They yearn for what you might call, “the good old days,” but the good old days were vicious, violent, and subservient. So be very clear about what you are allowing into your realm of truth, sweet one. And this is true for everyone.
Steve: Thank you very much for that. How can we help Pres. Obama?
AAM: Pres. Obama is being helped enormously by his star family, by the intergalactic Council, and by many on Earth who have never lost their faith in him. So do not worry about him. He is fine.
He does not allow the slings and arrows of disrepute to enter into his inner being. That is how he has survived thus far and it is how he will continue to survive as you both go forward.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
August 7, 2018
By Steve Beckow

A reader wrote in and was “horrified” at our coverage of Q Anon and the events currently occurring that the Company of Heaven has named “Accountability.”
Accountability is a phase of Ascension – removing oppressors from power, revealing the truth, and installing clean, responsive government. That’s the plan.
There hasn’t been much to report on Accountability in past years – only constant references in SaLuSa and Sheldan Nidle to impending “mass arrests.” I suppose 45,000 sealed indictments constitutes a mass arrest.
It isn’t an easy subject to cover and we try to walk through the minefield it represents as best we can.
(Suzi reminds me that the blog was born to oppose the cabal. It followed my awakening to 9/11 and depleted uranium.)
Some of the truth, like child trafficking and child sacrifice, is truly horrendous. I think it needs to be revealed in order to rouse the world to stop it. Immediately. How can one wait while children are being mistreated so badly and murdered?
But that doesn’t mean that everyone needs to view the evidence. Social activists, seekers of justice do perhaps. Others do not.
After the Reval, we’ll be able to create departments and isolate certain material. But for now, we’re one continuous blogroll. We have to rely on you being responsible for what you read and don’t read.
There have been allegations that we’re uncritical in our support for the white hats. Do we in fact think that they have everything “right”? No, we don’t.
Let me repost a discussion with Archangel Michael in which he points to the white hats using wilful disinformation to slander a political figure – in this case, President Obama.
By the way, the constant drumbeat from Q Anon against President Obama is an example of where I disagree with Q.
Some willful disinformation is used to fool the cabal. But other instances of it are, apparently, not so well intentioned. It pains me when I see it. But it doesn’t have me want to abandon the white hats. Just, as always, use discretion.
So, no, we don’t hand the white hats a blank cheque and we don’t abandon them. They too can become polarized, just as we can. That part of us all we leave behind.
Their main thrust of dislodging the cabal remains one we respect and support.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, Jan. 18, 2018, through Linda Dillon.
Steve Beckow: Is President Obama guilty of or complicit in pedophilia, child trafficking, colluding with Russia or any other treasonous or major offenses?
Archangel Michael: No.
Steve: Why are they blaming Obama for everything? They did it while he was President and so they’re continuing to do it after?
AAM: There is a deep hatred, in many sectors, of this star brother and also a deep hatred and misunderstanding of his role in the unfoldment. [Their hatred] matters not. It does not affect the grander plan or the unfoldment of the plan.
Steve: There are statements like Trump took papers from his library and has enough to convict him on. Is this willful disinformation?
AAM: This is willful disinformation, correct.
Steve: And [are the white hats willfully disinforming] to protect Obama?
AAM: No, it is an attempt to discredit him.
Steve: By the Trump presidency?
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: Oh my gosh… And the white hats? What about the white hats? Why are they allowing that?
AAM: You are giving too much, shall we say, authority to this group of beings that you call the white hats and you are thinking that they are controlling the entire scenario and that is incorrect as well.
Their focus has to do with a different area of unfoldment and they do not and are not concerning themselves particularly with people’s reputations.
Steve: Anything else you want to say about what’s happening right now during this Accountability phase of the Ascension?
AAM: You are already in your Ascension, as you know and it is a matter of claiming, as we have said again and again, your divine authority to move forward. And of course the claiming of [your] divine authority, the claiming of Ascension also includes Accountability.
Now, when you read, ingest, perceive much of what is not of truth, it is critical that you use your deepest levels of discernment. And we will return to this litmus test: If it does not read, hear, taste, smell like love or truth, then it is not; discard it.
The amount of distraction that is in the very air that you are breathing at this time is beyond phenomenal and there are many quadrants, many elements that are jockeying for position. Many are trying to continue to anchor a realm of existence that no longer is in present reality.
They yearn for what you might call, “the good old days,” but the good old days were vicious, violent, and subservient. So be very clear about what you are allowing into your realm of truth, sweet one. And this is true for everyone.
Steve: Thank you very much for that. How can we help Pres. Obama?
AAM: Pres. Obama is being helped enormously by his star family, by the intergalactic Council, and by many on Earth who have never lost their faith in him. So do not worry about him. He is fine.
He does not allow the slings and arrows of disrepute to enter into his inner being. That is how he has survived thus far and it is how he will continue to survive as you both go forward.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
On Covering Accountability | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/07/2018 02:31:00 PM