It Ain’t Venus; It’s Them Arcturians
July 12, 2018
By Steve Beckow

I mentioned to KM that I’d be posting my comment to him here. The matter seems to be of general interest.
KM suggested that the object might be Venus and asked me to follow up on my report of the sighting with more scientific studies before being conclusive about it.
That’s undoubtedly needed, but not my mission. Sorry.
The discussion helped me clarify my role in things and I appreciate KM for having asked it.
Perhaps let me post this answer to the Venus question and then let me move on from that particular subject, if you’d be so kind.
Think about it for a minute, because I thought of Venus in the beginning too.
Venus revolves around the Sun, as we do. It has a cycle. It’s sometimes here in the night sky; sometimes there.
But this ship has not varied its position in the sky for perhaps the seven years I’ve been absentmindedly gazing at it.
I was saying to myself, hey, this ship is in the same place each and every night. Venus does not do that.
I asked Sanat and Michael and they both said it’s an Arcturian lightship. (1) But you believe what you like. I have no interest in making a great matter out of it.
I write on many topics and can’t possibly follow all of them up. I cast a thread and others need to pick it up. Or not.
Let someone else, whose mission it is, follow it up.
I’m not an activist or a doer. I’m a writer and a thinker.
I’d like to post on this because it seems of general interest. [I.e., I’ve been deluged with emails about Venus.]
Namaste, my friend.
Unless you can prove my less-than-elementary astronomy wrong, please allow me to excuse myself now, with respect, from this particular discussion.
I am still convinced. It ain’t Venus. It’s them Arcturians. (2)
(1) Steve: The lightship that is on the southwest horizon from sunset to 8:48; is that an Arcturian lightship?
AAM: Yes it is.
Steve: And, what is its mission… Just to show the flag?
AAM: That is right. It is more of an observation vehicle and not everyone was fully aware of it but you most certainly are. …
Steve: It’s probably the one Sanat Kumara talked to me about a whole bunch of years ago.
AAM: … A long time ago, yes. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 28, 2018.)
Archangel Michael: [We’re in a] shift from the old 3rd dimensional human being, to, can we say, a global, interdimensional, transdimensional galactic human. (“Archangel Michael: It’s Time to Let Go of the Old,” Oct. 22, 2012, at
(2) The same precious ones who turned the lights red every day so I could cross what Kathleen called a “dangerous corner.”
Every time I approached a certain pedestrian crossing light during the time I lived in Kathleen’s building (2014-6), I’d encounter two red lights stopping oncoming traffic. It was kind of like a red carpet. I’d sail across the intersection, feeling like a king and waving at the lights as if they were the Arcturians.
Michael said the Arcturians would signal their presence to me every day in this way. Kathleen and Sara are my witnesses.
Why did they do it? To wake me up, I think. To get me accustomed to them, ahead of events. To prepare me, as a writer/internet journalist, to write about them later. That’s apparently why I came.
Therefore, who says they don’t signal their presence? A ship a few thousand miles above us every night in the evening sky for you and me to see, and for me anyways, a daily signal of their presence? They’re leaving their calling cards.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
July 12, 2018
By Steve Beckow

I mentioned to KM that I’d be posting my comment to him here. The matter seems to be of general interest.
KM suggested that the object might be Venus and asked me to follow up on my report of the sighting with more scientific studies before being conclusive about it.
That’s undoubtedly needed, but not my mission. Sorry.
The discussion helped me clarify my role in things and I appreciate KM for having asked it.
Perhaps let me post this answer to the Venus question and then let me move on from that particular subject, if you’d be so kind.
Think about it for a minute, because I thought of Venus in the beginning too.
Venus revolves around the Sun, as we do. It has a cycle. It’s sometimes here in the night sky; sometimes there.
But this ship has not varied its position in the sky for perhaps the seven years I’ve been absentmindedly gazing at it.
I was saying to myself, hey, this ship is in the same place each and every night. Venus does not do that.
I asked Sanat and Michael and they both said it’s an Arcturian lightship. (1) But you believe what you like. I have no interest in making a great matter out of it.
I write on many topics and can’t possibly follow all of them up. I cast a thread and others need to pick it up. Or not.
Let someone else, whose mission it is, follow it up.
I’m not an activist or a doer. I’m a writer and a thinker.
I’d like to post on this because it seems of general interest. [I.e., I’ve been deluged with emails about Venus.]
Namaste, my friend.
Unless you can prove my less-than-elementary astronomy wrong, please allow me to excuse myself now, with respect, from this particular discussion.
I am still convinced. It ain’t Venus. It’s them Arcturians. (2)
(1) Steve: The lightship that is on the southwest horizon from sunset to 8:48; is that an Arcturian lightship?
AAM: Yes it is.
Steve: And, what is its mission… Just to show the flag?
AAM: That is right. It is more of an observation vehicle and not everyone was fully aware of it but you most certainly are. …
Steve: It’s probably the one Sanat Kumara talked to me about a whole bunch of years ago.
AAM: … A long time ago, yes. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 28, 2018.)
Archangel Michael: [We’re in a] shift from the old 3rd dimensional human being, to, can we say, a global, interdimensional, transdimensional galactic human. (“Archangel Michael: It’s Time to Let Go of the Old,” Oct. 22, 2012, at
(2) The same precious ones who turned the lights red every day so I could cross what Kathleen called a “dangerous corner.”
Every time I approached a certain pedestrian crossing light during the time I lived in Kathleen’s building (2014-6), I’d encounter two red lights stopping oncoming traffic. It was kind of like a red carpet. I’d sail across the intersection, feeling like a king and waving at the lights as if they were the Arcturians.
Michael said the Arcturians would signal their presence to me every day in this way. Kathleen and Sara are my witnesses.
Why did they do it? To wake me up, I think. To get me accustomed to them, ahead of events. To prepare me, as a writer/internet journalist, to write about them later. That’s apparently why I came.
Therefore, who says they don’t signal their presence? A ship a few thousand miles above us every night in the evening sky for you and me to see, and for me anyways, a daily signal of their presence? They’re leaving their calling cards.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
It ain’t Venus; It’s them Arcturians | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/12/2018 09:24:00 AM