This is an urgent message to anyone and everyone who is still waiting for “The Event” to unfold.
You are being majestically misled.
You see, keeping you waiting for an external event guarantees to prevent you from ever manifesting it for reals in the first place.
Which sounds exactly like something a negative entity would do.
Wait, what? How does that work?
Allow me to explain.
Allow me to explain.
First off, you are an aspect of the Divine Source.
That makes you an aspect of God itself.
That makes you a God.
And a God never “waits”.
You see, waiting is the exact opposite of what a God does.
For a God always creates.
When someone keeps you waiting and waiting and waiting for an external Event to occur that would seemingly change your life for the better forever, what they are essentially suggesting to you is that you hold absolutely no power whatsoever (over your circumstances).
That you must always wait for some external “saviours” to take care of matters for you.
And that will never happen. Nope. Never.
What these entities are suggesting to you instead is that you are a victim of “outside” circumstances and not their true creator.
That suggestion is a lie.
Heck, that suggestion is an absolute falsity.
For a God is never a victim.
For you are never a victim.
You simply could not be, even if you tried.
For a God is always the creator of their circumstances, no matter what these (circumstances) may appear to be like on the outside.
When you wait for an external event to change your world for you, you become a victim of time and circumstances.
You cannot be a God and a victim simultaneously. Nope.
You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
Choose one.
Therefore, instead of putting all of your time, energy and attention into waiting for some cool “Event” of some sort to take place or whatever, it is far more beneficial and advisable to put the same into learning how to manifest your desired reality and any desired “Events” for yourself instead.
And then you could simply go out there and make your life as amazing and blissful as you could possibly make it out to be.
Zero waiting.
Sounds amazing?
Go do that and watch your positivity and blissfulness spread outwards throughout this planet, this galaxy, this universe, and even beyond it.
This positive consciousness will then raise your frequency while effecting truckloads of positive changes within your world.
This positive consciousness will also come back to you with countless gifts and other desirable manifestations.
This positive consciousness will also inspire millions of others to become creator Gods in their own right, much as a single candle lights up a million others.
You will lead the world by example.
You will become the wayshower that you have always desired to be.
And when millions of blissful creators begin to exist upon this planet, the positive frequency of this planet and its populace will be raised exponentially.
And when that happens, the Event simply has to happen.
No other outcome is even possible.
This is why all spiritual channelers and psychics say that the Event doesn’t depend upon time, but instead depends upon the right frequency of humanity (or lack thereof) instead.
The higher this frequency rises, the more the likelihood of it manifesting the Event.
The Event simply won’t happen on its own. Definitely not in the way that has been repeatedly suggested to you by less-than-benevolent sources.
Anyone who makes you wait for an “Event”, anyone who keeps you awaiting saviours, anyone who conveniently disregards your creator abilities and diverts your focus towards an external entity, date, occurrence or event that will “change everything in your life forever”, is keeping you trapped in a never-ending waiting game.
Don’t play such games. Please.
You will never win such a game.
That is for certain.
And that is exactly what they want.
Don’t let them do that to you.
You deserve better.
Because you are a creator. If you create a never-ending waiting game for yourself, you will also manifest a never-ending waiting game for yourself.
And that would be such a shame.
So be aware of negative energies and entities taking you for a ride.
They might not always have your highest of interests at their heart.
More like the very reverse of it.
Happy manifesting.
Aseim out.
You can reach me at:
The Event: An Urgent Message | Aseim
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/03/2018 11:27:00 PM